I gave this 50 pages and I‘m still not clear what it‘s about. The writing is flat and dull and frankly nothing about it is holding my attention. And Bindi says walkies is a much better idea than trying to continue, so I‘m out.
I gave this 50 pages and I‘m still not clear what it‘s about. The writing is flat and dull and frankly nothing about it is holding my attention. And Bindi says walkies is a much better idea than trying to continue, so I‘m out.
Unforgettable!!! Hints of Toni Morrison's Beloved and Octavia E. Butler's Kindred. Four women with great power linked together to protect their people through the ages. Slow build up to an explosive end. A book to reread just to get those parts you missed the last time. #MagicalRealism And my last for #ReadHarder2021.
Just signed up for the latest Joshilyn Jackson Reads crowdcast. I‘ve been enjoying this #DecaturBookFestival series all summer!
#BookHaul Picked up a couple of Decatur Book Festival books today.
Trying to finish this today, drinking a superfood smoothie and trying to not obsessively watch or read vivid related news to keep from being anxious. FaceTiming with my oldest and my parents later. Work has been weird and I‘m sort of missing having a job where I have to stay home but...healthcare is important. Hope everyone is staying healthy, sane, and home when possible!
Back from a very surreal day at work—we have barely any patients, we have to be screened coming into the hospital (which basically amounts to a survey on our phones-so not exactly rigorous), but we have all entrances but ER and ground floor closed, no visitors allowed unless it‘s end of life, maternity or peds. Anyway, hoping to finish Tagged book today but the trashy Irish Kisses on my kindle seems more appropriate. #isolationinteractions
I found that I was forcing myself to read this. It started off well, but then fizzled out. It‘s like, you would start getting into one of the character‘s stories, and then it was on to someone else. Just not feeling it anymore.
As soon as I got to work I realized I forgot my book bag, which of course had my book in it. I was sad. Like, really sad. But my soup was good 😋 (trying to grow out my pixie cut and man, is it a painful process lol) #random
My first gift from the #onceuponabookclub box! I‘m already trying to read fast so I can get to the next gift 😁
NPR Books reviewer and soon-to-be debut novelist Denny S. Bryce recommends this "complex story of loss and survival" as today's #read99women pick: http://www.greermacallister.com/blog/2020/3/4/read99women-denny-s-bryce
Got my #OnceUponABookClub box today! I‘m so excited!
Remembrance…It‘s a rumor, a whisper passed in the fields and veiled behind sheets of laundry. A hidden stop on the underground road to freedom, a safe haven protected by more than secrecy…if you can make it there.
I struggled a bit with this story, trying to keep the three timelines straight. There were a lot of characters to keep track out. As a result, I never felt a connection to any of the characters, except perhaps a bit with Abigail because of the horrors she encountered & her role throughout the rest of the story. This book is a blend of historical fiction and the supernatural, which makes perfect sense with the Haiti & New Orleans settings.
I liked this book but didn‘t love it. It‘s told from alternating perspectives of four different narrators. 2 of the narrators are enslaved women, one is a free black woman living during the time of slavery and one is a woman living in present day America. All four are able to manipulate material matter. All four use this power to help others. My only criticism is that I didn‘t feel like I got to know any of them well and the ending felt unfinished
I took a break from #nfNov to read this ARC I won from BookishFirst. I was not disappointed—historical fiction with a splash of magical realism, this book is beautifully written.
My full GR review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3047871723
Anyone can sign up for BookishFirst & enter weekly raffles to win new ARCs, read excerpts, & earn points for free books by writing reviews – www.bookishfirst.com & my referral code: a6818616a3d463e80
Powerful, stunning, memorable, one of my favorites this year. It's historical, fantasy, magical, with a bit of paranormal. It touched my soul, took my mind into new heights of imagination, feelings untouched opened, a wound resurfaced, then healed. The main characters have a dedicated chapter, their family history interwoven into different time periods. A must read. #MrBook1inaMillion #24B4Monday
I won this ARC in a BookishFirst raffle. The first impression sucked me in, so when the book arrived today, I dived right in, picking up where the first impression left off.
I fully recommend BookishFirst. I‘ve only been on there a few months, but have won 3 ARCs & I don‘t enter every raffle. Plus, I‘ve also earned a free book.
Check it out: https://www.bookishfirst.com/
If you sign-up, please consider using my Referral-Code: a6818616a3d463e80