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The Force
The Force | Don Winslow
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Absolutely relentless and surprisingly nuanced. I haven‘t read much of Winslow‘s stuff before, but I‘ll have to make time to do so now.

The Force | Don Winslow
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Couldn‘t put it down. Read the whole thing in one sitting.

The Force | Don Winslow
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Great dirty cops v everyone else crime novel. Thought it would take me a while to read but the pages flew by.
There are no nice, redeeming or good people in this book but it‘s a great read 😁

MsMelissa Have you read any of Winslow‘s other books? This one is also very good (it‘s the first in a trilogy) 4y
TrishB @Book_Fiend_Melissa I have the trilogy ready to read and thought I‘d start with the stand alone. The trilogy look like big books! 4y
MsMelissa They are! I‘ve only read the first one so far. I‘ll probably give book two a go in the next couple of months. 4y
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TrishB @Book_Fiend_Melissa I‘ll have to wait until I have a few days off, when I‘ve been staring at a screen all day I can‘t seem to concentrate on big books. 4y
MsMelissa I totally understand! Even working from home I find I don‘t have the energy at night to read anything really heavy or dense. 4y
Reggie Like even the people higher than the cop were horrible in this, holding his wife‘s future for ransom. And then to be the dirty cop turning all your friends in. And then what THEY were actually doing. But could I put it down? No. Lol glad you liked it TrishB. 4y
Cathythoughts I like your review 👍🏻 4y
TrishB @Book_Fiend_Melissa all the books I think are going to be hard work I‘m leaving for a better time! 4y
TrishB @Reggie exactly! Not one good person anywhere 😁 but compulsive reading. 4y
TrishB @Cathythoughts thank you 👍🏻 4y
MicheleinPhilly Loved this one too. 👍🏼 4y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly fast and fab 👍🏻 4y
MicheleinPhilly That is essentially my criteria these days. Hope you are well. 😘 4y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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#weeklyforecast - a very tentative one. All that can be confirmed is I started The Force this morning 😁

Cinfhen Ohhh, that‘s the Kingsolver I bailed on.... curious to see how you like it!! I‘ve heard The Force is GREAT 4y
squirrelbrain Quite the spread of genres there Trish! Enjoy! 4y
TrishB @Cinfhen I may of course feel totally different tomorrow! 4y
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TrishB @squirrelbrain I was hoping some part of my reading brain would appreciate that! 4y
LeeRHarry Prodigal Summer is my favourite Kingsolver so far - I hope you enjoy it! 😊 4y
amywithbooks The Force is AMAZING. Enjoy! 4y
Kalalalatja Loved Prodigal Summer 👌 4y
TrishB @LeeRHarry @Kalalalatja that‘s good to hear 👍🏻 4y
TrishB @avgeyer enjoying so far 👍🏻 4y
MsMelissa Hey Trish! It‘s Melissa. I‘m back, but with a new account 😊 Would love for you to follow me again. 4y
TrishB @Book_Fiend_Melissa oh how lovely ❤️ hope you‘re keeping ok in the current circumstances. Let us know what you‘re reading. Good to see your face again 😁 4y
MsMelissa Thank you 😊 The Force was very good! I hope you like it. I wasn‘t a fan of the Nina Hill book though. It ended up as a DNF for me. Will be curious for your thoughts. 4y
TrishB @Book_Fiend_Melissa my reading brain is a bit all over the place so we‘ll see 🤷‍♀️ 4y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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I was tempted to purchase the new Don Winslow before I realized that I own 4 or 5 books by him despite never having read him. 😬 So I decided to cut my teeth with this standalone. This is the quintessential “dirty cops” novel. Its scope is cinematic and the 500 pages just fly by. My one minor quibble is when members of this particular task force referred to themselves as “Da Force” my child of the 80s brain immediately said “Da Bears.” ☺️ 5⭐️

AmyG I need to read his books. I follow him on twitter. 4y
TrishB 😂😂 I think I now have a few of his and not read yet! But now I know they have your recommendation! 4y
DGRachel 😂 Before I even finished reading your last sentence I was saying Da Bears in my head. 🤣🤣 4y
batsy Pickles!! 😘 4y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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That feeling when you get a new phone and the storage is all empty and calling for you to download as many ebooks as you'd like 😍 back to having enough space to bookjuggle 🎉 #mommyreads #ebooks

The Force | Don Winslow
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These came to mind for #LetsTravelAugust #NewYork. To me these represent then (1970's) & now. Both are gritty & involve corrupt law enforcement. The Force in particular was one of the most engrossing crime novels I've ever read. (The audiobook is fantastic with Dion Graham!) So many books are written within the city, but I know New York is more than #NYC. I'd love some recs for books set in other areas of of the state!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good!!!!! 🖤💙 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚❤️🗽 5y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Superb crime novel centring on Denny Malone, hero cop in an elite force who is also as corrupt as the city he nominally serves. As it nears its climax this novel suddenly seems to expand and become a howl of rage against the truly corrupt - the Brass, the property developers, the legal system and the city administration, compared to whom Denny's crimes pale into insignificance. Magnificent.

amywithbooks Legitimately one of the best books I have ever read. 5y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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⭐️⭐️ 1/2

I thought initially I was going to rate this higher as the setup is strong and I was having flashbacks to one of my favourite TV series - The Wire. Unfortunately the middle third bogged down in complicated plotting and by the end pretty much every character was loathsome to me.
I will keep trying with Winslow and try The Cartel series next.

ClairesReads Oh bummer! 5y
Redheadrambles @ClairesReads I think I prefer my crime on film ? This book sidetracked me into watching The Godfather trilogy again and well it suffered by comparison! 5y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Saturday night and this is where I'm at. Is it antisocial? Kinda. Do I care? Not a bit.

Reviewsbylola This is literally me every Saturday night and I so do not care! 5y
Johanna414 Looks an awful lot like my ideal Saturday night too! 5y
Soubhiville This is me too. I love it. About to run a bath and put on an audiobook. The good life! 5y
CouronneDhiver Yes! I‘m already snuggled under the covers too 👏🏽👏🏽 (edited) 5y
Lauranahe This is what I want every night! 5y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Don Winslow certainly can paint a ...let's call it "colorful" --or should it be "odoriferous"?--- picture. ?

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The Force | Don Winslow
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"Truth, justice and the American Way. The American Way is, truth and justice maybe say hello in the hallway, send each other a Christmas card, but that's about the extent of their relationship."

"'Drug deals and gun deals, traffic in people and property, rapes, robberies and assaults, crimes hatched in English, Spanish, French, Russian... Da Force hit them all, but especially guns and drugs, because guns kill and drugs incite the killings.'"

The Force | Don Winslow
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#winterwonderland So my day #snowballed into a happy oblivion when I came home to a package from @Centique that contained the sweetest card, some delicious candy, and this fabulous apron!!!! I am going to be holiday baking this week, this is perfect. Thank you so very much!!! Also, The Force is about an NYC cop caught in one lie and then it becomes a couple of more lies and then this book #snowballs into an action packed book you can‘t put down.

Reggie Honestly Paula this was so sweet, I can‘t thank you enough. I remember that picture of you and your daughter making that pavlova from last year. I‘ll send a pic when I make one off the recipe of this apron. Thanks again!! @Centique (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Fun!!! And I‘ve heard good things about this book!! Can‘t wait to see your holiday treats 😍 6y
TrishB Great post 💕 can‘t wait to see the baking! 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm 👏❤️ love that apron! 6y
Cathythoughts Fab apron ♥️ 6y
batsy That apron is the best ❤️ 5y
Centique Yay! It arrived safely. I‘m so glad you liked it 💕 and it will be so fun if you do want to try making it - but no pressure! (edited) 5y
ValerieAndBooks Perfect for making your 7UP biscuits 🤗!! 5y
RaimeyGallant Great apron. Happy baking! 5y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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I'm not usually one for reading police drama, but I picked up the ARC of this at work a while ago and finally got to reading it. It was really good!! A group of bad cops have control of their city--until they don't. Drugs, sex, murder, cops being investigated by the FBI...it's got it all. I've added his other books to my ever-growing TBR pile!

The Force | Don Winslow
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YOU GUYS. This was the best book i read in 2017. It is one of the best books I have ever read, period. Jump on this deal!!!!

The Force | Don Winslow
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It doesn‘t get a whole lot better than this audiobook. Don Winslow writes it, and Dion Graham narrates this gritty tale of corruption and greed. There‘s a lot more to this book than your average crime thriller. One of the best. Overall rating: 4.66 stars

Force | Don Winslow

Visceral, intense, detailed. NYC comes alive in this tale of police corruption. Highly recommended for fans of deep crime novels and anti-heros

The Force | Don Winslow
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This is a fantastic book. Having said that, I gave it a ‘so-so‘ rating simply because this authors previous books, THE POWER OF THE DOG and THE CARTEL are mind-blowing, and this book, as great as it is, is not of the same caliber in my opinion. Still, this is a tense, gritty view of an elite police force in modern NYC.

Force | Don Winslow

Captivating. Love Winslow‘s prose style

Force | Don Winslow
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i‘m on a don winslow kick and this one is so good! if you like mafia/cop stories this is it. godfatheresque. 👹

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The Force | Don Winslow
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For the love of Dios, it‘s ‘Bachata‘ music!

The Force | Don Winslow

This was the first Don Winslow book I read and it was quite different in its style to anything I‘ve read recently.
It‘s written in the 3rd person but I could practically hear Denny Malone‘s voice regaling his story. I think this is definitely written in a way that calls for a movie adaptation (low and behold here‘s one in the works) and I assume that‘s Winslow‘s style given that several movies of his books have already been made.
Continued below

LoveToReadLiveToRead This was a good story though and it had me gripped. If you‘re a fan of things like The Departed then this is probably a good shout. It‘s not one I‘m sure I‘ll remember for a long time though and it‘s not got me desperate to pick up Winslow‘s back catalogue but good entertainment. 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Bank holiday sunshine, a toddler napping in his buggy and grateful for the foresight I had to bring my kindle!

jenniferw88 Lovely pic! Random q: what's your toddler's name? 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead @jenniferw88 it‘s Adam. Boy‘s name are hard! I had a girl‘s name all picked out but took us ages to choose a boy‘s. 6y
jenniferw88 @LoveToReadLiveToRead thank you - you'll find out why I wanted it in a few weeks time! 😂😂😂 6y
tracey38 Looks like a great day! 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Also went to the bookstore after dinner. Came home with these treasures....

tammysue 😍👍🏼 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Hint.. hint .. perhaps another buddy read in the near future.. I have a copy of (edited) 6y
CocoReads @CoverToCoverGirl it looked good and someone had mistakenly put it on the buy 2 get 1 free table at b&n, a whole stack-stickers and all. How could I resist? 6y
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CocoReads I‘m down—maybe in a week or so? I‘ve got a couple of group reads to get through. 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Great I‘ve never read him before and it will be a different kind of buddy read from our normal 🔥 choices! Let me know when you‘re ready to start. 6y
CocoReads @CoverToCoverGirl I‘ve not read him either but the movie Savages is based on one of his books. 6y
CocoReads Plus, I‘m willing to buddy reread the hard ink series and then the raven Riders when we get there if anyone‘s up for that. I‘ve already reread book one but I can wait on the others. 6y
CoverToCoverGirl 🙋🏼‍♀️yes please! I‘m committed to two books before I can start reading the first in Hard Ink series though but I‘ll let you know when I start reading it.. 6y
CocoReads Great! We always have a good time on our buddy reads! 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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I‘ve never read anything by Don Winslow but my hubby has and he‘s doing an event at a Crime Literature festival over the summer that hubs would like to go to.
So I‘m diving into this which Stephen King describes as “The Godfather, only with cops”.

ShookBelf I've just bought this book today. I love Winslow - worth trying The Power of the Dog and The Cartel if you enjoy this one. 6y
Schuhbox I loved the Power of the Dog and the Cartel so much that my hopes were too high for this one. I enjoyed it but not as much as I thought I would 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead @ShookBelf @Schuhbox those are the two my husband has read and really enjoyed so might read them later if I enjoy this! 6y
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ShookBelf @Schuhbox Oh no, that doesn't bode well for me. I absolutely loved both those books (two of my all-time favourites) and had high hopes for this one. Maybe I need to revise my expectations 😂😂 6y
Reggie This is the only book I‘ve read of his but I could not put it down and almost called in to work to finish it but didn‘t lol. It was really good. 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Day 1 - April TBR: I don‘t set monthly TBR lists because I never adhere to them. Reading is an act of spontaneity for me. Either that or there‘s whole lotta ‘book whispering‘ going on in my home. It feels like the book chooses me instead of me choosing it. Something speaks to me from the book & the next thing I know I‘m reading that book in place of what I had planned. That being said, I selected one book ONLY for this prompt. #ReadingResolutions

Lreads I don‘t follow a TBR list, either. I read whatever appeals to me in the moment. 6y
Bourriquet76 I‘m the same way. I have a huge TBR pile and read what inspiration tells me to. The only must-read for April is a NetGalley ARC. 6y
ShookBelf I love Don Winslow and will be purchasing this book at some point this month. Hope it's a good one 🤞🤞 6y
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TrishB Same. The next book always calls to me. 6y
Melissa_J I‘m often the same way, so I almost never plan my reading in advance. I enjoyed The Force. The characters made me angry but it was a great book! 6y
MicheleinPhilly I‘m the same. I can never plan my reading in advance. 6y
Nute @QuietlyLaura @Bourriquet76 @ShookBelf @TrishB @Melissa_J @MicheleinPhilly I knew that I would not be alone. Sometimes I wish that I could plan reading, but I have started books and been unable to continue past a few pages because the timing wasn‘t right. The book hadn‘t called to me. I love it when I‘m understood.💕 Oh yeah...Yay Don Winslow! He must have been a former detective, CIA or FBI Agent because he gets this type of novel just right. 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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?? #Audiobook

I made it 6 hrs in, but couldn't continue due to the writing style..."He said blank" then "she said blank" over and over?. As an #Audiobook, it just didn't translate well being spoken out loud for me.

Which is a real shame since the narrator himself had on of the smoothest & richest voices I've heard - think Idris Elba.?

Maybe I'll try the print version instead at some point. But for now, I'm leaving this one alone.

kgriffith I had the same issue with Lock In! Apparently dialog tags are a Scalzi signature, but doesn‘t work well in audio. 6y
MarticaMustRead Ha! Interesting... and good to know @kgriffith ! Thanks for the heads up about Lock In !🤔👍 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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22 #Audible hours last month, not bad! A good chunk was due to The Force by Don Winslow. I give it 4 stars! It's about the demise of a dirty NYPD cop & his team. Although I was annoyed by the characters' cognitive dissonance at times, everything was not what it seemed, & I developed some empathy for Denny Malone. Dion Graham was an excellent narrator. This is going to be a movie & I hope Jon Bernthal (The Punisher) is cast as Denny. #audiobook

The Force | Don Winslow
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🎧🍔📖😋 #CurrentListen #HumpDayPost #BooksWithDinner

1. #CrimeThriller about an elite crew of NY cops who walk a very thin line btwn serving their community & being tempted by what they see. Being made into a 🎥!
3. Xennials -80's baby!🤘
4. My winter coat, a 🎁 to myself
5. Attend a Karaoke bday party, paint my bathroom, & attend Superbowl party at a friends 🏡 although I can't bring myself to root for either team this year lol.🏈🏆😝

MinDea That burger looks yummy! 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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😵🎧📖🌬😨 #CurrentListen #CrimeThriller #BooksToScreen #LibrarianLife

Walking to my car whilst listening to my #Audiobook like.....😨🤤

Stay warm out there my fellow #Bookworms !!

The Force | Don Winslow
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🤓📚📚🤓 #Readathon #24in48 #BookishThings #ForTheLoveOfBooks #EveningReading

Keep up the good reading Littens!!🤓
Invoke the #Bookworm Force😎🐍😉

You can DO it!! 💪📖🕯📚💪

The Force | Don Winslow
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??☕? ? #BooksNCoffee #BooksOverBreakfast #CurrentListen #Audiobook #CrimeThriller #BooksToScreen

Started this one while making breakfast and getting started on the weekend.

Really enjoyed "The Cartel" by him so I have high hopes for this one. Specially since it's been optioned for film already. ????

I didn't sign up for #24in48 but I'll be cheering u all on while I do some reading myself - have a great #Readathon Littens!!????

LoveToReadLiveToRead I‘ve heard some good things about this book and am currently on the waiting list for it at the library! I‘ve not read any others by the author but my other half really enjoyed Power of the Dog and The Cartel. 6y
MarticaMustRead @Lovetoreadlivetoread 'The Cartel ' was great & I have a good friend who also enjoyed 'Power of the Dog '...so far so good on this one!😊👍 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Wow that was a wild ride..a definite page turner, an exciting yet brutal book. Highly recommended! This is going to be a perfect movie adaptation. I visualized Malone as Mark Wahlberg the whole time! #audiobook by Dion Graham is excellent!!!

lindseytailored Ohh I‘m adding this to my TBR list! I loved The Cartel! 6y
Chelsea.Poole @lindseytailored I need to read that one! 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Tea (lemon drops!) and toast this morning for breakfast with The Force ☕️ 🍞
I‘m so sucked into this one, plowing through it in no time! Hopefully I get to read today during this snow day! ❄️ ⛄️

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Is that a sloth peering out of your mug? 😁 6y
Craftylikefox I have that same adorable tea sloth!!! He is the cutest! Plus lemon drop sounds amazing! 6y
Chelsea.Poole @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Indeed it is! My coworker got me that for Christmas a few years ago. I think of her every time I use it ♥️ 6y
Chelsea.Poole @Craftylikefox it‘s my favorite tea! Churchill‘s tea in Cincinnati sells it we live nearly 3 hours away but my husband ordered me a HUGE bag full for Christmas this year! 😊 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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My lunch this afternoon at the library: salad with absolutely ALL the toppings! My sister in law packed this for me today 😊🥗♥️
I‘m starting The Force from #libby - #audiobook format. Hopefully it‘s not too gritty 😣

robinb Yummmm! 6y
BibliophileMomma Yummmmm 🤤🤤🤤 6y
Lcsmcat Nice! 6y
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UnabridgedTomes My favorite game to play with salad: hunt the bacon 🥓 6y
Chelsea.Poole @UnabridgedTomes no bacon for me! Vegetarian over here 🙋🏼‍♀️ although I must say bacon is the only meat I miss! 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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I had 80 pgs left going into work tonight. With all the story induced adrenaline pumping through my veins, I thought if I walked the casino floor faster, time would go faster so I could finish this on my break. Denny Malone, a dirty NYC cop, tells you his tale of how a good cop making his neighborhood safe turns bad. In the end, street politics, street justice, the high brass bureaucracy, and hypocrisy leaves no one clean. Soo ******* good!!!!

Cinfhen Happy Holidays, ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
CoverToCoverGirl It‘s on my TBR pile! Merry Christmas! 6y
MicheleinPhilly Just bought this on super sale the other day. I‘m really looking forward to it. 6y
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Reggie @CoverToCoverGirl Merry Christmas!!!! @MicheleinPhilly That‘s funny because I bought it cause of your post about being on sale. So thanks cause it was so worth. 6y
vivastory Have you read his other books? I've had my eye on this one for awhile 6y
vivastory BTW I'm stealing your phrase "story induced adrenaline" 6y
Reggie @vivastory I have not, but under all the GR reviews, everyone keeps mentioning The Cartel which will probably be the next one of his I read. The Force, I didn‘t think would be my type of book, but I‘m glad I gave it a try. Totally sucked me in. 6y
Reggie @vivastory lol it‘s yours. 6y
vivastory I checked out the mass market paperback of The Cartel & the print was too small. Will check it out on Kindle. Winslow definitely seems to be one of the best at what he does 6y
minkyb Another winning review! 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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Why did I pick this up before Christmas?!!!! This is Christmas morning for the MC, dirty cop, Denny Malone and his estranged wife and their kids. He has another woman named Claudette who he loves. Only 25% in but if you ask me, Claudette, the wife, or one of the kids gets it. Shoulda held off on this until another time. 😕

TrishB I have stayed aware from the depressing for a few days!! 6y
Reggie @TrishB I‘m gonna have to do another romance after this to wash away the dark vibes. 6y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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The Force | Don Winslow
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So good.

The Force | Don Winslow
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An interesting story. Danny Malone, a NYC Homicide Detective is seriously flawed yet not a completely despicable individual. Don Winslow did a great job of writing a story and character that to me, seemed much more human, flaws and all, then a lot of stories based on bad cops. The ending is not totally unexpected and yet did have some surprising twists. I listened to this and the narrator, Dion Graham, did an amazing job.

The Force | Don Winslow
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Despite August being a crazy month, moving my SIL in and temporary blindness, I managed to read/listen to 21 books/audiobooks. My top 3: The Force (can't recommend this book enough), Hunger (RGay 💗), and HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban (my new favorite HP book!).

DrexEdit You are more productive in a crazy month than I am in a regular month! 😊 7y
Cinfhen Wow! What an amazing month 🙌🏻and temporary blindness?! 😱glad all is well 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @DrexEdit Thanks! ☺️💛 @Cinfhen Thanks! Audiobooks saved me the weekend I was blind. 😎🎧💛 7y
Cinfhen It sounds so terrifying...I can't even imagine ~ 7y
Zelma 😱so glad the blindness was only temporary. How scary. 7y
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The Force | Don Winslow
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1. The Force. Don Winslow writes the best cop thriller/corruption/drama. 👮🏻👮🏻‍♀️
2. I make the bed right before I have to sleep in it again. 🙃
3. Only 102 today 😎
4. Ninjas. Always ninjas!🗡👤
5. #friYAYintro

MidnightBookGirl Only 102! Lol 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @MidnightBookGirl It's almost time to start pulling out the winter clothes and blankets. 🤣 7y
mangokittty What? 102 that's pretty stinking hot. I have my a/c on high cause I was too hot without it. 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @mangokittty This is on cool side of summer. June/July was at/near 120. Our ac will probably stay on until the end of November. 7y
mangokittty Wow, I'd probably not survive I don't take to the heat well. 7y
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The Force | Don Winslow

Don Winslow's police thriller is a gripping tale of corruption, politics, racial violence and the struggle to stay clean in a dirty city and although there's nothing new in the storyline, it has a wonderful narrative voice and is told with a real sense of place that had me gripped from beginning to end and is only let down by one double deal too many at the end.

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The Force | Don Winslow

I keep hearing great things about this book but it just isn't grabbing me. Putting it down for now but I'll come back to it later.

The Force | Don Winslow
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Holy shitballs, Batman!!! 😮😮😮😮😮

*I may update this review later after everything has had a time to settle in my brain.

Melissa_J I've got this one on my TBR pile. I guess I shouldn't put off reading it. 7y
8little_paws Is this a sequel to The cartel? 7y
vivastory Was this your first Winslow? 7y
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Books_Wine_Repeat @Melissa_J It's so good! I hope you read it soon. I think I will buy my brothers this book for Xmas. 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @8little_paws It's not a sequel but it deals with the same issues: drugs, crooked cops, cartels and drug lords. I read he was writing a sequel to The Cartel though. 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat @vivastory No, I've read The Power of the Dog and The Cartel. I loved those so much! Art Keller!! 🙌 7y
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