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How To Forget Almost Everything | Joshua James Amberson
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I loved this book! I took a class by the author at PCC and quite honestly could hear his voice as I read. When I saw he had published a book, I didn‘t even read what it was about - I just picked it up from the library and started reading. The story wasn‘t what I was expecting but it was phenomenal all the same.

birdie_gw Tbh my second fave part of this app is journeying thru all your nail colors 5d
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Sociopath: A Memoir | Patric Gagne
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Damn. This book was good. I wouldn‘t push it to the top of your list, and occasionally her name dropping and privilege made me roll my eyes, but it really turns the narrative on sociopathy. I‘m better for having read this book. Without question.

birdie_gw I was curious about this one but the length gave me pause! 2w
pdxannie @birdie_gw I read it while waiting for appts. It‘s easy reading. 2w
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What is with the hype? I felt like this book was written for Karens while blundering through problematic tropes. The bit with Chona is no different than a white savior, and why are all of the descriptions of women so sexual? It‘s cringe. Also the way that disabilities are discussed- sure, make this a period piece, but you can do that without calling each character a cripple and denying them any thoughts beyond their physical limitations.

birdie_gw Definitely a slog. I‘m gonna finish but oof. The characters are weirdly flat even though they‘re often also technically kind of eccentric. I will say, Son of Man is a good name for a character imo 3w
birdie_gw That‘s the best/only good thing I‘ll say 3w
pdxannie @birdie_gw lol yeah, agreed. Overall there are too many characters to feel a connection to any of them. 3w
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Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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I am actually so surprised by this book. Jill‘s ghost writer is better than Mariah Carey‘s (and Britney Spears‘). I binged 19 Kids and Counting when I was recovering from my hysterectomy and it seemed obvious at the time that the kids were being exploited but jeez.

birdie_gw Listening to the audiobook! 3w
birdie_gw Did you watch the Amazon doc about their church? Shiny happy people I think 3w
pdxannie @birdie_gw I did! So good yet so disturbing 3w
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This book is beautiful when you get accustomed to the cadence. I think it‘s going to stay with me a long time and at some point, I‘m sure I‘ll flip this to a pick.

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I got to see Amanda Montell at Powell‘s last night with Chelsea Bieker! It was such a great event and I can‘t wait to dive into Amanda‘s new book!

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Parts of this book I couldn‘t put down but other parts were so boring I wanted to give it up. I‘m not satisfied with the ending, I‘m not satisfied with the weird hotel/well drama, I don‘t know. I feel like this book could have been great.

birdie_gw Never read this author and don‘t plan to - have heard such good things about some titles but just can‘t bring myself to approach! 1mo
pdxannie @birdie_gw it was extra long but if it had been edited down to an appropriate length I think it could have been great. But yeah, I can‘t say I recommend. And I don‘t think I‘ll pick up anything else by him unless it comes with a write-up from someone I adore 1mo
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Godshot | Chelsea Bieker
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This book took me a second to get hooked but then I didn‘t want to put it down. Written from the perspective of a girl raised in a cult and although it‘s fiction it seemed very real, probably because the situation is more common in the US than we like to acknowledge.

birdie_gw I love a good cult story. Are you painting a room that color?? Love it! 2mo
pdxannie @birdie_gw yes! I‘m painting the hall area outside the bathroom that color and you are the only one that likes it lol! I love it. It‘s going to be lovely and everyone will be proved wrong! 2mo
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Heartbroke | Chelsea Bieker
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I picked this book up on Saturday morning when the library opened and it‘s Monday night and I just finished it. Could. Not. Put. It. Down. Holy shit it was so well written. It was refreshing writing. I placed the author‘s only other book on hold. I became aware of her because she‘s going to be at Powell‘s in April with Amanda Montell (author of Wordslut and Cultish). I am a huge Montell fan girl but now I might be more excited to see Bieker?!

pdxannie Also, it should come with every trigger warning. 3mo
birdie_gw Looks interesting! Short stories? 3mo
pdxannie @birdie_gw yes but some of the stories have recurring characters. 3mo
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birdie_gw Ah ok I like that! Will see if my library has it. 3mo
birdie_gw (They do) 3mo
pdxannie Hell yes!! 3mo
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The Best American Short Stories 2023 | Heidi Pitlor, Min Jin Lee
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This was a fantastic collection of short stories picked by Min Jin Lee. My favorite was The Master Mourner by Benjamin Ehrlich with Ling Ma‘s Peking Duck right behind it. Peking Duck had some of the same early childhood references as Severance which stood out. 10/10 highly recommended

Life Ceremony: Stories | Sayaka Murata
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I loved some stories and others made me ill like old school RL Stine. I love the author‘s imagination. She‘s weird and I love that about her stories. But I probably wouldn‘t read the book again which gives this a rating of so-so.

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@birdie_gw have you read this one? If not, put it on your list. C and I are going to Chile in October bc Isabelle Allende inspired me - specifically this book - and I‘m going to reread it in Sept before we go. We can read it at the same time if you‘re game!

birdie_gw Yes will add to my list and we can read at the same time! I still revisit places in the Japanese lover in my mind. Your trip sounds so exciting! 3mo
pdxannie Yay!!! I‘m so excited to read it with you! 3mo
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Dom Casmurro | Machado de Assis
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I can‘t believe Dom Casmurro was written in 1899. It‘s brilliant. I read the translation by Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson.

birdie_gw You read so fast! I have to translate every word to my minds eye. Makes me slow I think. 3mo
pdxannie I don‘t read fast it‘s just all I did this weekend hahah! 3mo
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I wish I could remember who recommended this book to me. It kind of reminded me of The Joy Luck Club with how it was organized and in that way, I want to reread it already.

birdie_gw Started this last night! 3mo
pdxannie @birdie_gw omg I hope you love it as much as I did! 3mo
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Loved it and floored that is was written in 2018.

birdie_gw Excited to get my copy from ebay! 💜 3mo
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