This book started well, but halfway through, it became really boring. I struggled to finish this.
This book started well, but halfway through, it became really boring. I struggled to finish this.
An ambitious and astoundingly successful memoir that aimed to shed light on and de-villainize the sociopathic personality disorder. Patric Gagne did not hold back on her story and my world is a bit more empathetic because of it. An excellent read.
For being a sociopath, Patric still lives a pretty good life. I didn‘t get a feel of how bad being a sociopath truly made her life. The book definitely gives a lot of insight into sociopathy and sadly the lack of information that was out there in her formative years. This story just didn‘t capture me. I felt like I was just reading about a privileged LA girl with some mental illness sprinkled in. Good for her though being so successful in life 🙂
This was an excellent book that I couldn‘t put down. I‘ve read the Sociopath Next Door and this book adds insight, facts and personal experience from the sociopaths perspective. She explains how she experiences the world and how our culture has failed to understand people with sociopathy. I hope her research is able to help those feeling lost within their condition. I loved the Jessica Rabbit analogy “I‘m not bad, I was just drawn that way.”
Book one of October /#hauntedshelf is this memoir. It is, apparently, super-controversial and polarizing, but in general I found it to be a very engaging read that is informative on the subject of how everyone may not process or engage with emotions in the same way. I dunno if there‘s as much science as I wanted, and I dunno if I believe everything happened in this book as stated, but I also dunno if that matters as to its enjoyment value.
I thought this was great! My only dislike was not getting resolutions to the Ginny Krusi storyline, and I wish she had gone more into when her dad asked her to cover for him. I thought I‘d end up not liking the author, but that wasn‘t the case at all! (42)
⭐️: 4/5
A well written memoir describing the inner workings of a sociopathic mind, from PhD and diagnosed sociopath Gagne. Despite challenging the societal idea that there is something inherently sinister about a person with a lack of feeling, Gagne‘s behavior is often pretty disturbing and she seems almost proud of it. It was interesting though and I do think I know more about sociopathy.
Quite interesting, if very sensational memoir of a self-diagnosed sociopath. There‘s some valid messaging about negative inferences of popular use of labels like sociopath here. But it‘s a little difficult to glean just how accurate a retelling this is. Particularly when research into the author fails to deliver certainty on some of the credentials claimed. So definitely compelling, but to be taken with a grain of salt I think.
I wouldn‘t say I ever got tired of this book; Gagne is a fine enough writer to keep the reader interested but toward the end I began to wonder if it was going anywhere. It feels like she either glosses over some major details of her life, or maybe she can‘t actually speak of them for their heinousness. Either way she is a sociopath so it‘s certainly anybody‘s guess if her word can be taken.
Dr. Gagne reads the audiobook and she does a great job.
This is a well written memoir, and(I‘m going to break my review rule here since she was clear that she doesn‘t care what people think of her) this explains what sociopathic tendencies feels like. However, I felt a lot of the book was justification for her releasing that pressure valve in her mind and doing shitty things. I understood her points, but I didn‘t like it and I didn‘t like her that much that threw the book off for me.
Admittedly I don‘t ready many memoirs, but heard an interview of the author and was intrigued. The content at the beginning and towards the end were compelling and I learned quite a bit about the experience of sociopathy. The middle sections grated on me after awhile and the writing was pretty cliche at times.
Fascinating, raw, honest, thought provoking. A raw examination of sociopathy, personality differences, and how one person has navigated her life, purpose, and relationships, all through her own unique lens. Great on #audio read by the author. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
You know it‘s freaky every time I see this cover because the girl on it looks so much like me at that age. While it had some moments towards the middle-ish end that felt repetitive and dragged for a bit, I found it to be quite a fascinating story. The author did an excellent job of narrating her story.
Here‘s my NONFICTION bracket for June. The tagged book was the winner, but only because most of the nonfiction I read this month was merely OK. It won‘t progress to the finals. Hoping for a better July with NF picks.
Very interesting! I‘m glad I read this book as I didn‘t know much about sociopathy.
19-20 Jun 24 (audiobook)
Interesting memoir written by a woman diagnosed (or maybe self-diagnosed) as a sociopath. Sections did not exactly ring true. Which could be predictable as one of the traits of sociopaths is that they are liars. Apparently there is considerable controversy surrounding Patric‘s PhD which may not exist.
Regardless, it was an entertaining memoir and an insight into psychology and treatment of mental conditions.
*I give every memoir a 5 star because it is not up to me to rate someone else's lived experience*. That being said, I think the topic of sociopaths was very interesting. I am taking a psychology class right now, so it was very interesting seeing her point of view being a sociopath and applying it to what ive learned in my class. Getting to see through a person's lens into their mind is a very unique experience. 5/5
Another full day of gardening. I had a huge clump of variegated hostas underneath these massive solid green ones, so I dug them all out and now I‘m figuring out where to put them. I really enjoyed Patric‘s story and trying to understand sociopathy through it. Her mom really frustrated me but I can empathize with her fear, unhappiness and frustration too.
Another #audiobook from #libby for the win! 😁🎧📚
(Ugh that write up is rude with typos, but nothing I can do about them now. SMH)
The effing grass and weeds are gone from my measured out part of the boulevard. Maybe I will attack the next chunk at some point during the summer or fall. Now to add compost and good soil and then move plants from my neighbour‘s garden. Apparently my MIL is having a garden ripped up tomorrow so I‘m going to talk to the gardener coming in to do that job to see what I can have from there to add #givemeallyourplants
“Think you know a sociopath? I‘ll bet you‘re right. But I‘ll also bet it‘s the last person you suspect. Contrary to popular belief, sociopaths are more than their personality markers. They are children seeking understanding. They are patients hoping for validation. They are parents looking for answers. They are human beings in need of compassion. But the system is failing them. Schools aren‘t recognizing them. Professionals aren‘t treating them.
Audio cleaning and I found someone hiding! It does make cleaning a little more tolerable listening to a book! Happy Hump Day!
Started this one yesterday on Everand! Not sure yet how I feel about it… Sociopaths tend to lie constantly and deceive so is she telling us the truth?? Thoughts?!
Skepticism about the science and its source aside, Sociopath is a gripping read. I would caution against taking it as gospel, but it‘s certainly interesting and a powerful exercise in expanding our horizons for empathy. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/sociopath-patric-gagne/
Patric Gagne is an accomplished author, podcaster, wide, mother, author, and a sociopath. She tells the story of her life, realizing she was different than others as a child—she couldn‘t find it in herself to be sad when a pet died. This led her on a quest to figure out her own mind and landed on the definition (or lack thereof) of “sociopath”. She dedicates her life to finding out more about this condition and is now helping others.
Damn. This book was good. I wouldn‘t push it to the top of your list, and occasionally her name dropping and privilege made me roll my eyes, but it really turns the narrative on sociopathy. I‘m better for having read this book. Without question.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sociopathy doesn‘t just apply to criminals. Seems obvious now, but I‘d never given it much thought. Dr. Patric Gagne (pseudonym) sets out to destigmatize this diagnosis, explaining what it was like to discover her disorder, and to learn how to navigate the challenges. I‘ve seen people stating inconsistencies and questioning the authenticity, which honestly kind of tracks, but what do I know? Well-written and eye opening, regardless.
This is one of my favorite memoirs this year! 5⭐️ all the way!
Gagne realized she was different than other kids early on. She had a deep need to act out against other kids and break laws, but yet she felt apathetic emotionally. She found a checklist for sociopathy and realized she fit it to a T. With her deep intellectual curiosity, she began to work out ways to self-treat her condition. This led to a PhD and work with other sociopaths.
I heard Patric Gagne interviewed on a podcast so wanted to read her memoir which I found fascinating.
Gange is a sociopath who now has a PhD in psychology. She shares what it was like growing up, knowing she was different, and then coming to terms with the diagnosis and accompanying stigma. Now she wants to help others with the disorder. Super interesting, but I was left with some lingering questions. She seems remarkably self aware and sometimes her story seems like you are reading a shined up screenplay. It is worth a read though for sure.
The weekend is here! I'm starting two books. I'm listening to Sociopath. And I'm reading an ARC of A Novel Love Story.
Acquired: Destroyer of Worlds, 3 (grouped) books related to autism, and the tagged, which I am *geeked* about
Read: Ghostwritten - 4 horror novellas on how books can be evil ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Reading: Emotional Vampires - so far, en-💡-ning and Murder at the PTA (for #seasonalcozies & great so far!!).
Found: these amazing fish stickers. 🫢🤩
Not separately depicted: enjoying #hyggereadinghour
#ReadYourKindle @CBee
I will definitely read the tagged and probably First Lie Wins.