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Cleopatra's Shadows
Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
23 posts | 11 read | 9 to read
Page-turning historical fiction that reimagines the beginnings of Cleopatra's epic saga through the eyes of her younger sister. Before Caesar and the carpet, before Antony and Actium, before Octavian and the asp, there was Arsinoe. Abandoned by her beloved Cleopatra and an indifferent father, young Arsinoe must fight for her survival in the bloodthirsty royal court when her half-sister Berenice seizes Egypt's throne. Even as the quick-witted girl wins Berenice's favor, a new specter haunts her days-dark dreams that have a habit of coming true. To survive, she escapes the palace for the war-torn streets of Alexandria. Meanwhile, Berenice confronts her own demons as she fights to maintain power. When their deposed father Ptolemy marches on the city with a Roman army, both daughters must decide where their allegiances truly lie, and Arsinoe grapples with the truth, that the only way to survive her dynasty is to rule it.
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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Sadly, I found this one to be pretty dull—I wanted to like it a lot, as it was my #doublespin for this month, but some things aren‘t meant to be.

TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!! 3y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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I'm a great lover of all stories about Egypt, particularly historical fiction. This book takes a unique view of the reign of Cleopatra's sister and the life of her younger sister. I really enjoyed this book.

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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My sister knows about my love of all things Egypt, and bought this book for me as a gift. It's a stunning cover.
Sisterly Love 💃🏽💜

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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Thanks to this novel I learned more about the lives of Berenice, an elder sister who shares a father but whose mother was cast aside, and Arsinoe, a younger sister who shares Cleopatra's parentage but not her favor. This book bounces back-n-forth between the two sisters' perspectives. Betrayal, seduction, sedition, bloodshed, & tears are all a part of this little slice of history which gives voice to women that time had mostly forgot.

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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Today‘s freebie #bookhaul from the library discards. I know nothing about it but I cannot resist! At least today it was just one.

My count seems to be off - this is #18.

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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That was an enjoyable read. In the blurb it compares it to The Other Boleyn Girl but there wasn‘t enough of Cleopatra for that comparison. In fact, the title is very misleading. This is just about Cleo‘s two sisters, nothing much about Cleo at all. It sagged a bit in the middle and I think she could have widen the scope and covered more time but I enjoyed it and it left me wanting more. 👍

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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Cinfhen This sounds interesting! Have U read it??? 5y
CoffeeNBooks @Cinfhen It's on my bookshelf, but I haven't read it yet. 5y
Crazeedi This does sound interesting! 5y
Cinfhen Maybe I‘ll wait for your review but I‘m not holding my breathe 😉 5y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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Spending my holidays reading on the beach. This one took me a little while to get into, but I ended up really liking the story.

Chrissyreadit That sounds like a lovely day! 6y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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I haven‘t finished this book yet, but it‘s been really great. Cleopatra‘s Shadows has held my attention since the first page. I recommend this book to anyone interested in historical fiction (or anyone else just needing a book to read)! Another plus side to this book is that there are many strong female figures set as the main characters. :)

Emcash Cute! 7y
swishandflick Welcome to Litsy! 🤗 7y
LaneyCash @swishandflick thank you so much!!! I‘m still trying to figure this place out!! 😅 7y
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RaimeyGallant Great idea @swishandflick :) And welcome from me too! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome @LaneyCash and thanks @swishandflick for the tag! 7y
Jess7 @LaneyCash - I also recommend checking out these #Litsytips: https://raimeygallant.com/2017/10/31/litsytips/ and #LitsyHowTo videos: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCwcuqcJRwNwEdLzipg_la3Q ! They‘re great for new Littens! 7y
Megabooks Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻👋🏻 I hope you love it here! Thanks for the tag @swishandflick 👍🏻😃 7y
LaneyCash @swishandflick @Jess7 @BarbaraTheBibliophage @RaimeyGallant @Booksandcooks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you all so much!! You guys have made this app so much easier for me!! ❤️❤️❤️ 😀 (edited) 7y
Jas16 Welcome to Litsy!! Thanks for thinking of me @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 7y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy @LaneyCash !! 🎉📚👍Hope you enjoy it here! Mahalo for the tag @swishandflick 🌺 7y
Christine11 Thanks for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and Welcome to Litsy @LaneyCash ! 🎉🌸📚💙 7y
Karkar Welcome to Litsy!!!! 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Welcome to Litsy @LaneyCash ! 🎉 And thanks for the tag @swishandflick 😊 7y
Lcsmcat Welcome to Litsy @LaneyCash (& thanks for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ) My recommendation for finding people to follow is to search for books you love and see who else loves them. Most of all, have fun! 😀 7y
Mdargusch Hi 👋🏼 @LaneyCash and welcome! Thanks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😘 7y
Avanders Welcome to Litsy @LaneyCash ! And thanks for the tag @Jess7 !! 😘😘 7y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! 7y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 🖐🥂 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy 🎊🎉🙌🏻📚 7y
BookaholicNatty Welcome to #Litsy @LaneyCash !!! I‘m thrilled to have a new book friend like you!!! Look forward to reading all your posts. Please let me know if you need anything! ❤️📚 7y
LaneyCash @BookaholicNatty thank you so much! I‘m so excited! 💜 7y
BookaholicNatty @LaneyCash it is exciting isn‘t it!!!!! To follow all the events going on you can follow @LitsyHappenings and if you like book swaps you can follow @LitsySwaps 😊 7y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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this was a brilliant read from start to finish still thinking of Cleopatra's younger sister Arsinoe days after finishing it

MrBook Nice cover! 8y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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This will have to go back to the library before I get a chance to read it, but I'll definitely be checking it out again.

QuoteQueen Yes do! Just finished it! 💚 8y
SusanInTiburon Another lovely, imaginative photo from you. Thanks! 8y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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I think this is the first book surrounding Cleopatra (if you could call it that since she was MIA 99% of the book) that actually had me empathetic toward BOTH her sisters! No small feat as I LOVE Cleopatra.

Loved that you saw what happened through both Berenice & Arsinoe's perspectives, which included politics, conspiracy, & family relations in a tense ancient royal family.

Cannot wait till Book 2!!!!

Also, at the end there were discussion ?s

MrBook Interesting. A sequel is in the works? 8y
QuoteQueen @MrBook that's what it said at the end of the book! And given where this one ended there is still LOTS to tell. 8y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman

After dropping off a kid at summer pre-K I'm doing nothing productive until AFTERWARDS I finish the last 14 pages of this book! 😜

Oh boy, then what do I read next???

My plan was to read the Fringe novels (based on the tv show) then the colorworld series but I picked up two prose versions of comic books (one daredevil and the other my husband Captain America) so now I'm conflicted. Hmmm... 🤔

#Fanwife #CaptainAmerica #marvel #whattoreadnext

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman

For DAYS my family has prevented me from finishing this book (it was fun most of the time). It's agony having to stop with only 14 pages to go! 😩

Maybe tomorrow...

Riveted_Reader_Melissa 14! Time to lock yourself in the bathroom and finish that book! 😉 8y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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And lord if my clumsy kids don't prove that to me daily!

What can I say, they've inherited my grace. 😂

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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Pretty much describes politics in the ancient world.

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman

Pretty much describes politics in the ancient world.

Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman

Turns out 3 years ago at this time I was also reading another book about #Cleopatra . Funny how that works out. I was reading Cleopatra by Stacy Schiff. 😊

annahenke That is an excellent book! It opened my eyes to how beautifully written and compelling nonfiction can be. 8y
TheWellReadOwl I loved Schiff's Cleopatra. So well writing. Exactly what @ahenke said. 8y
QuoteQueen @ahenke and @TheWellReadOwl I absolutely ADORED the book! I loved how it was a nonfiction that read like fiction. One of my favorite biographies. Another good one I liked was 8y
TheWellReadOwl So I did mean "so well WRITTEN!" ? 8y
QuoteQueen Lol that's what I read. I didn't even notice... 8y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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It's lunch time, but in too scared to eat. I had to minor cavities filled and my mouth is still numb. I'm scared I'll bite my cheek! So I guess I'll read to distract myself from the hunger.

I like how the chapters go back and forth between Berenice (Elder) and Arsinoe (Younger). It's a nice touch!

#Cleopatra #AncientEgypt #historicalfiction

Johanna414 Seems like a good excuse to have ice cream for lunch... 8y
QuoteQueen Haha I wish @Johanna414 then I'd have to hate with the mini me's. Lol 8y
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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman

I'm liking the book so far. Usually stories involving Cleopatra are told form her perspective, someone she's involved with, or 3rd person. This books details what's happening from her sisters', Berenice and Arsinoe, perspectives. You get to hear what happened and their inner thoughts (which is great to me cause if I had a superpower it would be to read minds! Lol).

#Cleopatra #AncientEgypt #historicalfiction

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Cleopatra's Shadows | Emily Holleman
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So I was browsing through Barnes & Noble. I was feeling pretty proud of myself since I was about to leave and resisted temptation. That is, until I saw this gem. And well, it followed me home... 😁

I'm a sucker for anything related to Cleopatra.

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