It‘s getting on my nerves now with the same plot and fifty shades of grey style .
It‘s getting on my nerves now with the same plot and fifty shades of grey style .
After We Collided is the 1st book I read that got me hooked on reading romance ♥️!
Absolutely can't wait for this month of romance reading! I started Court today and it's going great 🧛🖤.
#swoonathon @kimmypete1 @MidnightBookGirl
If you think Tessa and Hardin have gotten their shit together, you‘d be sadly mistaken. They are as dysfunctional as ever, but Tessa annoyed me so much in this one. Like bitch, stop provoking that man! She‘s not the brightest crayola in the box. As always, the cliff hanger Anna leaves at the end of each book makes it impossible not to pick the next one up. It‘s so bad… but so good. 🤣
I liked this one more than the first. True, the angst and whine got a bit repetitive and the relationship is still wildly unhealthy, but I could just ease into it and stop fighting with my rational side and let it just be the mess that it is.
⭐️⭐️⭐️Second time reading through this book and again finding it hard to get through it. I loved the first book and the plot & plot twist but this book doesn‘t have much of a plot in my opinion. It‘s a lot of back and forth with Tess & Harden (Harry‘s lol) relationship to the point where it seems to redundant and over done. Makes me sad because these books were really my favorite back in the day. Still a good book but no “meat”
Uff, such a drag but couldn't leave the toxic romance half way 😅
I wanted to thank @BooksNBowls for letting me know that the second movie was on Netflix. I watched it this morning.... I loved it. I really need to read these books. 2021 will be a better yr for reading for me. I will make it so.
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
What is an emotionally toxic relationship? Are Tess and Hardin in it? I always flinch at the word toxic and yet, with the battle of extreme highs, lows of raw emotions, perhaps this is what makes people humane? I grew up constantly aiming for stability so I could be prepared to overcome any crisis. But maybe there is more to life. In a messed up way, this is a form of passion that makes people, people. Could love be the most lethal passion of all?
Woah! That cliff hanger ending came out of nowhere, literally the last line. I'm shocked. I can't wait to start book 3.
So again, I have a love hate relationship with this series. I couldn't stop reading it. It kept pulling me in further. The characters annoy me and I find myself yelling outloud at them but I can't turn away. I love the drama. Just like Tessa and Hardin. They love to fight but they fight to love each other.
4.0 stars...
Why am I so enticed by this series. I can't stop reading it! I read book 1 in two days which is a revelation for me and now I've been reading book 2 for close to 4 hours straight tonight. This is unlike me to read without distraction.
I'm hanging on every word these characters say and I don't know why! I never read young adult novels.
Send help! 😂📚😂📚
Devoured the first book and now I must devour the series. Quarantine book #6
Book 2 done... 671 pages... flew through it!🤓
On to book 3.... 883 pages.... wish me luck!🤗
Book 2 start today!!! Here goes 671 pages.... book 3 is ridiculous!
Watched the movie “After” and I liked it.. so decided to read the next in the series of this New Adult Romance genre. It‘s a nice read.. probably because there is so much dialogue and communication between the lovers ☺️ also Hero fiennes Tiffin is perfect for the role of Hardin Scott...
I had such high hopes and excitement for this book after I devoured the 1st one.
This one was so disappointing! It was the same stuff over and over. And the level of toxicity their relationship had was nauseating.
I really doubt that I'm gonna finish the last 2 books based on how badly this one dragged.
This book, much like the first one....kept me reading until all hours of the night. It‘s such an easy read & you become so invested in these characters. This book made me feel all ranges of emotions while reading. I cannot wait to start the next one now!
I want to start off by saying I did like this! These guilty pleasure books are so addicting and can be read so easily and fast. I didnt not rate this any higher because the drama in this book was so.... I dont know unnecessary. I felt like the first book was sooo good and the ending left you wanting to read this second book. I just didnt care for it that much.
Book 2 in the After series jumps right in where book 1 left off. It‘s a hefty 671 pages that are gonna FLY by!!!
Second book in the series has still got all the teenage drama and fights but surprisingly there are character developments for both Hardin and Tessa 👏🏻
3.5 🌟
I‘m sorry, but as cheesy as it may sound I love this series. I binge read these as much as I can and After We Collided is no exception. I‘m in love.
One word to describe this book...REALLY?!? Gonna start reading the third book. I really don‘t want this to end :(
Finished up book 1 in this series yesterday on the lake. Quick, almost trashy (in a good way lol), full of angst and needless drama... these books by Anna Todd are perfect summer reading.
Love this book
I finished the 2nd book on audio... I honestly don't know if there was a plot at all, just him being controlling and abusive, her being silly and immature, and the two of them creating as many possible problems for each other as they could.
The male narrator is Shane East, who I'm 99% certain is the same person as Steve West (pictured above). He has a very sexy voice to match the rest of him, so that was 👌
Of course I am starting #3. 🤣
New audiobook today... as I have mentioned, I am weak and like to see a trainwreck series through to the end.
Somehow I have listened to 7 hours already. I may need help. 😳😂
Ho amato il secondo ancora più del primo. Travolgente e ti lascia senza fiato.
Took me a bit to get thru the second book of this awesome After Series...but so excited to jump into the third!!
GUYS Hardin is now driving to any place he can think of that Tessa might be EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS EXPLICITLY SAID SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE HIM.
So Tessa has met someone named Trevor (he might have been in the last book but I don't remember) who is significantly less abusive and creepy but I still feel those vibes. Lord help us.
Apparently if you love someone you need to forgive them of literally everything. Even if they take your virginity and show the sheets to their friends.
"You said you'd never leave me"
Guys she's being so petty and childish and Hardin is just falling all over her.
Tessa's mom literally brought her ex boyfriend over and was like "well since Hardin was a terrible human look who's here!"
Tessa just yelled "I'll never be talking to you again!" And I pictured her whining it and stomping her foot.
Previously on: "AFTER" Hardin only slept with Tessa because he wanted to win a bet about her virginity! Join me now as I hate read "AFTER WE COLLIDED". It's going to be a bumpy ride.