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Cinfhen Woohoo 🥳 🙌🏻💕yay!!! Congrats 🎉this is your #OfficialSpringEntry 🌷🌈📚#Booked2020 4y
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Macbeth: A Novel | David Hewson, Andrew James Hartley
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3 ½ ⭐
How can you go wrong with Alan Cumming narrating a literary variation on The Scottish Play?

Confession - Macbeth is really the only Shakespeare that I am familiar with, and that's not saying much. I liked how the authors, one a Shakespeare scholar, fleshed out the story. I'm counting it as #TartanNoir for #Booked2020.

Now... #audiowalk and #audiocleaning are done. Let the weekend slothfest begin!

AlaMich I also enjoyed this. Honestly, I could probably listen to Alan Cummings read a telephone directory and love it! 4y
Sace @AlaMich This is true! I love his voice. 4y
Billypar I saw Alan Cuming in a one-man show of Macbeth on Broadway and he was incredible, so he's really the perfect narrator choice! 4y
Sace @Billypar I'm so jealous right now! 4y
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Macbeth: A Novel | David Hewson, Andrew James Hartley
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I started the day with a little #audiocleaning. I feel all productive and sh*t. Surely 45ish minutes of straightening up has earned me a whole day of lazing about and reading?

HannaPolkadots I like the way you think! And I agree wholeheartedly 😁 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Definitely! 4y
Sace @HannaPolkadots @Riveted_Reader_Melissa its all about rewards. Keeps me motivated. 😁 4y
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Reecaspieces Absolutely!!! You have worked hard!! Relax 4y
ravenlee That rate of return sounds right to me. 4y
Sace @Reecaspieces Yes! So hard. I am almost swooning from fatigue! 4y
Sace @ravenlee Me too! 4y
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Macbeth: A Novel | David Hewson, Andrew James Hartley
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Just wondering... Could I count this as #TartanNoir for #Booked2020.... Or is that really not in the spirit of things?

@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen I‘m cool with it/ It‘s ultimately YOUR challenge so if you‘re feeling it, go for it 😁 4y
Sace @Cinfhen ? My thinking is "it's dark, it's Scottish, there's a murder, I already own it... It fits!" 4y
Cinfhen Yup, yup, yup!!!!! Perfect 👌🏾 4y
alisiakae @Sace sounds 👍 to me! I like to see when Littens think outside the box on prompts. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Perfect—great idea! 👊🏻📚♥️ 4y
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Anil's Ghost | Michael Ondaatje
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#AlanCumming reads beautifully! This one is set in Sri Lanka. #ReadingTheWorld

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I saw Alan Cumming‘s cabaret-style show Legal Immigrant in DC on Saturday and I gotta tell ya...it was amazing.

So many things resonated and so many things to think about. He‘s just so damn good.

#alancumming #cabaret #lgbtq

Macbeth: A Novel | David Hewson, Andrew James Hartley
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Historical thriller adaptation of Shakespeare‘s Macbeth. I listened to an audio version read by Alan Cumming. Loved this reimagining and Cummings reading of the story was perfect.

Macbeth: A Novel | David Hewson, Andrew James Hartley
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I must start by saying I haven‘t read Shakespeare‘s Macbeth, but I dug this novel! Co-author A.J. Hartley is a Shakespeare professor and used Shakespeare‘s “short tragedy” as a “jumping point.” Hartley‘s novel is set in the 11th century and in the actual town in Scotland where Macbeth lived and fought (Shakespeare used fictional dates and locations). More historically accurate while still allowing for creative license- great historical fiction!

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I burned through this one really fast. Listening to Alan read his memoirs is mesmerizing. This book seems to be a response to the things revealed in an episode of a genealogy show he did that delved into his family's unknown past. Reconciling the past and the present after what was a very, very difficult childhood. Heartbreaking but also beautiful 🖤

#memoir #alancumming #lgbtq

TricksyTails 💜💜💜 7y
SkeletonKey @TricksyTails 🖤🖤🖤 7y
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Alan Cumming is another one of those people I could listen to for days. I just started this audiobook but I'm already a third of the way through.

#lgbtq #alancumming #memoir

TricksyTails Same! I love him. 😊 7y
SkeletonKey @TricksyTails - He's so good!! 7y
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