“I'm telling you why we broke up, Ed. I'm writing this letter, the whole truth of why it happened. And the truth is that I goddamn loved you so much.”
#luckyinlove #loveletter #whywebrokeup #danielhandler
“I'm telling you why we broke up, Ed. I'm writing this letter, the whole truth of why it happened. And the truth is that I goddamn loved you so much.”
#luckyinlove #loveletter #whywebrokeup #danielhandler
Why We Broke Up is a story following a girl post-break up giving back items her previous lover had given her.
For the topic of the story, this book didn't do much for me. The heartbreak felt even faker than the relationship felt, I didn't end up caring at all about any of the characters and after a while- they all ended up blending together.
#LiteraryLove Day 17: There is a box filled with #heartache in this illustrated novel. While this book may be deemed as a purging of sorts, it was never heavy-going nor irrepressibly-gloomy. The pain is lined with humor and random ruminations that won‘t ever cease, very-free-association-like. There is an audible-albeit-expected gasp when the reader gets to see the entire picture. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-52d
#anewchapter #uniqueread
From the synopsis: ‘Min Green and Ed Slaterton have broken up. All that is left of their relationship is a box, and inside it is the reason why they broke up, comprised of bottles caps, matches, a protractor, and various other objects of great significance. It's an odd, funny, heartfelt story of love and loss told through the most unlikely assortment of items.‘
#AdelesMayMashUp Day 20: #AllIAsk is a box filled with poetry, obscure films, and rose petals signifying everything and nothing. Why We Broke Up. Illustrated by the unparalleled Maira Kalman. Full review here:
Just felt like I had to document that somehow.
5/5. i love love love loved this. the author, daniel handler, is actually the non-pseudonym of lemony snicket, whose writing style i really like. it was a lot of log descriptive passages and a lot of attention to detail, which was one of the main themes of this book. also, the illustrations were beautiful! be warned if you want to buy this, though, the heavy paper makes it hard to hold (i almost dropped it on my face, 😂).
i‘ve gotten sick again 🤧🤧
i really wanted to make a post about how beautiful the illustrations by maira kalman are. lovely :)
This book was brilliant in many ways. It made me rehash some of my own adolescent disasters. That said, I didn‘t love the style (though I did love the structure), and wouldn‘t recommend it for everyone.
Good book to finish while waiting for Hurricane Irma to pass us by. Thank you @WanderingBookaneer for lending it to me eons ago. 🤣
Good book to finish while waiting for Hurricane Irma to pass us by. Thank you @WanderingBookaneer for the lending it to me eons ago. 🤣
I love how colorful and thoughtful this book is. They really made an effort for it.
You have to admire the effort they put into this book!
Bought this because I discovered Daniel Handler = Lemony Snicket. Turns out, "Unfortunate Events" is a lot better. It's an ok novel if you're just getting out of a bad relationship, or if you really like old movie references that most people won't get.
Here's the teen's summer reading haul. I may be raiding her shelf 🤗
This book chewed me up and spit me out.
I thought this was brilliantly written, and I loved Min's character. Her voice was so poignant and relevant, and I loved reading her letters to Ed.
The illustrations in this book were absolutely stunning as well. They completed the story perfectly.
My heart is broken. Everyone, go read this book.
"I'd ruin any day, all my days, for those long nights with you, and I did."
"The thing with your heart's desire is that your heart doesn't even know what it desires until it turns up."
Stories and chocolate bars ❤ best ways to spend Sundays??
I really wanted to love this book ☹️ but the truth is I just liked the drawings on it... the story ended up being boring, and for me it kind was nonsense #sorrynotsorry #whywebrokeup
Just rip my heart out of my chest, why don't you? Very addicting read, I couldn't put it down. It's great if you've experienced heartbreak of your own, definitely reminded me of my ex at times. But even if you haven't, it's a good plot line that keeps you guessing. Thank you to my AP Lit teacher for recommending this for me ❤
I tried reading this. It just couldn't keep my interest. It's very all over the place and it's hard for me to even think of recommending it. No offense to the author, but it is not a very good book IMO.
The Original Manic Pixie Dream Girl™
Also just like a sweet, genuine representation of teenage love and angst and a girl getting her shit done—even if the epistolary premise is a wee smidge ridiculous. It was really beautiful to read a book that allowed two teenagers to fall for each other, be together, and break up without either belittling what they shared or demanding they stay together forever.
And the accompanying art, oh my. 😍 #ya
It was a very good read, that even I, as an adult, can still relate to. It kind of also serves as somewhat of a cautionary tale, I think. I did enjoy the way the book was written in the sense of Handler had a commendable grasp of how teens actually talk, and that's not alway with proper English, lol.
It looks like a journal without the dust jacket, and I love it 😍 bought it used, so I don't have a dust jacket with it, but so far it's heartbreaking (as to be expected)
"I waved but couldn't answer, because I was finally letting myself grin as wide as I'd wanted all afternoon, all evening, every sec of every minute with you, Ed. Shit. I guess I already loved you then."
I listened to this on audio so I missed out on whatever art came with it. It was short and pretty decent.
Ugh. Should've broken up with this book after the first three page run-on sentence. And why was this book so HEAVY? Beautiful illustrations, terrible characters, and seriously, reading this was like doing bicep curls. Skip it, unless you want a good arm workout.
"I'd ruin any day, all my days, for those long nights with you, and I did."
I couldn't even get through the first four pages. I'm not one to often complain about characters but I do need to care about them somehow to keep reading. The next page could have said she got hit by a truck and I would have been happy! Petty.