Read last Aug 8 📖
Completed the tv series Sept 14 📺
#thetattooistofauschwitz #heathermorris #bookstoscreen #goodreads #goodreadsreadingchallene
Read last Aug 8 📖
Completed the tv series Sept 14 📺
#thetattooistofauschwitz #heathermorris #bookstoscreen #goodreads #goodreadsreadingchallene
Book is based on a true story. I listened to the audio and found it to be a powerful read. It's a book that will stay with you after you finish. As I visited Auschwitz in 2000, I was able to picture the scenes as they were laid out. It is a book about love, courage and hope for survival for Lale and Gita. I was glad that Lale and Gita were finally married. I found the book hard to put down. Looking forward to reading the sequel, Cilka's Journey.
And with this 4 ⭐ book, the #Spring prompts for #booked2020 are completed. @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Best were the first two.
#makesyoulol #crimesstrangestcases #peterseddon
#parentandchildmemoir #notmyfathersson #alancumming
#tartannoir #laidlaw #williammcilvanney
#aboutgenocide #tattooistofauschwitz #heathermorris
#panasianorsilkpunk #wallofstorms #kenliu
#animaloncover #caseofthecarelesskitten #erlestanleygardner
Obsessed with these books at the moment. I‘m in awe of how many incredible stories can come out of the worst places.
Which is your favourite?
#cilkasjourney #heathermorris #ww2 #bookworm #obsessed #currentlyreading
First book of 2020 - I loved the Tattooist of Auschwitz and I‘m enjoying the story of brave Cilka #heathermorris #cilkasjourney
Please read this article before you buy the book The Tattooist of Auschwitz and it‘s sequel.
#thetattoistofauschwitz #heathermorris
So I have bought this book as I have heard really great things about it. I haven't been in a reading mood lately, does anyone else go through that?
But anyways, let me know what you thought of this book please?
Or if you guys can recommend anything new to get me out my no reading funk. I'm very new to this platform so I'm updating my read lists with books I have read. Getting there slowly but surely.
#heathermorris #newbook
This will be my next read - picked it up at the airport in Vegas while waiting for my flight home. #tbr #heathermorris #wwii #ww2 #newbookwhodis