Cleaned out my folder and got some freebies. New #comics! I have QUESTIONS about what happened to Jubilee prior to this series though. Yeesh. JUST passed 7 hours in #24in48. #xmen #ironman #ririwilliams #ironheart
Cleaned out my folder and got some freebies. New #comics! I have QUESTIONS about what happened to Jubilee prior to this series though. Yeesh. JUST passed 7 hours in #24in48. #xmen #ironman #ririwilliams #ironheart
Setting up for board game and comics. Ozzy is chilling on the cool kitchen floor with us 😎#pugsoflitsy #comics #marvel #ironheart #ironman #blackcloud
For reasons I do not understand, #Amazon is offering crazy low prices for #Kindle #Marvel collections. I bought this one and got an e-mail for a bonus volume (100 to choose from) for free. It was only $3! And you can link through to #Comixology and read them there. Let me know if you find any other brand's #comics this cheap! #IronMan #IronHeart #Spiderman #Deadpool #msmarvel #CaptainAmerica #Xmen #Spidergwen #CaptainMarvel #Mockingbird #Gwenpool
This series has so much great dialogue. Good stories and the the introduction of #Ririwilliams! #IronMan #IronHeart #Marvel
I am loving #Ironheart! The individual comics aren't in the database but I read 1and 2 and am enjoying the way #RiriWilliams story is coming along. I can't wait to read the next one!
Full review: http://wp.me/p6D5Ti-47d