A quick read before September Book Club books!
I LOVE Younger shower.... so I finally caved and got the book they discuss in it! 🤗
Dreaming of a vacation that‘s 🦠approved...
Within driving range 🚗
Offers enough outdoor activities 🚴🏻♀️🚣🏻♀️
Affordably priced 💰
This isn‘t normally something I‘d read but I‘m a huge fan of the tv show Younger so I gave it a shot. I didn‘t love it but it wasn‘t bad. It‘s a light quick read & funny at times. It‘s somewhere between so-so and a pick for me.
This should be a fun read. I love the show Younger.
My GoT mug! ❤️❤️
I didn‘t really love this - because it didn‘t help me get over my grudge against Pauline for coming in between Liza and Charles. It also didn‘t reaaally give adequate justification for her leaving her kids. And page 58? Not as risqué as promised in Younger ?
I couldn't resist stoping #barnesandnoble for the #BookHaul blow out sale.
Finally got a hold of marriage vacation glad i can read it while waiting for the next season of younger.
Been looking forward to The Perfect Mother with Kerry Washington staring in the movie version & heard great things on the YA Novel Three Dark Crowns
If you are a fan of the show younger you are for sure going to want to read this book... a kind of inside look and Pauline and Charles‘ relationship. If you aren‘t a fan of the show it is just a fun beach read about a woman taking a break from her life to find herself again!
A fun read for Younger fans! If you haven‘t watched the show, you‘d probably find it to be meh.
“When a male author writes about marriage and feelings he gets the Pulitzer fucking Prize. When a woman does the same thing her book is dismissed as chick lit.” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
As a huge fan of the TVLand show Younger, I couldn‘t wait to read this book. Knowing this is a companion book & learning more about Pauline thru her fictional character was a lot of fun & had me scouring for clues about the show. However, it can stand on its own. In fact, there were only a few moments where Younger characters made an appearance, and always in inconsequential ways. Although, I wouldn‘t recommend it if you aren‘t a Younger fan.
So excited that I just got this email! Perfect timing since I just finished my other audiobook. Usually the NYPL has the WORST timing with my holds, so I couldn‘t be more excited.
Yay! More book mail came today! 📚📫 Does anyone else watch the TV Land show #Younger ? I‘ve always had a soft spot for Charles 😍 I was so excited for last week‘s episode, I had to order #marriagevacation ! Have any of you read this or want to read it like me?
#Youngertv #booktoscreen #booktotv #teamcharles
(It was fun to use my own engagement ring and wedding band as a prop for this photo 🤣💍)
Sort of a tie in with the television show Younger. Cool background for a character in the show but it stands well alone too.
It‘s an easy summer read - a cute little ditty. It was fun reading a book featured on the TV show Younger.
I wanted to love this book because I love the show but I just really didn't relate to this one. It all seemed a little cliche and I wanted more from it - more about their marriage before she left, more about their reconnecting after she got back. I wanted it to be juicier knowing what the show is. And it didn't at all feel like a "tell all" of their marriage. I guess it just wasn't my kind of story...
I love, LOVE the show so was really excited to read this but unfortunately I didn't love it. It was just ok. I don't know why but I felt kind of restless through the whole thing. As for page 58, it would have made more of an impact if I hadn't just read The Kiss Quotient which made that scene almost tame in comparison 😳😉
So looking forward to this one! Love the show - I've been watching from the beginning, and looking forward to a light read #teamcharles
Cute read, but I'm certain it will leave no lasting impressions on me. 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
All I really want to know about is page 58.
I had ONE 20% off ONE item coupon so of course that means buy many books. Well played Barnes & Noble. Well played. Does anyone watch Younger?! I bought Marriage Vacation because it's a real book now with the fictional character listed as the real author! 😂This amuses me to no end (Anyone? Anyone?)
So, so fun. I'm still Team Liza, but damn do I love Pauline. This book is so great.
I woke up to this library hold and squealed. So far, I've resisted the temptation to skip to page 58. If you're not watching Younger, I highly recommend it. It's smart, funny, and set at an NYC publishing house. This book was "written" and "published" by fictional characters on the show.
I love the tv show Younger and super excited that they actually made it into a book... I can‘t wait to read page 58! #mostanticipated #readingresolutions @Jess7
And this is the infamous page 58 that got everyone talking. If you're a fan of the tv show "Younger"then you know what I'm talking about. Charles gives Pauline oral. I guess after years of reading romance novels for so many years has made me jaded. I was expecting something more surprising than this. LOL!?