Well, I didn‘t see that coming.
Current read. So well written. Unsettling subject matter told through an expertly woven narrative.
I think this book's honesty and rawness may haunt me for years! So powerful!
This is definitely dark, and Vanessa is a character you won‘t soon forget. She haunts me with her morose tale that has a trigger for almost everything, so be cautious. This was a troubling read; I don‘t think anyone can really “like” this book due to its daunting contents, but it is well-written and unforgettable.
Really enjoyed this, despite the dark topic of the story.
I‘ve seen many Tik Tok‘ers talking about this one. I‘m ready for a dark read.
very difficult to get through bc it is so disturbing. i like the end but the graphic details are extremely hard to read
Thank you so much @monalyisha for sending my #newyearwhodis list! And thank you @LapReader for your list which I found SO interesting
Unfortunately Nothing But My Body doesn‘t seem to be available anywhere in the UK so I don‘t think that one will be possible right now, but I do have access to these four. The evening and the morning looked like I‘d understand it better if I‘d read Pillars of the Earth so I thought I‘d start there and move on to it
Russell has written a convincing portrait of a preyed upon child and the woman she grows into being. Infuriating, heartbreaking, stomach turning reading. Trigger warning for graphic rapes. Full review at https://booknaround.blogspot.com/2021/06/review-my-dark-vanessa-by-kate.html
#QuotsyApr21 day 25 #broken
📷 mountainmamabookreviews on instagram
Wow! This book was raw, disturbing, painful, and depressing. There was not a single happy moment during this read. It was vivid, detailed sexual abuse upon a fifteen-year-old girl by her forty-plus-year-old teacher. This book told the story of a childs sexual abuse over the span of years, being reflected on and finally dealt with as an adult. Heartbreaking
Oh, how I wanted to hate this book — Truth can sometimes be so brutal and abuse needs to be uncovered — Hard to read but I couldn‘t put it down - Gut-wrenching
My Dark Vanessa documents Vanessa‘s affair with her New England boarding school English teacher, which began in 2000, when she was 15 and he was 42. Seventeen years later, in the wake of the #MeToo movement, she reluctantly admits the devastation it has wrought on her life.
I‘ve been wanting to read this and found it on sale for $3.99 on Kindle yesterday. Started it last night and can‘t stop reading.
So early this morning I finished ‘My Dark Vanessa‘ by Kate Elizabeth Russell and I still don‘t really have my thoughts in order. Its writing was tragically beautiful and for this to be a debut book has me reeling. When I can form coherent thoughts and put together an actual review I‘ll post the link. For right now I urge you to give this book a try!
The title is completely accurate in this case. The story was about Vanessa and it was dark. I rated it “So-So” because it made me feel icky, but I continued reading anyway. I felt compelled so see her story through to the end. I was extremely frustrated with the adults in the story. I wanted to shake them..it wasn‘t like Vanessa was very convincing when she told people she was fine.
We Canadians do love our #timhortons 🍩☕!!!
1. Currently on the East Coast visiting my bf‘s family, but I live in Anchorage, AK (where I‘ve been for all of quarantine)
2. See tagged
3. 300-500 pages (though I don‘t mind longer books)
4. @Saknicole
Tagged by @EadieB
A haunting novel about Vanessa, a woman struggling with finding herself and place in the world. After ending a relationship with Jacob, Vanessa struggles in deciding if their relationship was love or abuse. I will admit some parts were hard to read and in no doubt may cause triggers for some readers. This was an amazing debut novel
Had to switch to audio on this one. It is such a difficult one to get through due to the subject matter.
The title wasn't kidding about 'dark' 👀
Day 1 ~ Books that changed me or left a deep impression upon me
#POPSUGARReadingChallenge #abookthatspublishedin2020
Exploring the psychological dynamics of the relationship between a precocious yet naïve teenage girl and her magnetic and manipulative teacher, a brilliant, all-consuming read that marks the explosive debut of an extraordinary new writer.
37-2020 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This will not be a book for everyone but it is executed rather well, while dealing with the present day and then flashbacking to the past you get Vanessa's POV of her first and greatest love her high school English teacher whilst you the reader realise that she was being groomed as a 15 year old girl and now in her 30s is starting to question was she really that special and in love or was it abuse
I preordered this book with the generous gift card @Crazeedi got me! Great birthday gift! Thank you, Diane!! 💖💖🥳🥳🎉🎉😍😍
Big 4-0 tomorrow! Thank you everyone for putting up with my pre-celebration. 😘😘