Another Saturday, another #librarysale. See anything good?
Another Saturday, another #librarysale. See anything good?
I finally finished this, after months of reading little bits at a time. So much research included. I finally dove in today and read the last few chapters. I met Erika at a local release party for this book.
Also finished this weekend: I See You, Jane Eyre, and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1.
This year I'm doing 5 reading challenges (including #LitsyAtoZ). Today, while procrastinating on homework, I counted up all the prompts I have left to do. I determined that if I read a book for each prompt, I'd need to read 46 books. That'd be 73 books for the year with the ones I've already read. So I upped my GR goal to 75 books and now pretty much have a TBR for the rest of 2017. But I still need to do my homework! (This book is my #LetterP.)
#readjanuary #page24ofcurrentread
I actually just finished this chapter and realized p. 24 was part of it! So fascinating to look at the history of female detectives IRL up against what was happening in literature at the time.
I feel like I've been preparing my whole life to read this book
🔫Girl Waits with Gun🔫was stellar and jumping into this book directly after finishing GWWG was seamless. However I think I'm going to catch up on some comics this weekend before the first wave of fall publishing hits on Tuesday. This will be my pick up book in between.
Mostly a well researched book would have liked to see more examples of WoC in detective roles, both in real life and on the page. Also would have liked to see examples from comics. Jessica Jones? Peggy Carter?
Well thank goodness someone was there to protect those naïve women. Maybe stop the dudes instead? ?
A woman (Anna Katherine Green) created the first serial detective! Amazing.
I am so wildly excited about this book!
Got to see Erika speak tonight at our local bookstore. So excited to read this!