Don't normally read chick lit, but damn if I'm not finding certain parts of this book relatable.
So apparently this was made into a Lifetime movie a few years, and this is totally not how I pictured Kai and Jackie. Movie adaptations so rarely get the casting right. Anywho, I really enjoyed the book and related to much of it as I'm newly 40. My only issue is being torn between being happy that there was an unrealistic happy ending and being disappointed that there was an unrealistic happy ending.
Don't normally read chick lit, but damn if I'm not finding certain parts of this book relatable.
Was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this book, as I don't normally read Steampunk. I also like that the ending wasn't as tied up in a neat little bow as one would expect. Definitely going to read the sequel.
I was quite impressed by the counterpart to this one, Red's Untold Tale, so I'm hoping to be equally so with this one. I LOVE fairytale retellings!!
Damon Salvatore, my favorite brooding YA hero! He's the epitome and sets the bar for the rest! This book is definitely amusing and makes subtle references to so many, lol.
This book was amazing! Moyes does such a wonderful job of conveying her characters' emotions and the two time periods are expertly woven together. This was a beautiful story!
Mac n' cheese. It's what's for lunch. Hoping #thegirlyouleftbehind is as good as #mebeforeyou. So far so good.
Spot of *iced* tea and a good book! Just finished this gem of a book and, while I would have preferred the ending not be so cookie cutter, it was a really great YA book that actually makes one think about how each action, no matter how small, effects our future. Jay Asher does it again!
Absolutely wonderful little companion to an absolutely wonderful series...
I absolutely cannot rave about this series enough! The character and story development and plot twists were expertly done! #lainitaylor is a genius! If YA fantasy is your thing, I highly recommend this series!
A little reading and a face mask before bed... Excited to delve in to this book!
Yeah, I'm an occasional sucker for a cheesy paperback romance from time to time, lol...
A really good story with a lot of potential but it ultimately fell flat at the end.
Lunch and a fairytale! I need to see if there are others in this series!
Omg, I cannot express to you in words how much I loved this book! It's been a while since I've read a book that literally gave me chills! (No pun intended, lol.)
A little reading and relaxation before bed! Happened to come across this new fairy tale retelling the other day at work. I can't wait to dive in!
I've never been quite so irritated by a male antagonist in my life!! He really made it hard to get through this book. I also wish Esme would have had a little more of a backbone. Overall though, it was a good little read.
I cannot say enough about this book!! The ending was so intense!! There are plot twists and turns aplenty!! I tried to purchase the sequel immediately after finishing it, but sadly it isn't out yet. There are two novellas available on Kindle, however, to tide one over. Please hurry, Ms. Paige, and get that sequel out!!
It took me forever to get through this book as there were parts that seemed to drag on forever! However, I love the historical accuracy Weir took pains to get right. This is the very sad story of a woman who was too pious for her own good. Damn that stubborn Spanish pride!
I've always been fascinated with all things Tudor, so naturally I'm so excited about this series. This is how I will always see Katherine of Aragon...
Finished this gem yesterday. I'm ashamed that I'm just now reading it at thirty-eight. I love this book and can truly see why it's still relevant and popular with the YA crowd after all these years. Definitely a classic!
Emotionally, this is the hardest book I've ever read in my life. Just hit too close to home. Otherwise, it's honestly one of the best realistic fiction YA books I've read.
It was a very good read, that even I, as an adult, can still relate to. It kind of also serves as somewhat of a cautionary tale, I think. I did enjoy the way the book was written in the sense of Handler had a commendable grasp of how teens actually talk, and that's not alway with proper English, lol.
While it seemed to take forever to get through, it was a really great story. And while it is categorized as YA, I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone under the age of fifteen.
About halfway through book #2 on the reading list for class. While it is a good book thus far, I'm really questioning its categorization as a YA read. There's some pretty, um, explicit stuff in here...
While it was a bit confusing at times to really know who the story was exactly about, and I still don't know what the point of the vampire was, it was still a really good, quick read! I love the way he ties it all together in the end! Oh yeah, and the author flips back and forth between tenses a lot. I mean, really, a lot. But still, the story is great.
I thought this was a great YA read! Really liked the main character, in all her flaws. I appreciate so much when a character isn't perfect. Makes them more real.
I actually liked the side characters better than I did the main character, but honestly, that's something I can really appreciate in a book. Not normally something I would read, but I figured I paid for it, I might as well. Fairly good middle grade/YA read.
Another of my favorites this year! I absolutely love fairytale retellings!
Definitely one of my favorites of 2016!
There are no words. This is absolutely the best book I have read this year, and quite possibly last year.
While the story idea itself was intriguing, the main character's indecision absolutely drove me nuts. More than likely won't read the rest of the series, but it was a fairly decent read.
This was definitely the best book I read in 2015! I loved it so much I made my husband purchase the sequel minutes after finishing it.
A little "light" reading. Almost hooked. Almost...