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Sudden Death
Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
A daring, kaleidoscopic novel about the clash of empires and ideas in the sixteenth century that continue to reverberate throughout modernity—a story unlike anything you’ve ever read before.   Sudden Death begins with a brutal tennis match that could decide the fate of the world. The bawdy Italian painter Caravaggio and the loutish Spanish poet Quevedo battle it out before a crowd that includes Galileo, Mary Magdalene, and a generation of popes who would throw Europe into the flames. In England, Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII behead Anne Boleyn, and her crafty executioner transforms her legendary locks into the most sought-after tennis balls of the time. Across the ocean in Mexico, the last Aztec emperors play their own games, as conquistador Hernán Cortés and his Mayan translator and lover, La Malinche, scheme and conquer, fight and f**k, not knowing that their domestic comedy will change the world. And in a remote Mexican colony a bishop reads Thomas More’s Utopia and thinks that instead of a parody, it’s a manual.   In this mind-bending, prismatic novel, worlds collide, time coils, traditions break down. There are assassinations and executions, hallucinogenic mushrooms, utopias, carnal liaisons and papal dramas, artistic and religious revolutions, love stories and war stories. A dazzlingly original voice and a postmodern visionary, Álvaro Enrigue tells a grand adventure of the dawn of the modern era in this short, powerful punch of a novel. Game, set, match.
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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1. I don‘t remember if the tagged book is the last book I read in translation but it‘s definitely a recent one. I DO remember enjoying it.

2. No, but I do occasionally read articles in French or German and very rarely (and badly) in Hebrew for work.


TheSpineView ðŸ‘😊📚 4y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I have no idea what to do with this book...
I have no idea how to explain this book...
But I read it...

catiewithac I made it halfway through this one before I bailed. Did the plot ever make sense? 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick When I click on the book listing, the description sounds like word soup! 😂 4y
effani I felt more or less the same way about this one. I read it and that's about all I can say. 4y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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“I don‘t know what this book is about. I know that as I wrote it I was angry because the bad guys always win. Maybe all books are written simply because in every game the bad guys have the advantage and that is too much to bearâ€

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I‘ll admit it! - I chose these books from the library PURELY because their colors put me in a happy Spring mood! ðŸ’

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I'm excited to see what books people start picking for #booked2018! If I may be so bold, I recommend the tagged book, Sudden Death, for # 1: #featuringanolympicsport. It's pretty bizarre and I was on the fence (though intrigued) for much of it, but it totally won me over with such pure charm amid the unusual structure. It was my first read of 2017 and a good one. Give this one a try and let it just wash over you. 🎾🎾🎾 #recommendsday came early!

BarbaraTheBibliophage Love, love your Bullet Journal version! 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks! If I didn't transfer these over I'd never get organized enough 😆 7y
Eggs Great journal 😊 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Natasha.C.Barnes I totally get it. Just spent a while making a spreadsheet for my 2018 challenges. 7y
Cinfhen Love your #BUJO page and great recommendation! Have you read this one 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @Cinfhen Not yet! That's a great suggestion, thank you! 7y
Cinfhen Can't recommend it enough!!! Yay!!!! There's a GoodReads group for #Booked2018 too 😊 7y
BarbaraBB I am doing the tagged book for the sports prompt because it is on the #1001books list as well 7y
alisiakae Your #bujo looks a little bit like my bujo, but you have much better handwriting!! Love it!! 7y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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#decktheshelves & #reindeerreads #day3 - #greenbooks & #historicalfiction

Finally got around to reading this one a few weeks back. The main framing device makes it a little difficult to keep track of which characters are which, and by the time all the cards are on the table you kinda wonder why the author even bothered. That aside, this is a terrifically inventive and deceptively ambitious novel that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

BookishTrish I may accidentally have just ordered this book. Oops 7y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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#catchingup on #awesomeautumnbooks #day28 - #greenwithenvy

Pretty sure this is something like the 3rd time I've used this book for a "green" prompt on a daily challenge this year.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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#favoriteline of recent memory, or at least of those I've saved via kindle! I need to copy out more quotes... #autumnreads

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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So good.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Super weird, but always entertaining. Not since reading American Tabloid have I been forced to Google so many characters to discover if they were real or not. The storytelling is a little stop-start and the timeline is utterly jumbled, but the overall effect is perfectly charming. There is also some remarkable breaking of the fourth wall which emphasized the playfulness of the whole thing. Uncategorizable, but a delight nonetheless.

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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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#Riotgrams / #Junebookbugs day 10 - #booksinthewild / #death

Another long overdue entry on my #TBR

Just cleared 3000 #litfluence !!!

MayJasper ðŸ‘ðŸ‘👠7y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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What am I reading?

Zelma This was in this year's Tournament of Books and was certainly a divisive choice! Some loved it, others, hated it, many didn't understand it. great discussion though! 7y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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My husband and I are starting to move tomorrow (only one floor up in my apartment building to a much bigger, renovated apartment, so relatively easy), but these books will kill me. This is a relatively large box and it only contains books from 4 shelves from 1 of the bookcases. The first day of the move will literally be me, rolling a box of book upstairs, unloading, and then coming back for another load. My husband predicts at least 10 trips. 😱

JoeStalksBeck Oh yes! 7y
Robothugs You don't really understand how heavy a box of books is until you have to carry a box of books. I feel for you! But happy you're getting a bigger space, that means more books! 😠7y
Jabberwocky Good luck! My partner and I did this a few months ago and it was hellish! 7y
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BookFreakOut When we moved a few months ago we had to small boxes so I wouldn't blow the bottom out and so I could (unfortunately) carry them myself. Terrible! 7y
erinreads @BookFreakOut Thankfully I borrowed a cart from work, so I just have to wheel it. I will never take this box off the cart and just load and unload from the box in my many trips up and down. 7y
erinreads @Jaberwocky I told my husband I would move all of the books and little things if him and anyone else would move the large, heavy furniture because I'm not into that, hahaha. 7y
erinreads @Robothugs I'm definitely excited about the extra space for more bookcases because MORE BOOOOOKS. 7y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Life is too short to invest a lot of time with books that leave me aggravated. After three hours, this #audiobook had not developed enough of a story, or spent enough time with a core set of characters for me to develop any reason to stick with it. I've heard enough to understand the #ToB17 commentary.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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My green books for St Patty's...I need more green books.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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#marchintoreading day 16 - green covers

I assume this has to do with St. patrick's day coming up? Have been meaning to get around to this one for a while; another relatively blind purchase about what I still don't know.

Also, decided to steer into the whole poor lighting aesthetic (though now that I look at it, this one's not too bad).

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Do you have your brackets ready?


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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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What the heck? Just no. I could only take 25 pages of this boring weirdness. I guess I'm in the ToB Hall of Shame. Btw this is me parasailing a few years back.


Megabooks Great picture!! 8y
DreesReads I managed to finish this book. Somehow. It does not get any less weird. 8y
Mimi28 Thanks for the head's up about the book. The pic looks like fun though!!! 8y
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JSW I felt the same way. I never connected to any of it! 8y
Laalaleighh I read the whole thing like this ? then created a new shelf on good reads called "unrateable" and put it there. 8y
Mindyrecycles Aw geez it won the play-in round! I disliked it so much I requested a refund from Amazon, which I've never done before. (edited) 8y
Mindyrecycles @Mimi28 It was SO fun. Hoping to parasail again this summer. 8y
Redheadrambles Ahhh the only book from the play in round I didn't read - but I didn't sound like something I would enjoy 8y
BkClubCare I admit I didn't read every word (or rather "listened" - did the audio) but I was oddly captivated yet also baffled. I chose it to continue so am pleased! 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Today's #bookhaul from Barnes & Noble. Also caved and finally became a member so I could get the extra 10% off and free shipping on bn.com. ðŸ‘ðŸ»ðŸ‘ðŸ»ðŸ‘ðŸ»

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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"I don't know what this book is about. I know that as I wrote it I was angry because the bad guys always win. Maybe all books are written simply because in every game the bad guys have the advantage and that is too much to bear"

Laalaleighh I don't know what it was about either! But it was intriguing! 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Brackets! Woo hoo!
#ToB17 #ToB2017

merelybookish Saw it this morning! I feel bad for Black Wave pitted against Underground Railroad. And I will be angry if High Dive advances against The Mothers! 8y
outis @merelybookish Seriously. Black Wave could beat a lot of other books in the tourney (it was awesome IMO), but Underground Railroad? (I haven't read UR yet, but hard to ignore all the press & recs.) 8y
merelybookish @outis I haven't read It yet either but hard not to feel it's a bit of a juggernaut in this competition. For Black Wave to beat it would be a major upset. 8y
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outis @merelybookish But there is some precedent in F&F's exit and zombie return last year.... 8y
merelybookish Oh man, I hated F & F and was thrilled when it got knocked out. I also hated A Little Life. Really, last year's tourney was more about rooting against rather than rooting for. 8y
outis @merelybookish I did not like F&F either. I didn't hate ALL, but I did actively discourage my friends from reading it. Loved The Sellout, though! 8y
Well-ReadNeck Bummed that two of my favorites are against each other in the first round. I think We Love You, Charlie Freeman should be more widely read, but The Nix was my favorite book of last year and the one I'm rooting for to win it all!!! 8y
Suet624 Ohhh! I hadn't seen the brackets. Thanks! I agree @Well-ReadNeck that it's a shame those two books are pitted against each other. 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I realize I'm a little behind the news, but just saw the shortlist. Was bummed not to see And, Again or Dark Matter, but my favorite book of the year is there (The Nix).

Here's my new dilemma - to read or not to read. I've only read half of the books and I'm feeling a strong pull to read the others and set up a bracket for myself. Anyone else playing along??? #ToB17 #ToB2017

BekahB I've always thought of doing the same in the past, although I've never quite made it through the entire selection. Really amazing choices this year! 8y
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Mindyrecycles I'm trying! And if you've read half, you're ahead of me. I've read Nix, Railroad, Homegoing, Charlie Freeman, Grief, Black Wave. Almost finished The Mothers and Throwback. 8y
Cortg I'm doing The Nix on audio now. I'm almost done and loving it! 8y
mklong I'm in! A lot of them are short this year so I think it's manageable. Jump on in! 8y
Zelma Super excited about the tournament but appalled I haven't read any of the titles yet! 😬 8y
Well-ReadNeck @mklong Yay! Ok, I'm diving in. ... now, which to read first ... 8y
Suet624 I've read 9 of them! Pushing through trying to get them all read. 8y
outis I have read 6 and am aiming for 14 by the time #ToB17 / #ToB17 starts. Hoping the ones at the bottom of my TBR get the boot in the first round! But if not, I should have time to read them. 8y
mklong Yay! Glad you are in! My library hold for Throwback Special came in today. Seems like a good weekend for it! 🈠8y
Redheadrambles I will hopefully get through 5 before the start and then might add others depending on how they progress through the rounds. 8y
BkClubCare I have 4 left and two have long waiting list at library. Guess I'll have to read The Sport of Kings next (and attempt to sneak in audiobook of The Nix maybe) 8y
Well-ReadNeck @BkClubCare the audiobook of The Nix is great, but long. 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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What a wonderful book! It is laugh out loud funny and hilariously irreverent, while drawing important connections between the imperialism of the past with the globalization and homogenization of culture today. #ToB2017

vivastory Great review. I really want to read this one. 8y
mklong @vivastory You really should read it, he has some great things to say about the place of art in history too 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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It's about tennis. And history? Just getting started on this (hopefully quick) audiobook for my #12 of #tob17.

Suet624 Having trouble finding all the books on the TOB shortlist. You're doing great!! 12 out of 16! 8y
BkClubCare @Suet624 - I am a bit obsessed. 😊 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Ready for this #ToB2017 read! The description sounds bonkers so of course I'm excited. Really they had me at "tennis ball made from Ann Boleyn's hair"

Moray_Reads Love love love this one 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Bleh. Not in the mood for postmodern narrative hijinks.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Let the games begin! #TOB2017

susanw I hope they offer the mugs again this year, I regret my logical decision, due to already owning too many, of not getting one. 😔 (edited) 8y
BkClubCare @susanw - I want one, too. I did get the tee, though. 8y
BkClubCare Ooo - I like the shape of that mug. Maybe we can exchange with each other when we get bored?! just joking, no one has time for that 3y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I really didn't like this book at first--I didn't feel like reading a novel like a history book. It was sardonic, but not as funny as the reviews promised. But I settled into it and eventually realized how amazing it was that Enrique had been able to make me feel connected to these characters. I recommend it, but only if you're in the right mood. If you start it and hate it, know that the book doesn't change as you go along, but you may.

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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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It took me so long to even remotely enjoy this book, but I've developed a kind of quiet affection for it.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Three more #artrelatedbooks. Two offering fictionalised acvounts of events in the lives of real artists (Carravagio and Van Gogh) and the third following the life and works (and forgeries) of fictional Dutch Master Sara de Vos. I enjoyed the Last Painting and loved Sudden Death. Let Me Tell You is still tbr. #SeasonsReadings

vivastory Is that UK cover or e-book cover for "Sudden Death"? I like it more than the American cover. 8y
Moray_Reads @vivastory It's the UK cover, I much prefer it to that lurid green one 8y
DeborahSmall These look great! Thank you 💞📚 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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"We are who we are, unfixable, fucked. We wear tennis shoes. We fly from good to evil, from happiness to responsibility, from jealousy to sex. Souls batted back and forth across the court. This is the serve."

I am weird and I love weird books. This book was freaking fantastic! Enrigue does a masterful job of weaving the sport of tennis into rich history lessons. I'm here for the tennis balls made of human hair; here for it all!

britt_brooke Great photo! 📷 8y
Lupita.Reads @britt_brooke thank you! â¤ï¸ðŸ“š 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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BookishMarginalia 🤔😳 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Pinkish and greenish?! Some of these are a stretch! #bookphotochallenge

TheSpinecrackersBookClub The beautiful covers make up for the lack of accuracy 😉 I think it's close enough anyway. 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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We're celebrating our shiny new Litsy account with some books that have seen a lot of love. Here's a new copy of Sudden Death next to a copy that has been sitting in direct sunlight for a few months 🙀

Liberty ☀ï¸ðŸ“šðŸŽ¾ 8y
margaux.andrea I love how sun damage has turned the jacket's color to teal. 8y
BookishTrish Stacked! 8y
readinginthedark They‘re both beautiful! Nice colors! 7y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I suspected from the description that this would not be a book for me but tried it anyway for a group read. I have it 50 pages.
It's kind of like a Moby Dick treatment of a fake story and I was just not interested. Tennis with a ball made of Anne Boleyn's hair? Hmm.

ReadingEnvy *gave 8y
DreesReads I read the whole thing. It was odd. I learned a lot--thanks to Wikipedia. To me it read like a book that will win lots of awards because no one quite gets it. 8y
ReadingEnvy @AudreyMorris Yeah... This will sound bad maybe but when I'm reading for "pleasure" I don't want to have to work *quite* that hard. And I've read Ulysses and Infinite Jest. :) 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I learned a lot about the 16th century, real tennis, Caravaggio, Cortes, etc etc. What an odd book. Thank you to google and Wikipedia for being there when I needed you!

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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I feel much less bad about not quite getting this book. Because if the author didn't know what it was about, how can I?

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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80 pages to go. Due tomorrow, no renewals. Another chilly night at soccer practice.

BookishTrish Been there! 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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A great quote split over two pages is a terrible thing indeed.

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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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jeff This one is up next on my TBR. How do you like it? 8y
Linds @jeff I'm enjoying it so far. A lot of people seem put off by the factual tone, but it's quirky and surprisingly funny. 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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This is such an odd book. Still, I did not get to spend enough time this weekend sitting right here reading it.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue

I've never read anything like this. For that reason, I'm not panning it. But it never lived up to the reviews on the back, for me. I never felt connected to this book. Can't really recommend it. Oh well.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Halfway through and waiting for these promises to deliver. I'm still interested in seeing how it all works, but dang I'm tempted to bail.

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Excellent book: strong, chewy prose, plays with original ideas & goes to heart of matters while keeping many balls in the air (so to speak). Love the quirkiness & idea of Caravaggio, Mexican art, Catholic cardinals & politics converging. But pseudo-factual style= I couldn't 'dive into' story. 😕

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue

Looking forward to this one. Another from #musemonthly. ? "A mind-bending story" and "gut-punch of a novel?" Okey dokey!!

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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A strong, masculine, unconventional, demanding novel. Also playful and darkly funny. I so want to love this, but I'm struggling. The style is remote or distanced somehow - so I can't seem to get traction. Too esoteric (Lauren groff's word)? I will persevere!

jmkeene I loved it. Weird but compelling and worth the work. 8y
Abailliekaras Ok I'm going back to it now... 8y
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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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More tennis, by way of a beautiful photography exhibition by Paul Strand, who visited Mexico, birthplace of Alvaro Enrigue. Strong writing: "...the fever that afflicts those who have yet to recover from too much to drink, landing them in a purgatory of shivers."

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Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Today's library haul! 1001 movies is for the middle schooler, who will be excited to see it at pickup😀

Sudden Death: A Novel | Álvaro Enrigue
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Book stack: so much goodness here but too many to read... and yet I keep adding to the pile.... 📚

Yossarian I like combining the books I read concurrently, so for example Elon Musk inventing a time machine to kill young Stalin in his crib . . . 8y
Abailliekaras Love it! I suspect with Elon Musk, anything is possible... 8y
DivineDiana The pile NEVER stops growing! ðŸ˜ðŸ“š 8y
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