Time to see what all the hype is about.
Time to see what all the hype is about.
I've been listening to the keys to the kingdom series on my way to work.
I can't believe this is the last one, I loved these books as a young teenager. The creative mind of Garth Nix amazes me.
Newest book for the bookclub.
So far my favourite story has been The Hound.
(Don't know why it will never let me upload the whole picture, I always have to crop)
This has been on my TBR for a while now. Hoping it's good, the reviews are mixed.
Been wanting to ready more classics, Huckleberry Finn is a good place to start.
Loving all the different little backstories about her character, a nice, different perspective.
When you go and get Six of Crows to read then find out it's highly reccomended to read shadow and bone first 🥺
I got so hyped to read it now I have to get a copy of shadow and bone first...
"I am nothing more then a glass pawn in a black-and-white chess set: out of place and utterly breakable."
"I feel just like the orbiting second hand of the clock on the wall. No matter how many times it moves forward, ultimately it will end up back where it started. Sixty seconds, and all that work was for nothing."
"Don't you hate it sometimes? Being a grown-up. Get a job, get a better one, pay taxes, pay more taxes, same old, same old. We are only alive at weekends, the rest of the time, were hamsters in a wheel. And we can never quit spinning, cause there's always another bill, another mortgage, another... What the hell, another brat, to keep the wheel turning."
"We think we are in control of our lives, but we aren't. Most of the time we don't know what we are doing, and sheep like, we follow something, call it fate, the subconscious mind, or the whims of a dumb moped."
"Casalfranco was like a rubber band: You could stretch it, but sooner or later it would snap you back in place."