#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: Tears of the Sun
I couldn't decide between these two great books. Both are awesome!
#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: Tears of the Sun
I couldn't decide between these two great books. Both are awesome!
97 of 2021. #littenlisten #juneholidayreads 6/14
#curiouscovers #man
I really enjoyed this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#moviesinmay #clinteastwood
Day 4: Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood directed the movie version of American Sniper. Great movie! 🎥 🍿
This story is about an American sniper. (if you couldn‘t tell by the title) but this US SEAL serving in Iraq becomes one of the best snipers in American history and does his job to protect his country and kill many. At first he is nervous about his first kill but after a few “it‘s a passion” for him.
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. (From Wikipedia)
One of the US military‘s deadliest snipers in Iraq, Chris Kyle. What a tragic ending for him 💔
I‘m a day late 😫Work!!
#Flag #BoundTogetherJune
#FlagDay #JamminJune
#AboutaSoldier #MagnificentMarch
#SadEnding #MarchMadness
Known as the deadliest sniper in US military history...
And such a tragic ending to his life... 🇺🇸💔
This book is fantastic. I would highly recommend. Chris Kyle‘s autobiography, I thought he was amazing before but now I‘m certain. What a warrior.
Fascinating to listen to. Many accounts are told in either first person or by a family member of the deceased. There were times it brought tears to my eyes (especially the last chapter). #WinterGames #SlayBells #TBRread @midnightbookgirl
🇺🇸 Thanks to all of those past and present who have fought for our freedom 🙏🏻
This is not a popular opinion, and I understand that, so I do not say it lightly - I found this book abhorrent. It literally made my skin crawl. By page 4, Kyle is passing moral judgments on the “worth” of Iraqi lives versus American ones. Oh, but he doesn‘t call them Iraqis – they are the “bad guys”. A truly terrible read, with a marked absence of humanity. Full review here: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/american-sniper-chris-kyle/
Loved it so much I found every second, even at work, to read it.
Fascinating recount of a life that is really foreign to me and a world from which I knew nothing. It helps you to put yourself in someone else‘s shoes and to question your judgments about other people‘s decisions.. what a sad ending to this story, though.
#ThankYouVeterans #Fallintoreading
This is my daughter at a school function celebrating our Veterans!!
Thank you to ALL of the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country!! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
Catching up so it can be in alphabetical order.
Book = American Sniper
Author = Ahern, Cecilia
Movie = Avengers (any or all)
Food = Apple strudel (preferable grandma‘s recipe)
@JoScho #manicmonday
The most lethal sniper in American history... What a terrible loss!! 😢
I'm going to start off saying that this is a hard book to read. It is very intense, more so than I originally thought going into it.
While I did very much enjoy the book, I had to put it down about halfway through and read something else. I was not prepared for the way the book portrayed killing. It also seemed very fanatical. There's patriotism and then there's this book. It is one of the more interesting things that I have read this year.
Just started this and I'm already very intrigued. I have seen the movie so I am interested to see how the book compares. Very excited to read this one!
I'm off my schedule, AGAIN! However, the movie is one I wish to see and I have a rule to read the book first. I'm not much into military books but the author does a great job keeping you intrigued and the story moving along!
I actually really liked this... sort of. I just took it for what it was. It was someone's life- a life by no means that I could live. Weirdly the passages that everyone talks about, the Hurricane Katrina bit and the ex-gov/retired wrestler/can't think of his name were not in the book at all. I did listen to the "unabridged" version but I wonder if his estate had to remove them?
I'm starting this on overdrive while I'm waiting for more audible credits to come in. I'm not sure if I'll like it, but I'll give anything a try.
Everyone has their own opinions about Kyle's authenticity, his writing, his own opinions, and whatnot. Form your own opinions -- I'm just going to say I enjoyed this autobiography and if you enjoy military accounts like "Lone Survivor," you'll like this too.
The 13 stripes of the Flag of the United States of America 🇺🇸 represented on this book is the only book I have with stripes!!! ❤️
• 3/5 ⭐️when i was hoping to give it at least 4. the best part of this experience was the audiobook version on OverDrive: the narrator John Pruden has an awesome delivery. highly recommend listening.
i felt Kyle had too much attitude and not enough grace, although i respect his service to our country. i lost patience with him when he consistently chose country over family and felt bad for his wife. rest in peace ✌🏼 though soldier 🇺🇸•
• been listening to this book since January. couldn't imagine reading a physical copy, but listening isn't half bad. not much of a Chris Kyle fan after reading an article claiming that he "embellished" some of his military records (in this book, i believe, but don't quote me on that). haven't seen the movie but the jury is still out on whether i will watch it after listening to the book. the reading experience is just ok, nothing special. •
#ReadJanuary #Autobiography I'm skipping #signed because I don't think I have a signed book.
I appreciate the story and the sacrifice, but I had an incredibly difficult time making it through the xenophobic rhetoric.
My son went through a phase where he wanted to be a Navy Seal & he asked me to read this book. I really tried but it was terrible. Clearly Kyle wasn't a writer but he had two helping him and the writing was still really bad. Along with that there were random paragraphs from his wife. When I hit pages and pages of him talking about his various guns, I gave up. #DNF
This book was well written. I expected it to be textbook like and boring for some reason, but it reads like a story. I feel much more informed and a real sadness for Kyle's family and friends. Thank you for your service all service men, women, and their families.
Movie night. It may be sooky la la time, or I might watch the film adaptation of Kyle's memoir with my fingers over my eyes😱I needed a personality transplant to appreciate the mindset of this gun-loving SEAL who did 4 tours of duty in Iraq and who prided himself on being a badass in bar fights at home BUT these factors also made it worth reading. Stepping into another's shoes is the reason I love memoir, I have the luxury to not have his choices
This was a hand me down from my mom. When I told her I didn't want it, she told me she didn't want it either. Not much love for this book on Litsy. I'm bailing before I even open it.
My father fought in Vietnam. I support our troops 150%. I admire them and I thank them for what they do.
I hated this book. What an egomaniacal, xenophobic asshat. I cringed every time I heard the word "savages," and that story about punching the mentally handicapped kid? Reprehensible and gross.
"sorry for those that loved the book…I might have felt different it was told by someone else…however, there just wasn‘t room for any love for me in this one…Kyle's ego kept getting in the way…". Reviewed by Urania https://goo.gl/DcGjY2
The movie was nothing like the book 😏
What I loved about this book was that I felt I got a real insight to what it is like to be in a war, but also his struggles with it at home. I also loved the chapters written by his wife, Taya. I haven't read another book like this one.
Part of the way and really worry about all our troops and the sacrifices they have made. It sounds like nothing will ever make them whole.
"Mi dicono che ho salvato centinaia e centinaia di persone. Ma volete sapere una cosa? Non sono le persone che hai salvato, quelle che ti ricordi. Sono quelle che non sei riuscito a salvare. Sono loro quelle di cui parli, sono i loro volti e le loro storie che ti porterai dietro per sempre."