4/5 stars. This book just reminded me so much of a twilight retelling. Great book though with a bit more plot and more in-depth then twilight.
4/5 stars. This book just reminded me so much of a twilight retelling. Great book though with a bit more plot and more in-depth then twilight.
Los triángulos amorosos nunca me gustaron, me parecen una pérdida de tiempo y me aburren. Pero, bueno, puedo perdonarle eso a la autora porque la historia es muy linda. Los personajes están bien logrados, aunque me hubiese gustado saber un poco más de ellos. ⠀
La pluma de Cynthia Hand es sencilla pero llena de misterio. Espero poder leer más de sus libros pronto.⠀ #currentlyreading
Of the two Angel novels I read this monthly for #ParanormalLoveCrew this was the superior. There‘s no indication it‘s part of a series but it would be a wasted opportunity if it‘s not. Great character-building, setting & world-building,
JUST one thing, which I‘ll hashtag as I‘m not sure how to do the spoiler editing.
#AlwaysSavetheHorse #SavetheHorseFirst #MidasLives
This looks like fun!
1. Book: Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
2. Movie: Angels in the Outfield
3. Song: Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls
@JoScho #manicmonday
I enjoy YA fantasy series, but one of my biggest peeves is love triangles. I find them so unnecessary and predictable. So trying to find a sci fi/ fantasy book with a #lovetriangle that wouldn't completely turn me off of the book was a challenge. After a bit of research, I discovered the Unearthly series. The books are about Clara, a quarter Angel, whose life is uprooted when she has a vision of her "purpose" . I enjoyed book one, continued below
“...watching the gigantic butterfly wings open and close behind her, back and forth, such a different movement from our feathered wings. She looks like a Goth Tinker Bell. “More fragile. And I don‘t think they would fly the same way. I don‘t even know if I could fly like this. But that‘s a limitation of my brain. I think our wings can be whatever we want. We see feathered wings because they are #iconic of angels.” #QuotsyNov18
#GetMovin #Untouched https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ykW4rtW2eu0
Part angel, part human there‘s a bit untouch-ableness going on in this book.
Day 22: #SockSunday #Ampersand2018
Day 22: Young Adult #ReadingResolutions
Have you read this series by Cynthia Hand? It‘s so lovely!
Clara es mitad ángel y mitad humana. Pronto llegará el día en que deberá cumplir su designio, aunque eso la lleve a tener que elegir entre su destino y su corazón.
I recently reread this as an #audiobook so I can finally continue in this series and finish it. I liked it more when I read it the first time couple of years ago but it was still an enjoyable read.
Im desperately waiting so I can start this book!! (I am currently reading one and Im not good with reading multiple books at once 😂
#littens #books #coverlove #reader #unearthly
I have mentioned this series before, and while the protagonist herself isn't a #FallenAngel, I spent a lot of time worrying over whether her brother would become one. Nope, not telling you whether he did or not! #Characters2017 @LibrarianRyan
I know I've mentioned it, but these covers are so foofy looking that I would never have thought to pick up either. They're not unpretty; they just make it look like these books are about sad girls who pout in the woods wearing ballgowns. Instead, they are fun YA sci-fi/fantasy brain candy. #badcovergoodbook #AprilBookShowers @RealLifeReading
#17booklove Day 27: Book + Drink I Love: Coffee plus this gem by Cynthia Hand
#OctPhotoChallenge Day 18. I wanted to try and hit both best and worst parents.
Unearthly has one of the most supportive and caring parental figures in YA. This is a beautiful series and you should check it out.
Lolita on the other hand... that's some bad parenting. Humbert kidnaps and sexually abuses his preteen step daughter.
Ich hab ein wenig gebraucht um in die Story reinzukommen, aber dann fand ich es doch ganz interessant 😊
schöner Jugendroman
#Booktober Day 5: #DebutNovels, they are not new but these are some of the ones I liked more. Between Shades of Gray is an ARC but it's signed so it's quite special