I adored every single one of the stories in here. There wasn‘t a single one that I would rate less than 4 stars, so please go pick this up!
I adored every single one of the stories in here. There wasn‘t a single one that I would rate less than 4 stars, so please go pick this up!
This book was perfection….. until the last 2 pages. Now I‘m just dying slowly until the third one.
Interesting enough to hold my attention but not enough to make me think about it throughout the day. Literally only read it at night time before bed. Characters were done well and the plot was good.
Even though the beginning was a bit slow I stand by my 4.5 star rating because it felt like the perfect ending for this duology.
Filled with YA tropes but still over all a fun read. Looking forward to the second one next year! Thank you Goodreads for picking me as a winner of this book!
Read this with two of my friends…I won‘t lie….I loved every single second of it. I thought the whole thing was pretty well written and surprisingly only found 2 editing mistakes! Definitely loved this sexy Aladdin retelling
While it wasn‘t as dark as I wanted I absolutely loved it.
Fantastically written and all consuming for me! I loved the characters and totally did not see the ending coming! Check out my blog for a more in depth review beautyandthebookwormonline.wordpress.com
I started this book while I was pregnant December of 2019. Then because of how sick my pregnancy made me I put it down until I was almost due and COVID was in full swing. The similarities between the disease in the book and COVID freaked my pregnant ass out so much I had to put it back down until now (almost a full year later) and even then I could only read a chapter at a time lol. Just like all her other books I loved it but it was super freaky!
My heart! Ugh! I loved the tension between Cassian and Nesta in the other books but sweet Jesus this was exactly what I wanted and needed. I‘ll have a full review up soon on my blog
While the beginning and the end were my favorite the middle definitely was not. I thought the idea of this crazy search and find was great but I kind of feel like the execution was done poorly. There wasn't enough suspense to hold my attention and because of that it took me far longer to read this than it should have. I should have been more invested in our main character while she's having this crisis and she just didn't have much going for her.
I am absolutely in love with my #bookcupidswap for all the goodies!!! Even the baby was excited for things he can‘t have! @CSeydel you are amazing thank you so much!!!
One of the most beautifully written books I‘ve read in a long time. My best friend recommended I read it for my bookopoly game and I‘m so glad she did!
So @LadyCait84 I sent your package out on 1/19 I promise, here‘s the the tracking number! I‘ve been stalking it since I sent it
Definitely an enjoyable retelling. While I don‘t always love Snow White stories I found that because this one was a little darker than normal I enjoyed it much more. Cant wait to read the next one!
Very excited for my match to get her package! It‘s going out on Monday!! Hopefully she loves everything ♥️ #cupidbookswap
This band of adventurers had me laughing like a fool while I read. Even though the story is getting a little bit darker it still felt lighthearted enough to keep me happy.
I definitely enjoyed getting more information about my favorite sith, however I really wish the story would have focused more on what happened after the events of ‘The Phantom Menace‘. I would love to read about how he survived on his hatred and anger for all those years and what happens after. Absolutely worth the read for Star Wars fans.
Definitely enjoyable. I had watched the movie a bajillion times before actually reading the book so I was pleased that it wasn‘t awfully different.
Once again Liz Braswell knocks it out of the park with her twisted tale. I already love Alice in Wonderland retellings and this is really high up on the list as far as favorites go!
So early this morning I finished ‘My Dark Vanessa‘ by Kate Elizabeth Russell and I still don‘t really have my thoughts in order. Its writing was tragically beautiful and for this to be a debut book has me reeling. When I can form coherent thoughts and put together an actual review I‘ll post the link. For right now I urge you to give this book a try!
I read quite a few negative reviews about this book, saying it wasn‘t interesting or fast paced enough. To that I say, but the slow burn was worth it! Ughh I love a good slow burn romance so much and this one didn‘t disappoint. The story was interesting enough that I truly didn‘t want to put it down even when I had to feed my 2 month old!
Story was compelling and the characters acted real. I appreciated the queer rep, it felt very natural and not forced. Definitely will try another one of his books!
I absolutely loved the dark atmosphere and forbidden romance in this book. Ok I loved the whole thing but those were my favorite! Demons and witches and romance....oh my!!
I‘m not usually one for a ‘coming of age‘ story but hot damn did I love this book. I absolutely loved the mystery aspect and I truly loved the characters. Maybe I‘m just not very educated but I feel like I don‘t really see many queer mystery books and this was definitely one that should be one everyone‘s radar!
For a young adult mystery/thriller I found that I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed reading this! While I should have seen the end coming together like that I‘m ashamed to admit I didn‘t and that‘s part of why I enjoyed it as much as I did!
I definitely didn‘t think I would enjoy this book as much as I did. Boarding schools are not really my thing but I felt like this one helped add to the atmosphere of the novel.
While still very entertaining I had a harder time getting into this Star Wars novel then I had the other few I‘ve finished! I‘m now 1 book closer to finishing every Star Wars novel ever written!!!
If you‘re looking for an entry point towards finding out a little more about the expansive Star Wars universe then I highly recommend this novel!
So on Saturday my husband and I went to Michigan comic con and I got to meet Claudia Gray! She is honestly so so kind!
After reading this for a second time I‘m still holding true to my 3.5 star rating. It wasn‘t as gripping for me as the Lunar Chronicles or Heartless which really makes me sad. I‘m still going to read the second and third book in the trilogy since I love her as a writer. I just hope Book two picks up for me.
I thought the entire thing was dark and unnerving and delightfully wicked which was exactly what I needed. Christina Henry weaves a completely believable story about boys that desperately hope to never grow up, pirates that aren't really the evil doers everyone believes, and a 'hero' that isn't what he seems.
While this book was a good look at the potential for how people would react when faced with disaster, it was not for me. I appreciated the writing and would consider giving her other book a try but I do not see myself re-reading this in the future. Truth be told if it wasn‘t picked for my bookclub I honestly don‘t think I would have picked it up myself.
Definitely not something I would normally pick up and yet I absolutely loved it! Mr. Gayou painted a completely compelling Artificial Intelligence story where I actually felt as if it could be happening to me.
Started off really gripping and I wanted to love it however the ending felt a bit absurd to me and completely ruined my overall feeling of the book. Characters were great, writing was great, basically everything was great except that ending.
Still a well done tale but definitely not as good as the first one. I feel like Seraphina got the short end of the stick at the end of it all.
Disclaimer: I love messed up books. This was a messed up book. I was excited when Amazon announced they were doing The Boys as a show and after reading the first volume I am PUMPED and absolutely can not wait to see Karl Urban as Butcher!
At first I wasn‘t sure whether I would finish this one. Usually fantasy isn‘t what I normally read so when I first started I gave myself the first 5 chapters to decide. I wound up reading the whole thing in 2 days and I already started the second one!
The story itself was decent, what pushed it over into good for me was the narration. R C Bray has that voice that can honestly make you want him to just read the dictionary to you. His narration made me want to read the third book in the series.
Very infrequently does a sequel beat the first book in my opinion and yet that‘s exactly what Legendary did. It comes at you with the same mystery and mystical story that the first one had and throws in that beautiful dash of slow burn sexual tension. I can honestly say I think I also fell in love with Legend.
Dragons, weddings, and incest...oh my! Honestly the first quarter and the last quarter were fantastic but the middle half drug by so slowly I thought I would never finish. After demolishing the first three of these in 2 months I think it‘s time for something mindless and fun!
Very strange and super twisted but completely entertaining. What one man does to save his sex doll...I mean Virginia..is much more then most people. I loved the art and while the story was weird I was engrossed and had to find out if he saved Virginia.
Having only read a couple Star Wars books that took place during Darth Vader‘s era I found this one very interesting from a future perspective. I like reading about our heroes grown and with children of their own as they continue to try and protect the galaxy. I am extremely interested in reading more about Jacen in future books!