Judy Moody was a BIG hit with Lane and Nina! They both thought the whole book was hilarious and were disappointed when we were done. They want to get the next book tomorrow! #raisingreaders
Judy Moody was a BIG hit with Lane and Nina! They both thought the whole book was hilarious and were disappointed when we were done. They want to get the next book tomorrow! #raisingreaders
We finished reading Runaway Ralph the other night and I took the kids to the library to pick out our next book. Lane's choice was Judy Moody because it reminded him of his sister 🤣🤣🤣
I can see the resemblance!
In order to keep Miss Moody happy, we started her choice, The Chicken Squad, first and it has been fun and silly. #raisingreaders
I read this to make sure it was a good fit for an 8-year old I know. I think she‘ll enjoy it and we‘ll have an interesting conversation about it.
#AyUpAugust My Daughter was a big fan of Judy Moody/ I think they shared some similar hormones 🙄#SwingTheMood Special shoutout to my fabulous cohost @squirrelbrain for creating an awesome hometown playlist and keeping all her acorns in a row 🐿🐿🐿I apologize if I missed posts and didn‘t respond, I was in a bit of a challenge vortex but hopefully I‘ll be back on track for #RedRoseSeptember beginning tomorrow 🌹
"I read this whole book in 6 days! I liked reading this book because it was so funny. Judy Moody has a brother just like me. His name is Stink... My favorite part was when Judy Moody and her two friends hid a pretend hand in the toilet seat to scare Stink out of the bathroom when he had to use it... Judy got peed on by a toad. I never want that to happen to me..." (Cadee, age 7)
We know we are taking slower tent camping life and living it to the fullest when we had to hunt down a used bookstore to get more books, having completed the ones we brought with us. #raisingreaders
In this RF, Judy Moody is a funny relatable character for any student who's been in a bad mood. Judy is NOT looking forward to going to third grade and her new classroom. She is ready to quit until Mr. Todd, her new teacher, assigns an exciting project where Judy can show her style and individuality. This is a great teacher guide for this Judy Moody classic: http://www.judymoody.com/wp-content/uploads/JudyMoody_1_TeachersGuide.pdf
Tagged by the fabulous @Underqueen ☺
1. 'Rather be' by Clean Bandit
2. ♒
3. Megan McDonald. Her Judy Moody series are what sparked my love of reading, and I cried when I realised mum had thrown them out when I went to uni
4. @cleoh
@eggs #wondrouswednesday
#Sassafras says AWESOME! He had many laugh out loud moments during our read. It has what I call “little boy humor” and his favorite parts were when characters were initiated into the Toad Pee Club. I enjoyed reading it to him. We are definitely going to get the next book in the series! A hit! 5/5🐸s
And while I love James and the Giant Peach, this was the book I pushed for. My childhood favorite, but oddly reminds me of my own daughter 😂 I‘ll get her to read it one day!
Another audiobook we listened to in the car on Monday. This was a free Audible download from Book-It. I really disliked the narrator. ? The story was just ok; Judy annoyed me. Even my nine-year-old hated how she kept saying "Rare!" or "Roar!" It got old pretty fast. Not in a hurry to read any more Judy Moody books. ⭐⭐ #kidsaudio
Helping a little with her reading comprehension homework, and she's a Judy Moody fan!! Love seeing excitement for reading in our youngest generation.
Last year while on vacation in Croatia we stopped at the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb. It was a really interesting look at objects & writings when people are no longer #inthemoodforlove. I don't have pictures from the trip handy so I took this one from their website.