Here are the #BlindDateWithABook reveal!
I book I got for myself (on the right) is my my TBRrrrr!
Though, I‘ll pass on reading it now for another time when I have the opportunity to appreciate it.
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Here are the #BlindDateWithABook reveal!
I book I got for myself (on the right) is my my TBRrrrr!
Though, I‘ll pass on reading it now for another time when I have the opportunity to appreciate it.
Post 2 of 2
There are worse ways to spend a Sunday afternoon.
How do all the colors in my view match this cover?!
#auldlangspine Book 3 is another fantastic read. Chakraborty‘s Daevabad trilogy is one of my favorites & this book has been on my TBR since its release. Amina did not disappoint! I loved the older female pirate & her crew. The blending of historical & fantastical elements creates a richly imagined world full of adventure. It is also an interesting portrait of a woman trying to juggle her passion for adventure with her desire to be a good mother.⬇️
My library doesn't have this ... My reasoning for buying
#ukkindledeals #99ponkindle
I finished my 7th #10BeforeTheEnd
And it might be my last.... I have picked up Intermezzo and Ours a couple of times to read a chapter or 2 and then have put them down and walked away.
I am reading some fantastic books not on this list. We will see where the next week and a half leads us, but I am finding it hard to resist the pull of new shinny things, and also the library books that need to go back.
Maybe I can get to flamingo next week....
3.5 low pick. I read parts of this on audio, which I do recommend I thought they did a great job with muffling and inflexion, it was entertaining.
Overall there is this odd place this book falls for me. It felt a bit juvenile but also the topics were clearly adult. Something there just didn't work for me. I also found it much too long, I skimmed the last 50 pages.
I have got to get these books back to the library! This week's stretch goal. I am 3/4 into the tagged and am listening to the audio on my walls, hope to finish tomorrow. I am 1/3 into Tenants Downstairs and hope to finish that Tuesday. Picked up 7 Moons on audio to supplement my reading when walking.
I really enjoyed this story and LOVED these characters. It‘s a bit progressive for the times it‘s set in, but it‘s fantasy, and I don‘t read fantasy for the historical accuracy. This story is full of treasure-hunting pirates, dangerous magical artifacts, horrifying sea monsters, sorcerers, djinn and other supernatural creatures. I‘m glad the ending hinted at more adventures with Amina, I can‘t wait to see what else she gets herself into.
“Had I been so naïve to see purpose in the incidents that had led to me being here, rather than quirks of an uncaring universe? What madness to gaze upon the violent chaos and cruelty of this world and have faith!”
“It is not always easy to do the right thing… More often than not, it is a lonely, thankless ordeal. That does not mean it is not worth doing.”
The farther I get into the story, the more I love Amina. She‘s such a badass 😅
“I have traveled widely enough that I take everything written about ‘foreigners‘ with doubt and know better than to judge a community by their worst individuals.”
I‘m definitely reading too much at once, but I wanted more adventure, so I picked this one up from my shelf where it waited for a while. I‘m also doing my holiday reads and still halfway through a nonfiction book, so this just might be my last physical fiction read of the year (cause I‘m also LISTENING to fiction). So many books, so little time…
So it looks like this is the first book in a new series (?) … I enjoyed the adventures the mfc became immersed in and how they were resolved… good read
So when you‘ve had a good nights sleep, wake up, and it‘s raining outside… you start reading and the next thing you know you start to get sleepy but you really want to keep reading … what do you do …. Asking for a friend 👀📖
I‘m thrilled I was finally able to prioritize this book which sat unread on my shelves for over a year - it‘s a wild and fun ride. I read a few chapters per day because it was too outlandish to plow through without giving consideration to each adventure. The cast of characters on board-ship with the nakhuda,Amina Al-Sirafi is a hoot!
October #DoubleSpin Category: Tall Tales @TheAromaofBooks
I wanted to like this more than I actually did, but it is still a Pick. Amina is a really cool character, and I also loved the Islamic background, tales and believes. But the plot didn't really grasp me, I can't even tell you why. I just didn't feel involved too much. Still, I think I continue the series, because I really liked the characters and want to know what else happens to them.
#roll100 @PuddleJumper
Thanks for the tag @Eggs !
1. Hands down my favorite for August! And up there for favorite of the year!
2. All books! They all fill important roles, I can listen to audiobooks at work, ebooks make taking my TBR on vacation so easy, & sometimes you just want the physical weight.
3. Sci fi or fantasy. ✨🚀✨
My Saturday afternoon involves awesome dogs and an awesome book! THE ADVENTURES OF AMINA AL-SIRAFI has everything: swashbuckling adventure, nuanced friendships with a whole lot of history behind them, intriguing magic, and intense VIBES. (Love a VIBE.) I can‘t wait to dig into the back half.
ALSO, today is Rocco‘s fourth birthday! I gave him some celebratory ear-skritches when I got here.
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView !
1. Service to others.
2. Reading. Baking. Spending time outside. Traveling.
3. Absolutely no question, hands down. Probably up in my top five of the year so far.
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
Impulse HPB buy! A female pirate!!
Amina Al-Sirafi is a retired Muslim pirate captain who finds her was back to the sea for one last adventure. The story reminded me of Tress of the Emerald Sea, but more adult content. It‘s a wild adventure, but the camaraderie of the main crew was my favorite part. Despite their bad choices or past conflicts, they come together to create a community. Lots of magical creatures, but also just a mom trying to find a work/life balance… as a pirate.
Amina was just trying to settle in to her retirement, when her pirate past returns with a job she can‘t refuse. It‘s time to bring the old crew back together & fight sorcerers, elementals, sea monsters, & an ex-husband.
This was such a freaking delight! Diverse crew, excellent blending of historical & fantastical, mother/daughter relationships, & a hook for sequels that has me giggling in glee. Need to bump her other books up my TBR! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
Well this was a delightful old-fashioned pirate adventure story, set in the 12th century Indian Ocean Islamic world and starring a badass woman Nakhuda (ship captain) and mom. I loved the supporting characters (two are queer), the "let's get the gang back together for one last hooray" vibe, the villain(s) (is Raksh a villain??), how thirsty for pretty men Amina is, and the rich world-building -- historical and fantasy. Excellent as an #audiobook!
House work done so my plans today consist of soaking up as much Vitamin D as I can while it is semi decent outside (as opposed to hiding out in the AC).
"Are not all mothers capable of being monsters when it comes to their children?"
"I am murderous and despondent" says Amina. I'm going to start using this when someone asks how I am and I'm in a bad mood ?
This was my book club‘s June pick—and what a fantastic read it was! The premise: a 40-something retired female pirate is pulled back into the seafaring world for “one last job.” Amina rounds up former crewmembers and heads off in search of her client‘s missing granddaughter, and of course there are… complications. The fantasy/magical elements are woven into an impeccably-researched story (complete with sources at the back). ⤵️
Judging this book by its cover worked out fine — the tale was as fun and epic as the artwork suggests. Retired pirate and single-mother is forced to get her ol‘ band back together for a rescue mission across the sea (or Indian Ocean more specifically). Real magic and ancient legends are both help and hindrance. It was a wild ride (sail?) and I could practically feel and taste the salt water spray…
Middle-aged former pirate leaves her 10y/o daughter and ailing mother behind to rescue the daughter of a former crew member. Mythical sea creatures, djinn, magic,...
@BookmarkTavern #sundayfunday
Some moments that gave me joy this week:
🎉I was accepted into the spiritual direction program I applied for!
📚That program acceptance came with an exciting book list, so of course I went book shopping!
😋Had an amazing brunch with a good friend (pork belly eggs Benedict and churro waffles)
🎆Enjoyed fun fireworks at a friend‘s house for 4th of July
🏴☠️Had a great book club discussion on the tagged book
This swashbuckling fantasy adventure set in ancient times in the Middle East was fun and fast-paced. It's filled with terrific characters and a lot of humour. It was also nominated for a Hugo Best Novel award this year. #hugoawards #hugo2024
#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 29. Meowth: There are pirates)
“…to be a woman is to have your story misremembered. Discarded. Twisted.”
Amina is a protagonist I‘d love to just hang out with. She‘s confident in her skills as a captain and knows how to run a tight ship. The seasoned mariner viewpoint was refreshing after multiple books with young voices. I can‘t wait to read her next adventure.
The audiobook was fantastic. They made it feel like an oral history recording with “off-mic” asides included.
Thanks to @HOTPock3tt for #auldlangspine recommendation. Also, a Hugo nominee.
"By God, what is this world coming to when such dogs manhandle grandmothers on the street! I bet none of you are even local! A fine thing, for our foreign overlords to import men to harass honest Adenis! Is this what we pay taxes to support?"
I have not, in the entirety of my life, ever paid taxes. Or customs fees. Or fines of any sort (I do pay my zakat and give sadaqah, of course, for the Divine Authority is the only one I respect).
I'm not sure how historically accurate this is, but I enjoyed this tale of a pirate and her adventures. We are introduced to many mythical creatures and I enjoyed the battles. I feel the tone of the story moves between YA and adult. There is no explicit sex, just people getting together off screen. Since I would like more of Amina's adventures, and more of her relationship to her daughter, I can see myself reading the next book in the series.
My TBR for the month of April. I just finished Forgotten Sisters and am about to start Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice.
Starting this next 🎧
In the first half of this book Chakrabory lays the foundation for her new series. As a result it is a slow and, frankly not very interesting beginning to what becomes, in the second half a thrill ride through a well-built world. Amina Al-Siafi is a mother, was a ship‘s captain/pirate and returns to the sea to rescue a young, magical girl . Her past shipmates join her on what becomes a life threatening adventure. Looking forward to the next entry.
This book will be in my top 10 of the year. (Things I read in week 1 usually are!) I was really interested in this story but unprepared for how much I would ADORE the voice 😍 written in first person as if the main character is telling her story in her words to a journalist, it‘s SO GOOD. The adventures of a middle aged mother retired pirate with a bad knee… I‘m so happy there‘s more coming. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is my current audiobook. Adventures stories are not my typical genre, but a bunch of kittens recommended it a couple years ago so I bought it. I am so caught up with it. I love the characters and all the mythology. It truly is a swashbuckler. It‘s fun to get used to the names from a region of the world I rarely read about and even more fun when I recognize cross religious stories. Halfway through and still being surprised and carried along.
For 2023, I've decided to do a top 10 for both fiction and non-fiction in 2023. Here's the fiction list - in more or less ranked order (the hardest part!):
1. The Adventures of Amina Al-Sarafi
2. When the Angels Left the Old Country
3. System Collapse
4. Legends & Lattes
5. Some Desperate Glory
6. Mammoths at the Gates
7. Station Eleven
8. Nona the Ninth
9. Killers of a Certain Age
10. A Tale for the Time Being
What an adventure! ❤️📚 A middle aged, female, foul-mouthed pirate, who is a Mom and also kicks ass? Yes, please! This epic novel has magic, demons, otherworldly creatures, peril, found family, and SO much imagination! The conclusion is utterly satisfying, but also leaves the door wide open for more adventure. Do yourself a favor and listen to this on audio. The narration is fantastic and it absolutely added to the experience. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 /5 ❤️📚
Listening to this one on audio. Covid has hit our house and I‘m the only one left standing. This has kept me entertained while I‘m washing, and disinfecting, making homemade soup, and delivering meals and drinks to my 4 patients. Really enjoying the adventure and humor so far! ❤️📚