March #bookspin board…I‘m not feeling the best about it, but I think it will work out.
March #bookspin board…I‘m not feeling the best about it, but I think it will work out.
First YA History, and I like how easy it was read so much info quickly with this genre. I knew nothing about Arnold except he was a traitor; learned lots about him plus lots of interesting background on the Revolutionary War - much felt like trivia and tidbits, but I love that sort of thing. The impact he had on American history was fascinating.
On the one hand, I did learn some things about Arnold. On the other, I don‘t think there was really enough for a stand alone book. I felt many scenes were unnecessarily expanded just to fill pages.
Also warning for sensitive readers (like me), some of the battle scenes have rather graphic descriptions.
I also learned that apparently “YA history” is now a genre. 🤷🏼♀️
Book 2 for #NFNovember
Book 6 for #NovelNovember 🎉
Clearly written by someone who has never truly known the despair of depression. #mentalhealthawareness #depression #suicide
My favorite book with a flag of the cover. This is a revolutionary war story - the story of Benedict Arnold from the perspective of his wife. Beautifully told. Well worth the read! #flagday
3.5/5 This was a an enjoyable read. Filled with lush descriptions (that don‘t bore the average reader) of colonial Philadelphia & Hudson Valley, this tale about Mrs. Peggy Shippen Arnold was a quick read. Told from the POV of Clara, Peggy‘s maid, the plan to betray, manipulate, and destroy the Revolutionaries unfolds. The best part was the last chapter. A great history lesson for readers who enjoy Colonial America.
📖 #HeyCarrots #PotteraDay #Shakespearereadalong #authoramonth 🙄 Our Orange toddler king POTUS ☕️Coffee ☺️ I used my hair dryer & curling iron for the first time in a month! I felt soooo good afterwards. 🏷 Wanna play @Nute @Chrissyreadit @Come-read-with-me @Eggs @TheBookHippie @Mitch @LibrarianRyan @AJBowers @marleed @4thhouseontheleft #ThoughtfulThursday
Thanks @Texreader @NeedsMoreBooks for tagging me 💜 #EasterExtravaganza #SetYourOwnGoals #HeyCarrots #PotteraDay
My favorite part about the book was reading what he was like as a kid.