Deciding to jump into the #bookspinbingo this month... just scribbled this out 🤩 have a happy #humpday!
Deciding to jump into the #bookspinbingo this month... just scribbled this out 🤩 have a happy #humpday!
#WonderousWednesday @Eggs
1. Jemima J from the tagged book. A people pleaser who realises that to be happy you need to please yourself first
2. Family, book I'm reading & work/my huge to-do list
3. Sight especially pictures/ diagrams with lots of colour
Want to play? @Stacypatrice @Cupcake12 @jenniferw88 @Onceuponatime
#AllAboutMe #Readers #HumpDay #Summer #BookWorm #BookLover #BookNerd
This first week post-vacation has me wiped out. It is crazy hot out but am giving myself a much needed wine and book break to celebrate getting past hump day of my daughter‘s first week back to school. Also...this book...a lot to discuss...we‘ve decided to move book club to a member‘s home instead of a restaurant bc I think the convo might cause a lot of stares from the other patrons. #backtoschool #humpday
1. Drive to the lake
2. Nothing. I love the long summer days.
3. In a cenote in Mexico in a rubber boat.
4. A garden on the roof of the amphitheater in San Francisco.
#Humpday @DebbieGrillo @MinDea
🏖visit Hammonasset Beach State Park on CT shore
🏖colorful leaves
🏖on a beach, by the sea
🏖 from a scenic walk my sister & I did when at Cape Cod. View of Long Pond.
1) Moulin Rouge Sunflowers (but really any sunflower)
2) City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty
3) Ask a Mortician on YouTube
4) Warsan Shire/Nikki Giovanni (depends on the day)
@DebbieGrillo @MinDea
Hump day book haul!
4 books, 4 dollars and they were all on my #tbr list.
Anyone read one of these?
#humpday #bookhaul #happyeaster #louisehay #ruthware #jennywhite #jeanettewinterson #bookworm #buecherwurm
My kind of night 🌙
Samantha Irby is hilarious and I can‘t stop laughing. A pick me up since I‘ve been feeling down lately.
#goodnight #happyreading #currentlyreading
#comedy #humpday #ebooks #blackauthors #woc
1. Running around barefoot all summer. Riding bikes for hours. The Christmas I got my American Girl doll.
2. It‘s complicated. Probably a half-brother.
3. Just about a year ago.
4. I‘m at work, so this tome is my closest book. All but 3 of us just use our phones, though. None of the students know how to use a physical dictionary.
5. @julesG @OleAnder
@Eggs #wondrouswednesday #humpday