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Quanto ti ho odiato | Kody Keplinger
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!


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Just finished Legendborn.... WOW!!!

Now on to the tagged book. Need to finish this in like 3 days. Doable with only like 6 hours for the audiobook.


@TheAromaofBooks @ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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My final read for #bookspinbonanza. I made it through 5 of the books on my list. I think I'm in the minority here because I loved both the book and the movie (even though they are very different.)

Now I'm off to create my #bookspin list for next month... 😊


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The DUFF movie: in comparison to the book, the only thing similar between the two is the characters names. Well, that's not entirely accurate. Bianca briefly mentioned that she wanted to be a journalist and in the movie, she was in a journalism class and her mom wrote a self help book. Those are the only similarities.

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Bianca navigates her way around learning that she was deemed the Designated Ugly Fat Friend by the hottest guy in school. After reading this again as an adult, I could not get past how terrible her friend, mom and dad was and how she blamed their terribleness on herself.


(This review does not cover the movie. However, the movie can calmly burn in hell) The book was.. interesting. It follows a teenaged girl named Bianca. Bianca has a lot of gumption, and really speaks to average teen girls, but the story is severely lacking. It‘s almost as if the author realized this in the middle of writing it, but instead of adding better plot points, they just put in more sex scenes!

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I may have read this from a moms perspective, so felt aggravated at times. But I did like the book overall.

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#humpdaypost #legallyblondejr #crazykids
1. My daughter and costar as Paulette and Kyle with my hubs jumping in. They wrapped up with school performances Monday. 2. Nope 3. Crafting/Reading 4. Table next to me 5. Tagged- not sure yet!

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I really liked The DUFF (and KK‘s other books) and also books by kasie west, Ali Novak, rainbow Rowell, etc. Lokking for recommendations of other YA - chick lit books that can serve as ear/brain candy from Audible!! Please and Thank You!!! @Chrissyreadit @ErinSueG

swishandflick Eliza and Her Monsters is one of my faves! 6y
swishandflick Ooh, and Dumplin! 6y
LaLecture The tagged book and other books by this author are really cute YA reads 😊. 6y
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LaLecture One of my all time fave YA series ❤️ 6y
rubyslippersreads How about Jenny Han‘s To All the Boys I‘ve Loved Before series? I also enjoyed 6y
BooknerdsLife I'm not a big contemporary fan and read mostly YA fantasy, but reading and it's very cute. The Hate U Give is another good one. 6y
BooknerdsLife If you like fantasy, The Darker Shade of Magic series by VE Schwab is also really good 6y
Chrissyreadit This sounds like a good one but I have not read it. 6y
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1. Finding Nemo 🐟
2. Nope. Have never attempted to, don‘t drive much.
3. The D.U.F.F. - I absolutely loved the book and read it in basically one sitting. The movie was a horrible travesty! 😤
4. Uncle‘s birthday dinner tonight and dinner with my sister on Saturday. 🍽🥗🍤
5. Will do! 🤗


MarriedtoMrT I couldn‘t even bring myself to watch the movie for The Duff. It looked like they made it into an ugly duckling rom com and that SO was not what the book was about. 6y
JenlovesJT47 @MarriedtoMrT yep that‘s basically what they did, it barely resembled the book. 😒 6y
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😂 Yes—exactly—my cynicism is simply a result of my intelligence and connection to reality. #JunkFoodRead

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Super cute and fun quick read. :) Bianca resonated with me so much. I love how this book mentions so many things that most of us go through in high school, but never really think about or analyze for that matter. I could definitely identify with Bianca in so many ways... At the end of the day, we have all been the DUFF at some point in our lives. ;)

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Bianca no se considera la más linda del instituto, pero sí demasiado lista para dejarse engañar por el atractivo Wesley. Por eso, cuando él la llama Duff , lo último que espera es acabar besándose con él. Pero pasa y, aunque lo odia, el beso le gusta. Y sin saber cómo, empiezan una relación secreta de amigos con beneficios. Y poco a poco se da cuenta, con horror, de que tal vez haya algo más que sexo entre ellos. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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“Wesley Rush doesn't chase girls, but I'm chasing you.”
My go to book when I'm sad for 4 years now. 😍
#theduff #wesleysbitch

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I've seen the movie, but I'm loving the book so far, it's hilarious!

#bookstagram #bookgram #summerreading #theduff #kodykeplinger #currentlyreading #chaptersindigo

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This book felt very authentic, and I flew through it in about two days. I loved how complex both Bianca and Wesley were, and I really loved the take on sexuality in high school. However, I found some of the language to be problematic - it's clearly a product of its time. All in all, I enjoyed it! Would recommend to an older YA reader.

#diverseladybookproject #theduff #kodykeplinger

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Happy #fridayreads, everyone! After the epicness of SHADOW AND BONE, I'm taking a little break to read some YA contemporary before going back to Grisha-land. But let's me honest... I'll probably end up reading both simultaneously. 🙈

What are you reading this weekend?

#litstagram #bookstagram #theduff #siegeandstorm #diverseladybookproject

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A re-read for me, first time on Audio, not my fav narrator but still quite good. I adore Bianca and this book. Love

MarriedtoMrT I love this book, too! 8y
kristina_with_a_k I love the movie. So funny! 8y
Michelle_mck @kristina_with_a_k I like the movie too but it's nothing like the book sadly 8y
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My Fav YA book is on sale in the Aussie #audible store for $4.95 this never happens! Stated listening and it's so good, have read the book twice and I'm not a re-reader

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Re-reading. 🤓📚


"No matter were u go or how u distract your self realty will always catch up with u"- the duff

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3.5🌟 Overall, this is a pick. That said, the audio is horrible!The narrator can't do male voices.👎🏻

The book addresses teen sexuality and body image in a realistic way. (How boys can affect the way girls see themselves.) I definitely would've related to it as a teen. Bianca's family's storyline is weak, but overall a solid debut. Her writing has gotten better over time, but this is still her most popular.

#LitsyAtoZ Letter K (A day early 😉)

B.Reader Loved this one! 8y
BookishMarginalia 👍🏼 8y
Librarianaut I really enjoyed this book; I found the sexual candor refreshing and was glad the "bad boy" turned out to be so emotionally supportive 8y
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Reading The Duff for a break from all the walking in Paris. Not a bad way to spend the evening.


Exciting read

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Reading while getting everything together for tomorrow, and the drive to and from MrV's grandparents!

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I enjoyed this book written, so I picked it up on sale on #audible. I'm a little worried because the female narrator's male voice is a bit shaky, but I figured they have the great listen guarantee. Hmmm...🤔🤔 #audiobooks

Sometimes I like authors and feel I should support them. Does anyone else ever feel that way?

Soubhiville Yes! I try and always buy books new if I really love the author, especially if they're new writers! 8y
Megabooks @Soubhiville Great! 😃😃😃 This author is from my hometown and is an advocate for disability rights, which is close to my heart! 8y
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📚🔔📚 $2.99 Amazon/B&N I really enjoyed this funny YA novel and need to read more Keplinger's novels.

Seekingtardis I loved this movie. I cried through the whole thing! From laughter mostly but also for empathy and frustration. 8y
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This was a lot better than I thought and hooray for avoiding some of the Mean Girl-esque cliches I thought it would hit.

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I saw the movie first. Now that I've read the book, I think I will see the movie and book as separate entities. The book had realistic relationships and taught a lesson that every woman and man needs to learn. Labels we and others put on us shouldn't define us. Sometimes even I need to be reminded of that at my advanced age. Great book. Highly recommend. 👍🏻

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#ruinedbythemovie - I absolutely loved the book version of The Duff and read it in one day. I ended up buying the movie the day I finished the book and was very sorely disappointed to say the least. Maybe I will like it more after a rewatch, since it's been a year now. Still, no comparison to the book. #octphotochallenge #sadtimes 😌💩😖

Zelma I refuse to even watch it. The synopsis sounds awful and completely wrong. The book is so much richer and darker than I ever expected it would be. 8y
JenlovesJT47 @Zelma yes! It was truly terrible. The book was great. 8y
moranadatter I enjoyed the book, but I can't bring myself to watch the movie. It looks so very bad. 8y
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Bianca Piper is #SmartandSnarky in The DUFF. I watched the movie first (😱) but the book had so much more depth (of course) so she is my pick for #DariaWannabe #OctPhotoChallenge plus... I do love Mae Whitman

Librarygal08 Read book before movie cant believe how much they changed in the movie 8y
Smangela @Librarygirl88 I couldn't either! It's generally my rule to NEVER watch before I read but sometimes I have to acquiesce when I get overruled by my mom and sister. So the movie was cute, but the book was just wayyyyy less fluff! I really liked it :) 8y
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I may have swooned at that line. More than a 29 year old should.

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Just finished this one in one session. Felt like reading something "light" tonight and it fitted perfectly. Nice distraction, quite open-minded and made me laugh a lot.
Definitely a good pick if you just want to forget the world for a little while ;)

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I loved that the movie is *mellower* (tame) than the book. I watched this with my Dad and it would be awkward. Hahaha. On the other note, I think I'm the DUFF in our group haha. #Kobochronicles in a sea of kindles Hahaha jk

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I found this book at a garage sale and only grabbed it because I remembered it had been made into a movie recently. Best choice I could have made. This book is a wonderful read as it really casts a light on how people cope differently when dealing with stress. This book is charming and fun to read, though a little more "adult" than anticipated. It's worth your time :).

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So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!

WordWaller I read this book but didn't see the movie, though I didn't really like the book very much. 8y
AnnaDesourdy @WordWaller if you didn't like the book stay away from the movie 🙅🏼 all the great parts of this book were completely ignored in the movie 8y
Zelma Yes, so glad you enjoyed it. The depth is what won me over. It is so much darker and more serious than I thought it would be. The movie synopsis looked to awful and wrong I can't even accept that it's the same story, just sharing the title. 8y
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So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!


So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!


So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!


So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!


So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!


So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!


So I just finished this book. I know I'm 6 years behind (I was busy making/raising little people) but this book is the epitome of "Don't judge a book by it's movie." I can barely think of any similarities aside from character names. I liked the movie at the time but after actually reading the book it was "based on" I see how awful it was. This book, while a little racy for a YA romance/coming of age, had some serious depth I wasn't expecting!

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suvata Just one more chapter = Famous last words 8y
Texreader Haha! So right!! 8y
Zelma I always hate the mental calculations in the middle of the night of sleep time versus number of pages left. 😆 8y
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Chapter 2 and I'm already wishing the MC was real so we could be friends 💕😂

Zelma This book is completely underrated. I absolutely loved it. Refuse to watch the movie as the description seems so wrong. Also, there is no way they could do justice to the emotional rawness of the protagonist. So so good. 8y
AnnaDesourdy @Zelma I've seen the movie and enjoyed it but I NEVER judge a book by its movie 😉 8y
Megabooks Really enjoyed this one. The sequel (sort of) Wasn't as good. 8y
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Better than the movie! Surprisingly deep in parts even though it's fluffy as well. Full review to come soon on my blog. Also you can find me here on Goodreads- https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5880366-angel-erin