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The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family
The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family | Mary S. Lovell
26 posts | 32 read | 48 to read
"Fascinating, the way all great family stories are fascinating."Robert Gottlieb, New York Times Book Review This is the story of a close, loving family splintered by the violent ideologies of Europe between the world wars. Jessica was a Communist; Debo became the Duchess of Devonshire; Nancy was one of the best-selling novelists of her day; beautiful Diana married the Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley; and Unity, a close friend of Hitler, shot herself in the head when England and Germany declared war. The Mitfords had style and presence and were mercilessly gifted. Above all, they were funnyhilariously and mercilessly so. In this wise, evenhanded, and generous book, Mary Lovell captures the vitality and drama of a family that took the twentieth century by storm and became, in some respects, its victims.
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Another readable but biased book about the Mitford sisters. Again, everything Diana says and does is excused because of her beauty while Jessica is disparaged because she was a Communist. Mocking remarks about the death of Jessica‘s baby are even excused because after all her husband had been known to play some horrible pranks; whereas, we are expected to feel sorry for Diana when she‘s taken to to prison before her healthy baby is weaned.🙄

KathyWheeler Also, the book is titled The Sisters, but we see very little of Nancy, Pam, and Debo even though Nancy was a well-known writer. It‘s mostly about Unity, Diana, and Jessica. Unity‘s pro-Nazi attitude is discussed but mainly in regard to her stalking of and her eventual relationship with Hitler. A lot of it is, “Oh, poor Unity! She only wanted peace between the two countries she loved.” Jessica‘s declarations of her unhappy childhood are dismissed. 1y
KathyWheeler And they are dismissed because everyone else said she seemed so happy. I would think the fact that she established a runaway fund as a child is pretty indicative that not all was wine and roses. 1y
KathyWheeler The author goes out of her way to say that Diana‘s extraordinary beauty is just not captured well by photographs. I would have to agree, as to me, looking at the pictures, the extraordinarily beautiful one is Debo. But I don‘t understand this obsession with Diana‘s beauty and using it to excuse everything. Maybe because Diana was still alive when this book was written, and she allowed access to family papers and other things? 1y
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KathyWheeler Last comment. Much is made of the horrible conditions that Diana lived under in Holloway prison with very little acknowledgment that she was not the only one. Yes, conditions should have been improved, but for everyone, not just Diana. She had people interceding for her and making her life a little easier, including Churchill; most other prisoners had no one. 1y
rubyslippersreads Diana wrote a memoir about her friend Wallis Simpson. Birds of a feather … 😏 1y
KathyWheeler @rubyslippersreads The first book I read about the Mitfords,The Six, didn‘t mention the book about Wallis Simpson, but this one did. The author also stated that there was never any proof that the Duke of Windsor supported Hitler, but I thought that was pretty well known. 1y
KathyWheeler Very last comment. 😄. I‘ve been thinking about this. All of the pictures on the cover are of the sisters as adults, except the one of Jessica in the top right. The picture used is the one of her as a pouting child even though there are many pictures of her as an adult. It might not mean anything, but it‘s interesting. (edited) 1y
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Rather biased writing, and didn't find the answers I was looking for...as in why? Why did Unity and Diane go fascist? There seems to be no underlying reason.. Besides an obsession with a man.. Very little really written about Deborah or Pam, and the author is hostile towards Jessica while Unity seems to do no wrong in the author's eyes. I'm sure there are better bios about the sisters out there.

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David and Sydney Mitford raised their 6 daughters and one son with an emphasis on being unique and always appreciated their differences. And were they ever different! This account of their lives includes scandal, political intrigue, and a whole lot of sibling rivalry.

Leftcoastzen I want to read this! Love Decca. 5y
Cinfhen #FridayFlowers 😍I know lots of Littens love reading about the Mitford‘s, I haven‘t read anything yet😔 5y
Simona @cinfhen Definitely worthy to try❣️It‘s hard to believe how extraordinary their lives were. 5y
Reviewsbylola Such a fascinating family. 5y
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Today‘s haul from the book sorting. I was happy to finally find Everything Under, and was thrilled with the Thirkell and the Mitford saga.

Also, there‘s this tea -which I assumed was going to be gross and bought it just so I could say I TRIED it, but is actually very, very good and I had to go back for additional tins because it‘s a seasonal item and God forbid I run out in February 2020.

jillrhudy I think I've read that Thirkell, and I have definitely read “The Sisters,“ but if I read anything by or about a Mitford I catch a Mitford Bug and become obsessed with them AGAIN! The peril! 5y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy Yes, it‘s quite a perilous trap. But what is one to do- NOT read Mitfords??? Qu‘ell horreur! 5y
jillrhudy @Aimeesue Not an option. They're so great. 5y
Lcsmcat My daughter loves that tea, but our Trader Joe‘s doesn‘t carry it. 5y
Aimeesue @Lcsmcat I totally expected to hate it, but turns out that it's nicely balanced and doesn't taste like fake watermelon flavour at all. Weird that your TJ's doesn't have it. Although mine doesn't have Cherries & Berries tea, and I wanted to try that, too. Distribution of seasonal stuff is def hit or miss. 5y
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LeahBergen ENDLESSLY fascinating! 😍😍 5y
Cinfhen Nice @LeahBergen @merelybookish 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
merelybookish @LeahBergen Indeed! Do you have a favorite Mitford girl? 5y
RohitSawant Oo, sounds interesting! 5y
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vivastory Great choice. This sounds fascinating! 5y
LeslieO I loved this one! 5y
Cinfhen Great pick!! Still on my #OneDay list #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime 5y
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LeahBergen Yes! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Mdargusch Love those sisters! 5y
Reviewsbylola Loved this book! I hadn‘t heard of the Mitfords before I read it. It sparked my fascination with them. 5y
Reviewsbylola Ain‘t that the truth! 😭😭 @Cinfhen 5y
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Ok, technically it‘s from England to Berlin, but the sentiment is the same imo. 😂 Unity Mitford was one of the iconic Mitford sisters, well known socialites that included authors Nancy and Jessica Mitford.

Unity became part of Hitler‘s inner circle during WWII and was a staunch and steadfast supporter of the Nazi party. She eventually put a bullet in her head and was never able to recover. She died at 33.


erzascarletbookgasm Fascinating! 6y
Mdargusch ❤️Mitfords❤️ 6y
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LeahBergen Love those Mitfords! ❤️ 6y
Kalalalatja Oh, wow, that‘s really interesting! 6y
emilyhaldi Such a fascinating family 🤯 6y
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Unity was the Mitford sister who was a close friend of Hitler‘s. 😳


batsy Oh dear, Unity :( A fascinating family... I must read this! 7y
Cinfhen I agree @batsy what a fascinating family! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Sounds like a fascinating read. 7y
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Lcsmcat Interesting. I wonder if my library has this. 7y
Foragingfantasy I'm pretty sure I have this one somewhere... 7y
Moonpa Good read! 7y
Mdargusch I liked this book. It was my first foray into the lives of the Mitford sisters. 7y
rubyslippersreads Great choice! I need to read this one. 7y
DeborahSmall Truly fascinating, need to read about them. Know very little about them 😘 7y
Centique Oh man, great minds think alike! I thought of Unity Mitford too 😂 Thinking cap back on now! 7y
LeahBergen @Centique Oops! 😂 7y
Reviewsbylola This book got me hooked on the Mitfords!! 7y
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Another book languishing unread in my kitchen cabinets. #saga #jubilantjuly

emilyhaldi Dying to read this! 7y
rubyslippersreads Mine too! 😏 7y
Dragon I enjoyed this one, I love books about The Mitfords 😀 7y
alisiakae It's been a while, but I loved this book! 7y
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#siblings #aprilbookshowers

How fortunate I am to have visited Chatsworth several times, the beautiful home of Deborah, Duchess of Devonshire (nee Mitford).

Laura317 Sounds good! I love books like these. I suppose I have a thing for the gentry. 7y
AlaMich They were quite the interesting family, no? 😳 7y
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Six sisters and one brother - crazy bunch of #siblings
Interesting personalities, extraordinary stories and very diverse life paths.


LeahBergen I ❤ those Mitfords. 7y
Simona @LeahBergen Very unusual and interesting family❣️ 7y
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A book about any one of the Mitford sisters would be rich territory for #womenshistoryreads -- THE SISTERS, which covers all six, is even richer. Writers and revolutionaries and so much more, this British clan makes a fascinating study in what draws families together & what tears them apart. #womenwriters #bookstagram #herstory #maryslovell #mitfordsisters #womenshistorymonth

DivineDiana I have this book! You have encouraged me to move it up on my TBR list! 7y
LeahBergen Love the Mitfords. 7y
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The Mitford sisters are as diverse as can be. Lovell does a great job of portraying each sister with their flaws, successes, and differences. It's an intriguing family and story.

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A fascinating family with a unique story that covers decades, wars, and all manner of life.

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Nicky is shocked, shocked by the behavior of the Mitford sisters in #somethingborrowed from a friend much too long ago. I need to move this up my TBR list. #booktober #octphotochallenge #day7 #catsoflitsy #kittenlitten

LauraBeth Gorgeous pic 😻😻 8y
britt_brooke Cool photo! 📷😻 8y
MrBook 😻😻😻 8y
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Dragon Fun photo and I enjoyed the book 📚 8y
Bookzombie Cool pic! 8y
Simona They have been my #girlcrush 8y
rubyslippersreads @Dragon @Simona sounds like I'll enjoy it. Another book about them just came out. 8y
Bette Beautiful 😍🐱 8y
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Amazing, thorough, and fascinating biography of the 20th century's most notorious sisters. Each sister is beautifully (and fairly) portrayed and a good addition to your library if biographies are your happy place.

MrBook Ooh, @BookBabe this one sounds right for you 😊. 8y
mollykh Possibly my favorite biography! 8y
love_everylittlething @mollykh Have you read their letters? So good! 8y
mollykh I've read everything. The letters, Nancy's novels, Decca's books, Debo's collected essays and her books about Chatsworth...it's so rare to have so much to read about one family, let alone an interesting one. 8y
love_everylittlething @mollykh I know! They were such a prolific family. I think their story is so fascinating. Debo's granddaughter Stella Tennant is a supermodel and she has that lovely sharp Mitford face. I'm a little obsessed with Daphne Guinness who is Diana's granddaughter. There was a little short film made about her, I think you can find it on YouTube. Incredible family. 8y
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Extraordinarily...Fascinating life, fascinating sisters, fascinating time.... I want more!

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