Taking the quarantine one day at a time...
Taking the quarantine one day at a time...
A visual representation of my reading progress over the past few days. Approximately 160 pages read so far~
Enjoying the rain~
I set a new goal for myself - to read 50 pages per day throughout my self-quarantine.
Haven‘t been able to read much until this whole virus thing happened. Now that I have substantial amounts of free time, I have selected my “QuaranTBR.”
Just finished Northanger Abbey! 2/6 complete~ On to Persuasion.
It‘s been a while, Litsy! Big things have been happening in my life—not the least of which was purchasing my first house. I‘m hoping to get a bit more reading done as we settle in!
Is it even Summer if you aren‘t reading a book pertaining to the ocean?
What better book for a lake weekend? Admittedly a little unpatriotic, but the film adaptation is my favorite movie of all time~
Spent several hours chilling on the dock and reading. Not a bad way to spend a Friday~
Reading a book about a garden becomes so much better with the window open~
It has been a minute, Litsy! I‘ve been busy with my new job (and recently took up sewing) but now I‘m back to reading! Spring is nearly over but The Secret Garden still seemed an appropriate book for the season so I choose it to help me get back into the habit. I hope you all have been well!
First opportunity to read in a while~
April's nearly over and I'm left wondering where it went.
One of my favorite stories of all time~
I have like four different copies of the book, too. :0
Reading The Last Castle while chilling at the historic Grove Park Inn~
We'll be visiting the Biltmore tomorrow!
Cat naps and classics~
Kittenhead allows me to take pictures of her as long as I let her snuggle with my heated blanket.
In an effort to get back into it, I've decided to just jump into my #springtbr. It's the vernal equinox today anyway so it's kind of appropriate~
(Not pictured are "The Secret Garden" and "The Enchanted April".)
Boy, I have been in such a slump with reading. I started three books and can't seem to finish any of them. :/
Reading outside for the first time this year~ The weather is gorgeous and totally worth the raging allergies.
3/6 books completed~ Was sick yesterday so I stayed home and finished the 3/4ths remaining of Emma. It was as good as I remembered.
Weekend reading complete! 2/6 done. Now to finish ‘Emma‘ and start on this one~
Weekend reading~
Planning on finishing these two books today. :D
February TBR~
I‘m continuing with my Jane Austen theme...obv. #februarytbr
Persuasion is complete! I see why so many people like it! But now, on to the next Austen novel~
Mini-haul. More books to feed my Regency obsession. :x
Next on my Jane Austen reading list. This will be the first time! I‘ve only ever read ‘Emma‘ and ‘Pride & Prejudice.‘
Getting my Austen fix early in the year! I plan to read back through all her novels, as well as a few nonfiction books about her life and the Regency era~