Book 1 of Canada Reads Short List 2022!
Book 1 of Canada Reads Short List 2022!
Trying to finish this off before I start our 1st Book Club book of 2022!
Well... 2021 wasn't Fabulous with Books Read!
But, considering everything, I did not to bad!
Book 2 for August Book Club Read
Super cute book! Love how it pulled 3 strangers together in a Forever Frienship.🥰
I LOVE Younger shower.... so I finally caved and got the book they discuss in it! 🤗
I love my library! They always have bags of books sitting on a table for people to take for FREE... Today they had about 40+ bags... I grabbed 2.... its like an adult Loot Bag! 😅
Another good book M.K.A. had alittle twist I didn't see coming!
What a book! Amy Tan sure knows how to draw you in....
Book 2 for May Book club! I'm super late starting it. But thats OK! 💯
What a Book! My first Amy Tan book. I am so happy I read this. I can't wait to read another one for May Book Club. 🥰
To learn about the history, superstitions and stories from that erra, all intertwined into her story.
Loved the premise of this book!
I highly recommend it
What A Book! 😲🥰
The information I have gained from this book is spectacular. Definitely opening my Reading Genres up! Loved it.
Finished this little gem a few days ago for our book club!
Cute story!
While at the library today after school with my daughter, we saw a table with bags of books. They are "old" books they remove and are Free to take!!!!
My daughter picked a bag for me... this is what is in it.... lol.... a lot of cat books! ? ?
My neighbour is the Author.... I had no clue... so when I found out, she gave me a copy of the book to read.... OMG ladies.
A must read when it is available to get!
She does what every woman in her shoes would love to do if we could get away with it!!!!!
Starting this Non Fiction! Sounded so fun uet very heart wrenching.
Such a cute story! 😍
This was Book 1 for our March Book Club.
I am on the fence about this book..... I was angry 98% of the time with the main character, yet I think that's the point.... UGH! I enjoyed the ending to some degree, but also felt I was left hanging....
What a book!
Throughout the book I was so annoyed with the main character. She was very thoughtless and many other names...... but as it all tied together I felt comfort and happiness for her!
The struggles are real in this world 🌎😪
Finally got myself a Library card! My husband is excited.... all the money we will save from me not purchasing EVERY book I want to read... lol....
Now I get to do BOOK CLUB with my BestFriend and her coworker who live in Edmonton and I'm in Ontario! 😍🤓
Finally going to read this one. On my TBR shelf for quite some time.
Well... I read 6 books in January... off to a decent start....1815 pages read.....
Two books in 1 for this cute little love stories.. Sometimes we just need a happy ending.💞
Of course a sweet, heartwarming book of love. Knocked it out of the park again!!🥰
Finally done. Took a few days. Excellent. Always a great plot twist! 🤗🤓
I had to look back on my Litsy post's to see when I got this.... over 2 years ago!
Time to start it now!🤓🥸
Excellent book!
My Bestfriend told me to read it, since I was in a slump and not getting anywhere with my last book.
Glad I listened.
I have been waiting MONTHS for this to become available for me to purchase. Had to stop reading my other book so I can start this little gem
Book 2 of the Year done!
Cute story. Love all the comedic lines he always adds to his stories!
Book 2 of the year.
I decided this year to use an app to keep count of my books I've read. 🤓
First book of 2021 was great! Cute little romance/comedy. Love these authors books.🤓