@AmyG thank you so much for these lovely, thoughtful gifts! You really didn‘t need to, but I appreciate you. This lotion smells divine. ❤️
@AmyG thank you so much for these lovely, thoughtful gifts! You really didn‘t need to, but I appreciate you. This lotion smells divine. ❤️
I didn‘t manage to read a single Persuasion retelling in September, but I did finish this one as my last book last month. Unfortunately, I thought it was really underwhelming. Really just a book about life in England in Austen‘s times, so if you know much about that subject you won‘t find much new here. I enjoyed the tidbits about Jane herself, and the tie-ins to her books and characters.
Finished Mansfield Park and am currently zipping through my two remaining reads for January. Could definitely go for a nap with all the rainy weather Georgia‘s been having..
My new reading nook~
My bucket list includes visiting England, and, of course, visiting Jane Austen sites. Part of my Austen collection contains this book, which I haven‘t read yet. The Adkins‘ examine Austen‘s England and its many facets during her lifetime. #LaIslaBonita #Movember #NFNov
I always love stocking up on my history books while in England. I have already bought so many books in Greece and Ireland though, so I‘m a bit worried about my suitcase load...
She was clearly very #intelligent, but her potential was stifled by poverty and her low-class status as a governess.
#QuotsyMar19 #31DaysOfNonFiction
Reading outside for the first time this year~ The weather is gorgeous and totally worth the raging allergies.
I‘m really enjoying this but I‘m only reading a couple of chapters a week. My daughter says “Mum you‘ve been reading that book for years”
It‘s the kind of book where I want to nudge someone every couple of pages and say “Did you know?...” 😂😂 All about domestic life in the eighteenth century based on research including Jane Austen‘s diary - but not specific to Austen so don‘t get misled by the title.
#AustenInAugust #TravelsWithJane
A guide to touring England and Jane Austen‘s world!
(Catching up: 1/18)
When a map of English counties has been on the table next to your favorite reading chair for over a month, it‘s obvious you read a lot of books set in England 😂
My indulgences for the afternoon: tea, chocolate, and knowledge.
Woohoo, #BookMail arrived!!! I supported a #KickStarter campaign, which succeeded, and this book is the result!!! My name even appears in the acknowledgement section! ☺️
It's a book featuring ALL the places Jane Austen traveled to and lived in. Even including the film locations for the 1995 and 2005 P&P films!!!
**note: the tagged book is not the book I own and have shown here**
A bit anticlimactic, since I've read a number of Austen non-fiction recently. I feel like they skimped on providing examples from Austen's books when bringing up historical facts. The organization was strange. The chapters were organized into topics that moved chronologically from marriage to death, which was fine, but within the chapters the narrative veered all over the place. The authors should have grouped information within subsections.