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Run Towards the Danger
Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
Oscar-nominated screenwriter, director, and actor Sarah Polley's Run Towards the Danger explores memory and the dialogue between her past and her present. These are the most dangerous stories of my life. The ones I have avoided, the ones I haven't told, the ones that have kept me awake on countless nights. As these stories found echoes in my adult life, and then went another, better way than they did in childhood, they became lighter and easier to carry. Sarah Polley's decades of work as an actor, screenwriter, and director is celebrated for its honesty, complexity, and deep humanity. She brings all of those qualities along with her exquisite storytelling chops to these six essays. Each one captures a piece of Polley's life as she remembers it, while at the same time examining the fallibility of memory, the mutability of reality in the mind, and the possibility of experiencing the past anew, as the person you are now but were not then. As Polley writes, the past and present are in a "reciprocal pressure dance." Polley contemplates stories from her own life ranging from stage fright to high risk childbirth to endangerment and more. She beautifully captures her experiences, and in so doing, she finds a path forward, a way through. After a head injury, Polley struggled for years in a concussion induced-fog until she met a specialist who gave her wholly new advice: to recover from a traumatic injury, she had to retrain her mind to strength by charging towards the very activities which triggered her symptoms. Rather than live in a protective crouch, she had to run towards the danger. In this extraordinary book, Sarah Polley explores what it is to live in one's body, in a constant state of becoming, learning, and changing.
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I was not very familiar with Sarah Polley before reading this collection of essays but now I am a fan. She covers a lot here, from her life as a child star in Canada, coming to terms with her celebrity, and in the last essay, her recovery from concussion. She‘s an engaging writer.

Thanks to the #SheSaid group for putting this one on my radar.

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I‘m so glad #SheSaid chose this as one of their books and that my library had it when I checked for a 2nd time. I never would have read it otherwise, and that would have been a shame because this is amazing.

I didn‘t know anything about Sarah Polley going in. After recovering from serious injury she is told to “run towards the danger” and that is what she does in these 6 very personal essays covering different part of her life.

AnneCecilie In several of these she looks into her time as a child actress and how it effected her, her family as a kid and her later as a parent. She also talks about her sexual assault experience and her pregnancy history. The most powerful essays for me were “The Woman Who Stayed Silent” and “High Risk”. 2d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid!

What a different essay to wrap up the book!

Let me know what you thought of this last one and the book as a whole. See you in the comments!

CatLass007 I thought the final essay was very enlightening. I am disabled and have several “invisible” illnesses. Sarah Polley‘s mention of people believing she was “malingering” sounded very familiar. 2d
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vlwelser This last essay was great even if it maybe didn't fit exactly with the others. That treatment plan was something else and also that it worked. I loved this entire book. 2d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 me too! And yes, so YES! From the time I was little other kids accused me of putting it on for attention, with no idea how I wanted to be able to just run with the rest of them unnoticed. People are crazy and so quick to out any otherness. 2d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser it didn‘t fit exactly, but yet…it did, that running towards the danger was the theme of most of the book. So it seemed off from the rest, yet essential. 2d
vlwelser As always she kind of just does her thing. She doesn't actually need a theme. This last essay actually made me worry about her wellbeing. The other essays were more retrospective. 2d
MallenNC I really liked the last one. A lot stood out to me, from the randomness of her injury to all the contradictory advice and treatment she got, and how she was treated by others. The doctor in the US was so interesting too. Overall I really liked this book and am glad we read it! I wouldn‘t have otherwise bc I hadn‘t heard of it. 2d
DebinHawaii I agree, although it was different than the others I liked how it brought us full circle with the title of the book & found it really interesting as well. I enjoyed this book & I‘m glad it was a pick. Like @MallenNC I probably wouldn‘t have come across it on my own. 2d
Singout What @CatLass007 said, as per my earlier post. I can really resonate with her stories of multiple doctors/theories and am glad she found what she needed even if it seemed a bit strange. I‘m going to share this with others who struggle with similar situations, although each is different. It‘s important to put these stories out there, especially from a respected voice. I also appreciated what she said about grounding herself in family. 2d
KathyWheeler The last essay was interesting and also pointed out the failure of many medical systems. She could afford to spend that money to go outside of Canada to get treatment that worked for her, and I‘m glad for her that she could. How many others would be able to do the same? 2d
AnneCecilie For me the last essay brought the collection full circle and explained the title. It‘s amazing how what appear to be a small accident can cause so much trouble and over so many years. I had no idea who Sarah Polley before reading this collection and I never would have gotten to this on my own. So happy to have read it with this group 2d
Suet624 That last essay was amazing. I can‘t imagine living that way for years. Thank you for bringing this book to us to read. It was great. 2d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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June #SheSaid #ReadAway2024 This is not so much a memoir as it is a series of revelations this author learned about herself. And she shares information about Lewis Carroll and Lucy Maud Montgomery that definitely had me doing mental double and triple takes. I think the title essay was very enlightening. Her so-called friends and family who questioned whether she was “malingering” sound like people I‘ve encountered. I‘ve had “invisible”(cont)⬇️

CatLass007 illnesses for several years and people aren‘t showing concern for Sarah Polley‘s husband having to shoulder most of the load. I think they have nothing better to do than stir up trouble and are envious of not being able to not have to work. Learning who you can and can‘t trust is a hard life lesson. 3d
mcctrish I really enjoyed this and honestly had no idea about most of what she went through. I feel like despite all of the shit she endured she is grounded and lovely cuz she chooses to be. I hope she continues to be well and work to showcase women‘s stories (edited) 3d
DieAReader 🥳Fantastic! 2d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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At the coffeeshop & I just finished this book for June‘s #SheSaid I was familiar with some of Canadian actress/writer/director Sarah Polley‘s work, but not her story & found this book of six essays absorbing. From her days as a child actress to staying silent as a survivor of sexual abuse to an accident that led to a serious concussion, Polley captures the “dangers” in her life with alacrity, strength & compassion for herself & ⬇️

DebinHawaii …others. She‘s a talented & insightful writer & I enjoyed getting to know her through her essays. (Although you don‘t need to know her or her work to appreciate her journey.) Thanks to @Riveted_Reader_Melissa for this pick & hosting. Looking forward to tomorrow‘s #SheSaid discussion post. 3d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Thanks to @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and the books selected for her #SheSaid readings I finally purchased and read this. I‘ve followed Sarah for years and was fascinated by all she shared. In particular, reading about her experiences following a concussion - a 4 year recovery period! She shares her experiences of being a child actor, her early childhood trauma, her scoliosis, and her frightening experience of giving birth. Well written.

kspenmoll Great review.😀 Thanks for putting this on my radar. (edited) 3d
CBee I‘m listening to this now, it‘s very good! 3d
Suet624 @kspenmoll I‘ll put this one in the mail for you. 2d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I think i stacked this book thanks to a review by @Megabooks Meg, it was so good! Sarah Polley looks at six dangerous episodes of her life - from being on a film set as a child actor, to a difficult birth, to an accident causing severe concussion. In each episode she examines herself, her family, her memory - with intelligence, humility and grace. There is wonderful honesty and insight and i felt “seen” for my own vulnerable episodes. ⬇️

Centique This is one im going to want to revisit because it had so many “aha!” Moments of truth. 4d
Centique Photo is view from Cooks Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula looking towards Wharekaro. 4d
BarbaraBB Beautiful photo and review 🤍 4d
Megabooks Glad you enjoyed this! Gorgeous picture! 4d
Jeg I love NZ . I feel another visit is needed. 3d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I start looking for alternatives. I‘m not the type who‘s generally prone to buying snake oil, and I have a strong suspicion of anything that isn‘t backed up by random sampling trials or credible studies and isn‘t prescribed by a doctor. But my life is gone from me now. Doctors are offering me conflicting advice or not at all. And if someone is selling bottles of snake oil with the words “concussion cure” on them, I will buy in bulk. #SheSaid

Singout This is me: I don‘t have a concussion but myalgic encephalomyelitis, and I have seen so many doctors, therapists, alternative practitioners, and tried so many herbs, potions, massages… 1w
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid!

How is everyone doing this weekend?

Is everyone starting to catch up?

MallenNC For once I am caught up! I enjoyed this essay about how her early career impacts her motherhood and her return to a place that had been a challenge during her child star days. 1w
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vlwelser Every essay makes me love her even more. She's very self aware. I'm sad to be finishing. She's so fierce and I think she's a great role model. Her voice is powerful and she uses it. 1w
MallenNC @vlwelser I wasn‘t really familiar with her before this book. I remember her at the Oscars, I think! I‘m going to look up more of her work when we‘re done with the book. 1w
vlwelser @MallenNC start with Women Talking. That's what she got the Oscar for. But Dawn of the Dead is pretty epic. She did a lot of indie stuff also. 1w
Singout I‘m caught up too! I found this thoughtful: tensions between her memories and her current life, and the the way she could lay down what had been expected of her for such a long time. I loved the Anne Green Gables books when I was a kid and that was definitely a huge pilgrimage when I was seven, and my kid sister was addicted to the TV series, so I can relate to those girls! Interesting to see her point of view on it. 1w
Julsmarshall Her perspective is so thoughtful and raw. I love her thoughts around being a child actor and the layered feelings around it. Such a brilliant voice! 1w
MallenNC @vlwelser Thanks! I will start there then. I‘m looking forward to it. 1w
vlwelser @Singout I definitely stopped watching the show quite so religiously after they wrote her out of it. She was really my fav. I still adore her. Total fangirl. I have no idea who suggested this book. I listened to the audio which she reads. 1w
DebinHawaii I‘m caught up too. As others have said, I‘m enjoying her perspectives on being a child star & dealing with celebrity. She is very insightful & each essay draws me in. 1w
Singout @vlwelser I suggested the book! It‘s been on my TBR list for a while. (edited) 1w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really like the way she explores in multiple essays the way she remembers things happening as a child, doubts her own memories of the event….it wasn‘t that bad, right?…not that severe, right?…all her imagination embellishing & over exaggerated, right? ….if it had been that bad others would have intervened or said something, so it couldn‘t have been…. But each time she turns to face it and really revisit it, instead of downplaying it and ⤵️ 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ and doubting herself….she usually finds she was not imagining it or overblowing it. It was real and happened. Hers is often about being a child star, so she has the benefit of there being some news clips, footage to verify some of it, but I think it‘s very useful to anyone with any childhood trauma. ⤵️ (edited) 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Because “the adults” don‘t want to feel badly, they are fine with downplaying your childhood experiences, it absolves them too if it wasn‘t “that bad” “didn‘t happen that way” “you are overblowing it”, etc. but for me the message is, children are not stupid, they know, and their feelings are real & valid and society does them a huge disservice by minimizing their thoughts & experiences. 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa In many ways our current society still has a long way to go in the children‘s rights area. They are still second class citizens whose lives are dictated by their parents or guardians, with little say themselves or recourse if things are not ok. 5d
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid! Sorry for the very late post this weekend! How are you all doing with the book and this week‘s essay?

Happy Father‘s Day to the Dads in the US today too (and elsewhere even if your Father‘s Day is not today 😉)

vlwelser This essay about basically putting young children in danger for art was sort of mind blowing. I think that's actually what this book is known for. Or why it got a lot of attention. Aside from Sarah Polley being a unicorn. 2w
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MallenNC This essay about how unprotected she was making that movie was sad. She did a good job unpacking the different layers of blame she had for her parents and the filmmakers. 2w
KathyWheeler What got to me was how long it took her to place any blame on the director! Children clearly need more stringent rules in place to protect them. I was shocked at what she was put through. 2w
Singout I‘m late to the game, even though I think I nominated the book! I‘ve found all these essays powerful: this one really unpacks a lot of layers, as others have said. She does a really good job of articulating the tensions between her needs and fears as a child actor, the trauma caused by uncertainty and pressure with her parental relationships, and feeling both exploited and charmed by Gilliam. I‘ve never seen the movie but I am now intrigued. 2w
Julsmarshall I‘m behind, my hold on the #audio just came in but I‘m already on the second chapter. What a heartbreaking story and powerful voice. With her directorial chops, I‘m not surprised that she is such a great writer. 2w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KathyWheeler I think because at that age you think of your parents as still all knowing and god-like beings that protect and care for you. So any danger that comes is their mistake. It takes the growing up to a certain age, where you realize they are just human too and make the same human mistakes as anyone else, that more comes in. Most kids hit that in the teens, that‘s why they become rebellious and do not take everything you say ⤵️ (edited) 2w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa To heart anymore, because you don‘t really “know” anything. But for our author, that normal growing up pattern through different age groups is all over the place, which she mentions in here, no boundaries as a child, and moving out while still so young. So I‘m not surprised it took here awhile to get there 2w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really liked the accountability of everyone at the end…. The white, male, mad-geniuses are permitted to risk everyone for “the art” but that would not be tolerated by other directors/artists. I also like that the other mad genius Robin Williams who is just mentioned briefly, but in a completely different and caring way… just showed it didn‘t have to be that way. 2w
KathyWheeler @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I agree with everything you just said. 2w
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I pick up this book from the library yesterday and is ready for the catch up #SheSaid


Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid! I hope you are having a good weekend so far!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa So far I‘m liking her writing style, it loops sometimes and goes on tangents, but they somehow always loop back & reconnect. I thought the last 2 essays, the ones in this section were very good. 3w
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vlwelser I think she's a great story teller. Even if she didn't finish high school. Both of these essays are very impactful. She tells what these experiences are like as experienced rather than observed. I think that's powerful. 3w
MallenNC I think she‘s a good storyteller too. I liked both of the essays in this section especially how honest she was about why she didn‘t initially share her “Me too” experience. I was thinking how many of the books we‘ve read together include sexual assault. It‘s an indication of how common an experience it is, but her story shows why it‘s still hard to talk about. 3w
KathyWheeler I really liked how she talked about why she didn‘t come forward about her assault. I think so many victims don‘t for many of the same reasons, yet practically the first question asked when people do come forward is, “Why didn‘t you report it right away?” Umm — because I didn‘t want to be assaulted again by the “justice” system. (edited) 3w
CatLass007 She is a fine storyteller. I have learned a lot from this book and another book I just finished, Elyn Saks‘s The Center Cannot Hold, how poorly women are treated in the healthcare system and it‘s not just in the US, it‘s in Canada. Polley‘s mother was labeled a “hypochondriac.” Saks was written off as a woman with a mental illness. Polley‘s mother died of cancer. Saks had a brain bleed. Drs take men‘s health complaints more seriously than women‘s. 3w
CatLass007 I have to add that I have been blessed to never have been sexually assaulted or harassed. I often wondered why women waited years to come forward about their horrific experiences. Anita Hill only came forward when Clarence Thomas was nominated for the Supreme Court. She may have had some idea of how she would be treated. Growing up with two Republican parents, I was often much further to the left than either could imagine. But we all (cont)⬇️ 3w
CatLass007 believed her. When the #MeToo era arrived I didn‘t have much difficulty believing that these women had been sexually assaulted. It did take me a long time to wrap my head around the idea that the Jell-O Pudding, Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable, America‘s dad, Bill Cosby could have done the things of which he was accused. Phylicia Rashad portrayed his wife in two different series and she‘d never had any trouble. In fact, she was a vocal (cont)⬇️ 3w
CatLass007 supporter. It wasn‘t until I watched a documentary miniseries on Prime Video that I came to realize that there were plenty of reasons not to come forward against Cosby or any other man. The courage it takes for women to come forward about their sexual assault, whether the perpetrator is famous or not, is astounding. I have so much respect for each and every one of them. 3w
AnneCecilie Both these essays were powerful. It was heartbreaking reading about how victims of sexual assault aren‘t the “ideal” victims because they sometimes take a long time to come forward, don‘t have a straight memory of the events and some may even have interacted with their assaulter afterwards. And it‘s hard to read about how lawyers she knew didn‘t want her to come forward because they knew how she would be treated, really an indicator of that (edited) 2w
AnneCecilie something has to change. I thought I would be safe in the other one since it‘s about having kids and I don‘t have any and never wanted any, but the pages after the birth had me constantly crying. I was a mess. (edited) 2w
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I really enjoyed this. It‘s interesting to me how much of what happened to Polley when she was young was so wrong, but she viewed it as normal because that‘s all she knew. Her story, along with Wil Wheaton‘s and other child actors‘, makes me more convinced that there need to be very strict protections in place for them because clearly relying on the parents to provide that doesn‘t work at all. #SheSaid

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I‘m listening to this for #SheSaid, and I thought I‘d get the most read if I also made it my new #audiowalk book. I don‘t know if I‘m behind, on track, or ahead of schedule because there‘s no chapter or section listing. Little George loves the heating pad, so I try to make sure it‘s never left on.

Suet624 George is adorable. 2w
KathyWheeler @Suet624 Thanks. She‘s very smart too and the other animals love her. 2w
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid!

This book started out with a very strong essay. How did you feel about it? Plus I learned a whole lot about Lewis Carroll that I wish I didn‘t know 🫣. See you in the comments ⤵️

MallenNC I wasn‘t really familiar with Sarah Polley before this, so reading that essay without any preconceptions was interesting. Her dad definitely made me uncomfortable, much like the Lewis Carroll references. I‘d heard a little about his relationship with the real Alice before but not so specifically. 1mo
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vlwelser I love Sarah Polley. I grew up on the Canadian border, in rural NY, so my TV options were not vast. She's in this LM Montgomery adaptation that I cannot currently remember the name of, that I was obsessed with. In addition to Road to Avonlea. The Lewis Carroll stuff is creepy and also that it parallels her father's behavior. 1mo
vlwelser I had to look it up it's a tv adaptation of this random LM Montgomery novel 1mo
DebinHawaii I knew her a little from Road to Avonlea & a movie she did called My Life Without Me but I didn‘t know anything about her personal life. Yes, the Lewis Carroll thing continues to disturb but the stuff with her father really creeped me out.🤢 1mo
staci.reads I just finished the first essay, and I'm having a hard time with this one. I'm not connecting with the author at all. I'm finding her irritating. No doubt it's a me problem right now, but I'm trying to decide whether to continue with this book or put it aside. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @staci.reads Not every book is for every one. It took me forever to learn that one. If you want to try 1 more essay, go for it….but if not, do not be afraid to call it for yourself and move onto something else. Life is too short if you are not enjoying it right now. (edited) 3w
AnneCecilie I hadn‘t heard about Sarah Polley before, but I recognized the movie referenced on the cover (Women Talking, it seem this one). Both Lewis Carroll and her dad mad me uncomfortable. But I think I was more sad for the girl that had to grow up to fast, she moved out at 14 and take care of herself and how bad her stage fright became that she used a 10 hr back surgery to get out of the play 3w
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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repost for @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

Hello #SheSaid

Next up for June! Pick up your library holds, interlibrary loans, or pick this one up on kindle (currently only 4.99 in the US).

original post:


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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Hello #SheSaid

Next up for June! Pick up your library holds, interlibrary loans, or pick this one up on kindle (currently only 4.99 in the US).

Suet624 I've been wanting to read this for ages - unfortunately none of my libraries has it and I don't read on a Kindle but I was able to find a copy on BetterWorldBooks! So I'm in! 1mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Suet624 That‘s great! I was waiting on a library hold and just caved today and bought the ebook kindle version 😂 1mo
willaful I'm going to skip this one. Busy month. 1mo
MallenNC My library has this so I am hoping my hold comes in soon. 1mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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This was an astonishing book. I loved it. Polley was a child actress and she has some horrifying stories. If you liked I‘m glad my mom died, you might like this. It‘s not exactly the same, the issues she faces are more of neglect and people looking the other way, rather than the abusive and manipulative nature of Jeanette mccurdy‘s situation. The interview with Sarah for the everything happens podcast with Kate bowler is incredible. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

KCofKaysville @sarahgreatlove I really liked it too! 2mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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De-Christmas-ing slowly but surely. Mug cupboard is back to normal with a few pops of upcoming Valentine‘s Day. This book was so good. I can‘t believe all the things SP has gone through. She‘s an amazing writer

LeslieO Love your Starbucks YOU ARE HERE collection! 6mo
mcctrish @LeslieO we have so many mugs 😆🤦🏻‍♀️ but it is so fun to collect them on our travels 6mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Lego-ing continues #hyggetheeff

dabbe YES! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
mcctrish @dabbe I may have ordered another set 😆 and I‘ve barely started this one 6mo
dabbe @mcctrish 🤩😂😍 6mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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New year, new audio book - I have this autographed in print but I want to listen to SP so here we are

EKonrad Loved this book! ☺️ 6mo
mcctrish @EKonrad I‘m semi regretting how long it took me to start but I knew when I bought it I wanted to listen to it, so I have just warred with myself re:my choices 😆 6mo
EKonrad I totally get it! Her writing is amazing but I can understand wanting to hear her words with her voice too. 6mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I love, love, loved this book. Polley's personal essays are beautifully written, vulnerable and reflective. She explores her experiences as a child star, a victim of sexual assault, a mother, and a person with a concussion. There's a real bravery and generosity to her work. Hearing her read it on audio enhanced the experience.
Pic from a recent hike. It's a beautiful October in NB. 🧡

Suet624 I had no idea she wrote a book! I have always been fascinated with her, ever since the sweet hereafter. 8mo
merelybookish @Suet624 If you find her interesting, then you'll absolutely enjoy this book! 8mo
Centique @Suet624 me too! I loved that film and have looked for her work ever since. So excited to read this soon 🙌 8mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Did some audiobaking today while getting ready for Cdn Thanksgiving. I have always loved Polley's movies and am enjoying the tagged book so far.

dabbe #yowzayummy! 🧡🎃🧡 9mo
jlhammar Great audiobook. Those pies look amazing! 9mo
tpixie I absolutely love pecan pies. These look beautiful. 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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Prairiegirl_reading I‘m doing pecan pies too but that will be tomorrow since we are celebrating on Monday. Happy thanksgiving!! 9mo
Meghan1 Favorite pie ever! Looks delicious! 9mo
BkClubCare Pie! 🥧❤️ 9mo
sarahbarnes Drooling over here! 9mo
batsy Yum! 9mo
JuniperWilde I want to read this. Is it well written? 9mo
TheLudicReader Those pies look yummy. 9mo
merelybookish @TheLudicReader @sarahbarnes @batsy @BkClubCare @Meghan1 @tpixie @dabbe Thanks everyone. Hopefully they taste as good as they look! 9mo
merelybookish @jlhammar I'm really enjoying it! 9mo
merelybookish @Prairiegirl_reading Happy Thanksgiving to you! 🦃 9mo
merelybookish @JuniperWilde Yes! Lots of nuance and careful reflection. The first essay is especially beautiful. 9mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Great book about the challenges faced by Sarah as a child star with scoliosis and when her mother died when Sarah was 11 and her father became helpless. She also had a challenge having her three children. The best part is at the end after a concussion when she had to proactively cure it, which is in the title.

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley

I could not resist starting this one (I put a hold on it) because I like Sarah Polley after watching “Stories” a while back.

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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I know e readers aren‘t for everyone, and I clearly see the downside, but here I am before an ice storm charging just in case. 🤞

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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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A memoir in essays with lots of really rich insights.
In some ways it reminds me of I Am, I Am, I Am by Maggie O'Farrell. A series of almost completely insane stories that shaped her life while giving the reader smart, funny, and courageous insights into experiences that clearly jolted her own life in frequently difficult ways.

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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#12Booksof2022 🎶On the sixth day of Christmas my true love read to me, essays smart and poignant🎶

For my twelve, I‘m highlighting my favorite audiobooks of the year. Great books that were all the more enjoyable thanks to outstanding narration &/or production.

Andrew65 An interesting choice. 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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My sweetie bought me this because of the final essay, which is also the title of the book. That essay is about Sarah Polley‘s experience with a severe concussion. I wept all the way through, reliving my own sadness and frustration of having a brain injury. All of the essays are brilliant but that last one wrecked me!

TrishB Oh that sounds tough ♥️ 2y
Lindy @TrishB Thanks, Trish. I‘m doing well physically, but I hadn‘t realized how much injury-related emotion I still contain. 2y
TrishB I think unexpected injuries/illnesses leave lasting mental/emotional scars that may take longer to heal. 2y
Lindy @TrishB 🤗 2y
Megabooks 💜💜 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Sometimes, after a scenario like this one, my left eyelid sinks and covers half my eye as my head throbs in pain.

(Been there, Sarah Polley!)

Smrloomis 💕💕💕 2y
Lindy @Smrloomis I‘m doing much much better than when this photo was taken in February. No more of those headaches, and my vision keeps improving. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you‘re feeling better ❤️ 2y
Lindy @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes I am, thanks ☺️ 2y
Smrloomis 👆🏽 Very good to hear! Hope it keeps improving. 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I loved Polley‘s very personal 2012 documentary, Stories We Tell, and this is a great companion to that. I especially appreciated her intimate and honest account of her health struggles—scoliosis, endometriosis, high-risk pregnancies and a severe concussion. Conditions that are often invisible, overlooked and minimized. Really good listen.

Can‘t wait for her adaptation of Women Talking!

Megabooks I agree. This was fantastic! 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I couldn‘t move without pain for a long time. I read all of Charles Dickens, thought about writing books one day, and fantasized about being mobile enough to walk down the street to the hardware store to buy a nail. I had no idea what I would do with this nail, but the idea of being strong and mobile and free enough to get there to choose the nail was exhilarating to me.

Lindy Image from 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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5⭐/5⭐ I have been looking forward to this one, and it did not disappoint!

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I like Sarah Polley as an actress (I know her from her late teens movies), so I was interested to read her book. It far exceeded my expectations. In each of these essays, she does a deep dive into a topic, informed by her life experiences, and thoughtfully explores things like sexual assault, child acting (her own experiences here are sobering), and more. This is really fantastic. I‘m glad @Megabooks put this one on my radar!

Megabooks So glad you enjoyed it. A really thought-provoking collection, and I especially agree re: the essays about working as a child actor. I was pleasantly surprised by how good this was. 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Excellent. Such an unconventional life/childhood. Feminist, political, just a great read.

jlhammar I'm in line for the audiobook. Sounds great. I really enjoyed her documentary, Stories We Tell, and cannot wait for her Women Talking adaptation! 2y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @jlhammar My friend is waiting for the audiobook too! I still need to watch Alias Grace and I‘m pretty pumped too to see Women Talking. This was a book club choice and it‘s a great one. I know we‘ll be talking about this one a lot when we meet! 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I told myself I‘d read one essay a day for six days and read six a day for one day. Polley writes thoughtfully about motherhood, childbirth, child actors, sexual assault, living with a brain injury. She has a keen eye for self-observation and doesn‘t shy away from complexity.

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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Sarah said she never wanted to act, but instead write, and she has written six very thoughtful essays about the perils of being a child actor, assault in the pre-me too era, motherhood and difficult birth, and having a life-altering head injury. Her essays about acting were hard to read. I loved watching her as a kid, and I was sorry to read how much trauma the experience caused. It‘s not a pity party but a considered look at employing minors. ⬇️

Megabooks ⭐️⭐️ I recommend this more than any celebrity book I‘ve read in the last year. Really fantastic. ⭐️⭐️ #SetInACanadianProvince #Booked2022 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft 2y
vlwelser And she reads her own audiobook.... 😍😍😍😍😍 2y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve always liked her. I need to read this! 2y
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Anna40 My life without me is the movie that comes to my mind when I see her name. I thought it was brilliant, I didn‘t know she‘s been an actress this long. She has turned to directing, hasn‘t she? I will definitely check her essays out. Sorry to hear she had to deal with so much. Great review 💕 2y
Megabooks @vlwelser it‘s wonderful! Definitely recommend the audio. 👍🏻 2y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books definitely in your wheelhouse. 👍🏻 2y
Megabooks @Anna40 yes, she mostly writes and directs now. She was a well known actor as a kid because of the Anne of Green Gables adaptation she starred in for years and she talks in the book about what turned her off to acting and made her want to do more bts stuff. 2y
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I‘m so late on #NewReleaseTuesday that I‘ve already finished the tagged book!

My library rarely gets fiction books on audio that I‘m interested in, but I‘m really excited about these nonfiction titles.

Beauty of Dusk is really interesting so far. I couldn‘t imagine going partially blind in my 50s!

Never Simple I saw in the Goodreads newsletter for March. I‘m unsure about it, but I‘ll try.

Insect crisis really fascinates my inner scientist!

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Cinfhen I almost picked up this one on Scribd 2y
merelybookish I really like Sarah Polley. (I'm excited to see her adaptation of Women Talking!) So I will Interested to hear what you think of the book! 2y
Suet624 @merelybookish I didn‘t know Polley was involved with Women Talking. That‘s great! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen listening now while at the doctor with my dad (his appointment). It‘s good so far! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m just about to write you back. 2y
Megabooks @merelybookish yes! She has made and written some amazing movies. 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen 😘😘 2y
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