Well, this funny book involves romance and a character named Rosie. #KissFromARose #LyricalApril
Well, this funny book involves romance and a character named Rosie. #KissFromARose #LyricalApril
#kissfromarose #lyricalapril the English War of the Roses 🌹 and the rise of The Tudor dynasty - there's kissing, there's intrigue, there's war. Lots of room for historical fiction 😀❤️so many great reads.
"Once upon a time, a girl had a father, a prince, a society of friends. Then they betrayed her, so she destroyed them all."
#LyricalApril #KissFromARose @Cinfhen
*Made with PicLab
#LyricalApril #kissfromarose - The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. #TBR
#AprilBookShowers #aneeyorekindofread - The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Need to reread this one, it's been so long since I read it.
#kissfromarose https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w7y19ED6Vrk #lyricalapril
Can always count on P&P for these photo challenges! ☺️
This made me laugh way too hard when I found it. Might be because I'm day drinking Georgian Bay Gin Smash...
When I was a little girl, we had an illustrated collection of Grimm fairy tales, that I read over and over. I can still remember how lovely the illustrations were, though I cannot remember who illustrated it. I have no idea what happened to it once it was passed down to my sisters. I tried to find some images of it on Google for this collage, but was unsuccessful. These are images from Google. #kissfromarose #lyricalapril @Cinfhen
It's already been used today but it fits the prompt's lyrics too well! Here's a different cover. #KissFromARose #LyricalApril
#kissfromarose #lyricalapril
I suspect there are hundreds of books about the wars of the roses.......