Another second hand #bookhaul These were finds at a local charity shop.
So far in my quest to read my shelves, I‘ve read 4 books I own, bought 19 more and been gifted 4. 😂😂 I think I‘m going to have to buy more shelves - that‘s the real answer!
Another second hand #bookhaul These were finds at a local charity shop.
So far in my quest to read my shelves, I‘ve read 4 books I own, bought 19 more and been gifted 4. 😂😂 I think I‘m going to have to buy more shelves - that‘s the real answer!
#audiopuzzling on #caturday while banished to the basement with Covid - Kevin is a big helper. I‘ve dreamed of a retreat like this and yet, it‘s not that glamorous.
He even manages to end with some sage advice. This book was a true joy to read. I love Graham Norton, and reading this book made me love him even more. This book reads just like he talks. You can hear him telling every story in this book. I adored and enjoyed every minute of it.
This is about what one would expect from him. Sure, I‘ll take a photo with you, but don‘t expect magic every time folks!
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
THIS!!! This may be a genetic memory (as I too am Irish) or it is simply that menus of this sort of total over thought (and that‘s coming from a confessed over thinker), but absolutely yes to this!!!
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
I did not know this...but of course it‘s funny, too.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
Leave it to Graham to make this awkward, on-air, moment funny as hell, still.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
Even when telling about a horrific fall that ended in several cracked ribs, Graham finds a way to make it funny. What would life be without this man?!
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
History come to life. My god, this explains SO much of my childhood.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
Leave it to Graham. He‘s honest as the day is long.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
@Texreader and @merelybookish both want me to play. I can‘t promise I‘ll remember all the days, but here goes nothing. #7days7covers #coverlove Day 1
The next time some idiot rails against globalisation and global citizenship, about how it‘s ruining society, just remember 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 They are the exact reason why we need it. This has nothing to do with small towns and everything to do with isolationism.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #globalisation #globalcitizenship #love #kindnesss #smallminds #smallworlds
“Embracing one thing doesn‘t automatically mean rejecting another.”
So many great, wonderful, lovely quotes in this section of this book, I don‘t know what to do with myself.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #Ireland #globalcitizenship #acceptance #love #compassion #kindness
Leave it to Ireland to get straight to the point. Leave it to Graham to make you want to just love everybody.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #discrimination #karma #Ireland #lifelessons
Graham Norton, I love you dearly.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #Irish #laugh #love #enjoylife
This literally made me laugh out loud. I am now getting funny looks. It‘s all good. Thanks, Graham!!!
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #dog #furrybaby #gayfurbaby #baddaddy
I totally agree with this. What IS the rush? People will learn it soon enough. If the teen years aren‘t enough, I don‘t think anything is getting through, really.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #lifesucks #lifehurts #life #dog #loss #familypet
Graham is as wonderful in writing as he is on TV. 💙💙💙 America truly needs more Graham Norton in the Telly.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #paintapictureinwords #SmokeyTheDog #dog #FamilyPet
This is basically how I feel about cats.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir #dogs #cats
He a smartass one moment and a sage the next. lol Now I‘m even more curious to explore the book “Ask Graham.”
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
Even the cover is funny!!! I can‘t wait to dig into this one. No doubt amusement will abound.
#GrahamNorton #TheLifeAndLovesOfAHeDevil #memoir
Not book related but does anyone else love this as much as me? Graham Norton being sassy, the campness and the politics of voting! I love it all and wondered why this wasn't a part of the remain campaign 😉
Also China is no longer allowed to stream it as they cut a gay couple singing together during the semi finals, they do not mess about China! So night off in on my own tomorrow, getting drunk and having Eurovision fun! #Eurovision
Found this in a charity shop. It's like sitting down with a mate over a glass of wine and having a good natter. Really enjoyed it. Some bits made me laugh so much. I liked the bits about being in Ireland and his mum. Chapter on his dogs is brilliant.