This was a fun read! It would make a great cartoon or movie. Onto the next one...
This was a fun read! It would make a great cartoon or movie. Onto the next one...
This was fun!! Delilah is like the female version of Indiana Jones. She's traveling the world and stealing things. She meets Selim while she was a "captive" of a Sultan and saves his life because he makes good tea. They become travelling partners and do heists together. 10/10 #graphicnovels
#fallintoreading #bookclub
This is our pick for our YA book club this month. I missed last nights meeting but I'm going to finish it this Sunday morning.
Finally grabbed a stack for #24in48. Its been a crazy week and crazier month. Looking forward to this weekend.
This mostly boiled off my eyeballs as soon as I finished, but is fun and pretty and a solid 45 minutes of entertainment.
This sounds promising
This was just so much fun! 😄I loved the characters and the friendship that develops between them, and the art is nice too! 📚👍 (graphic novel # 5 of my 11 days/11 graphic novels)
What a fun way to start #comicsfebruary! Loved Delilah's swashbuckling and mischievous nature, and her friendship with Salim.
Day 20 of #angiebookishnovember was #bestcharacterever. I decided to highlight some of my favorite #strongfemalecharacters from #comicbooks!
Stunning artwork and non stop action. I only wish I could join Delilah on her next adventure! Great read for anyone who always wanted to see a female Indiana Jones. The only annoying bit is that the story is still from a man's perspective which leaves our female hero somewhat underdeveloped. Hopefully her character will become more well rounded as the series continues. Also rumors of a film adaptation! #graphicnovel
Really great line work and engaging plot with interesting characters. I'm unsure how accurate, historically, the places and attitudes are but enjoyed it nonetheless!
#graphicnovel #historicalfiction #borrowed
Beautifully illustrated comic book with a very interesting historic setting. I'd like to know a bit more of Delilah's background, but maybe we'll get that in vol. 2.
I love going to comic book conventions and meeting and talking to the creators. I discovered Delilah at this year's Thought Bubble convention in Leeds and so far I have not been disappointed. #comicbooks #thoughtbubbleleeds
Swashbuckling historic adventure with a strong female lead and tea? Sign me up! #comics #thoughtbubbleleeds
Very cool, I'll definitely be reading the next one in the series, but the narration was too distracting. It was told through the perspective of her sidekick and I LOVED that we viewed her from an outside perspective instead of viewing Delilah from her own perspective (adds more mystique to her character), but I thought it was focused too much on the sidekick. I picked up this comic to read about Delilah, not the sidekick. #seriousreadingday
I also love the friendship between Delilah and Mr. Selim. It's so rare to find a platonic friendship between opposite sexes in YA, and in this series it helps keep the book focused on adventure and the concept of embracing the new. #booktober #favoritefriendships
Tonight I'm making my way through some comics and manga while watching a new Korean drama. Next up, this lovely first volume from First Second.
Last minute book club reading is our specialty 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Loved how badass Delilah is, but the plot is lacking.
Loved how badass Delilah is, but the plot is lacking.
Done with book 4! #24in48
A little light but enough here to make me look forward to further adventures.
Finally...a graphic novel I liked. I think it's because I wish I could've grown up like Delilah. Globetrotting and learning all sorts of interesting ways to get into trouble.
I tried, I really did, but it just wasn't for me. I can't tell if I'm not cut out for the graphic novel medium, or if I just couldn't stand what to me was a ridiculous, uninteresting story. And the premise seemed so promising! Might work for others, didn't fly for me.
"Billowy hair, immodest chest plate, wide belt, belligerent stride..." Best character description.