So many thoughts and feelings about this book. Number 1 is that this is section is all too familiar. This is a real conversation I have had multiple times. What is it about my name that makes it #2 on everyone's baby name lists????
So many thoughts and feelings about this book. Number 1 is that this is section is all too familiar. This is a real conversation I have had multiple times. What is it about my name that makes it #2 on everyone's baby name lists????
Believe it or not, this is my first Baby-Sitters Club! I was so excited when my library bought the Raina Tegemeier graphic novel because we can't keep her books on the shelf. It was a quick, cute read and I totally get why Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia and Stacey have such a devoted following.
Annual Christmas Book Haul was a smashing success. I got the complete Ramona set for under $20 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Not as good as the first one but still clever and cute.
I feel like I've been preparing my whole life to read this book
I'm all for any novel with complex female friendships. This one was sad, but beautiful and moving.
Watching my sister read Illuminae this weekend has been a hilariously dramatic experience.
If this isn't the whole point of Saturday I don't know what is.
My 2 year old nephew has this book memorized. He "read" it to me tonight and it was freaking adorable.
I recommended this to a library patron last week who said she didn't like typical fantasy books. Yesterday she walked in the library door, saw me across the room and practically shouted at me how much she loved it. #LibrarianWin
(Please tell me there's someone out there who can squeak over the new books news with me!!)
90% of the reason I'm rereading this childhood favorite is because I love the protagonist's name. Also the narration is 👌🏼
For my Library Kids Book Club. It was pretty meh, but it's for 7 year olds so I didn't expect much better.
I was right, it did change me. It shocked me, angered me, disgusted me and... I never want to read it again, but I am SO glad that I did. I'm glad it was assigned for class, I never would have made it through without my professor's guidance. If I hadn't had class discussion I probably would have started yelling at people on the streets about how wrong we are about slavery "being a thing of the past". So, yeah. This is quite the story.
I was right, it did change me. It shocked me, angered me, disgusted me and... I never want to read it again, but I am SO glad that I did. I'm glad it was assigned for class, I never would have made it through without my professor's guidance. If I hadn't had class discussion I probably would have started yelling at people on the streets about how wrong we are about slavery "being a thing of the past". So, yeah. This is quite the story.
Read for class. Supposedly it's never been performed and is only meant to be read. Thank goodness, it would be positively dizzying to watch on stage.
Ya know, just livin' that evil librarian life.
“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.”.
3 pages in and I can already telling reading this is going to change me.
Decided on this Lunar Chronicles companion as my last minute summer read. School starts in less than 12 hours, hopefully Carswell has some useful advice for me...
Life's a breeze if you sit in the right window and read the right book.
A resounding "meh"
Unimaginative plot, flat characters, confusing tense, and in bad need of editing.
I don't usually pan books this bluntly, but I can tell when the author is talking-down to the kids she's writing for and I do not appreciate it.
Spending the evening reading on the balcony with jazz music wafting down the street... city living isn't half bad.
I'm pretending I'm going to finish my library stack before school starts in 17 days.
I enjoy my own personal reading delusions.
Last minute book club reading is our specialty 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
I skipped over some of the comic history parts but all in all it was an interesting read!
Oh George, George, George... you precious idiot.
I was tickled pink that my library was able to find me a copy of the rare play that was the inspiration for You've Got Mail, Shop Around the Corner and my new favorite musical, She Loves Me. Thank you Miklos László for inventing my favorite plot devise, and thank you to the West Chester University of Pennsylvania Theatre Library for sending the script to me!
Me: *opens books* *sees cool map*
"Ohh, dis is gonna be goooooood."
Riddled with riddles, sarcastically silly, and packed full of pandering to librarians. Just as it should be.
Finished this ages ago but forgot to review it.
It was excellent and gave me lots to talk about with all the Star Wars buffs at the library.
Honestly it still doesn't really feel real. Did I just read a REALLY good fanfic or was that legit the 8th Harry Potter book? All I know is: I laughed, I cried, it moved me Bob.
"We haven't really thought this one through, have we?" Albus, dude, you've haven't thought through anything in this ENTIRE PLAY
Oops, I just became a massive Scorpius fangirl.
Oh Scorpius, you try so hard and you fail so much.
Okay middle-aged Harry, time to see if you're as sassy as young Harry.
Played Calvinball with my book club kids today. The children's librarian life is a charmed one y'all.