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Two by Two
Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
118 posts | 157 read | 8 reading | 74 to read
#1 New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with an emotionally powerful story of unconditional love, its challenges, its risks and most of all, its rewards. At 32, Russell Green has it all: a stunning wife, a lovable six year-old daughter, a successful career as an advertising executive and an expansive home in Charlotte. He is living the dream, and his marriage to the bewitching Vivian is the center of that. But underneath the shiny surface of this perfect existence, fault lines are beginning to appear...and no one is more surprised than Russ when he finds every aspect of the life he took for granted turned upside down. In a matter of months, Russ finds himself without a job or wife, caring for his young daughter while struggling to adapt to a new and baffling reality. Throwing himself into the wilderness of single parenting, Russ embarks on a journey at once terrifying and rewarding-one that will test his abilities and his emotional resources beyond anything he ever imagined.
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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This was such a wholesome story. In the beginning, I was confused as to where the story was headed and it felt a bit boring to start. But in the end I was crying, literal tears. It‘s the kind of story where you don‘t need to think too hard and can just enjoy the story! A cute book, but not a favorite.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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#Dancing 💃


Leftcoastzen Cute lamp 5mo
Eggs Pretty 🪽 5mo
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: RIsing Arizona

Klou Perfect! I loved this book so much! Though anything by that author is a win with me 😂❤️ 1y
TheSpineView @Klou I get that. 1y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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This book captures the reality of what a lot of families experience and go through. I felt captivated by the kindness that Russ showed throughout every season in his life as well as the aspect of family values. The development of himself, as a man, and the relationships around him were an emotional roller coaster. This definitely speaks to the value of meaningful people in your corner that will pull you through in the hardest moments.

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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Jumping into this beautiful book today💕 #snuggleupandread

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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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💃 💗📚

Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I‘ve read enough Nicholas Sparks that I rate my experience by comparing each to other Sparks book. This one was fine and a pick but didn‘t rate as high for me. It reads like a fictional memoir, but the enlightenment for his experiences isn‘t enough - Russ married the wrong girl and was a good dad. …On the other hand, my two grandbabies practically ate it up!

June #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks
#14Books14Weeks2021 W3B3 @TheHeartlandBookFairy.

TheHeartlandBookFairy Adorable pic! 3y
BookNAround Look at those sweet babies! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Cathythoughts Gorgeous pic 💕💕 3y
marleed @TheHeartlandBookFairy @BookNAround @TheAromaofBooks @Cathythoughts Thanks - I couldn‘t resist the opportunity to show off the newest loves of my life! 3y
Tera66 Oh my! So adorable!😍 3y
britt_brooke Cutie pies! 🤩🤩 3y
marleed @Tera66 @britt_brooke Thank you. They are so much fun - I love being witness to this twin experience! 3y
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La vita in due | Nicholas Sparks

In altre parole, il senso di colpa non sempre è inutile. Serve a impedirci di commettere due volte lo stesso errore.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I have 3 Nicholas Sparks books to get to!! I‘m devastated to learn he got a divorce! This probably happened years ago and I‘m the last to know!! Going to research now 😓

Eggs I remember reading this...is it a sequel maybe? 4y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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My poor little girl has Flu A and Strep. The only good thing about this is I have gotten some reading time in while I care for her.
I finished Two by Two tonight. My son picked this book for me. I have always enjoyed Nicholas Sparks' books. They are easy reads, but they always bring emotion, and this one did that. 4⭐

erzascarletbookgasm Wishing her speedy recovery! 4y
Megabooks I‘m so sorry! Get well soon little one 💕💕 4y
TrishB Hope she‘s on the mend soon. 4y
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Reggie Hope she feels better! 4y
marleed Poor baby :(. Get well. 4y
Rissa1 @erzascarletbookgasm @Megabooks @TrishB @Reggie @marleed thanks for the kind words. She says thank you to "your book friends". 4y
Rissa1 @erzascarletbookgasm @Megabooks @TrishB @Reggie @marleed thanks for the kind words. She says thank you to "your book friends". 4y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Well, I am 408 pages in, Nicholas Sparks' famous " sad part" has to be looming on the horizon.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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9.5 hours short, but with a sick little girl, and my Dad's birthday dinner, I am very pleased with what I accomplished. Good night Litsy friends. I am going to sleep, while my Punkie (daughter) sleeps, and pray that she is comfortable, or we may be in for another visit to the doctor.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I had big plans for reading, and then my daughter came home sick. She is sleeping now and I think I should do the same before the next round of illness.
This silly dog sleeps in the oddest positions, I hope you can all laugh at him like I do.
#lifewithatticuswallace #24b4monday @SumisBooks @Andrew65 @jb72

britt_brooke 🤣 4y
Andrew65 😂 Hope the illness goes over quickly. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hope you all feel better soon ❤️ 4y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks

I really enjoyed this nook as I always do with Sparks' books!!!

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Started Book 9 of January and Book 9 of 2020 yesterday!!!

rather_be_reading way to go! 4y
bookaddict30 Thank you :)!! 4y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I gotten this book last month haven‘t read all of it but so far it‘s pretty good o interesting

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I‘ve always been a fan of Sparks‘ cheesy romance novels. This one felt different. It was a beautiful story of a man‘s relationships with his family. I felt happy, sad, heartbroken, & even angry at times. 3.5/5 for me!

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks

Loved this book... such a great family story.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I‘m not typically a huge fan of Sparks. This book, though, I loved. I loved the main character, Russ, and his relationships with his sister, his parents and especially his daughter. There were pieces of this book that destroyed me, because of my own experiences, and while Sparks is known for doing that, I didn‘t feel this novel fit his typical formula. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I had more time to read today. Spent time in the sun, relaxing and reading. Now it‘s time for a glass of Rosé, it is in season after all. ?? My Bookly app says I have about an hour of reading left before I finish this book.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Finally some time to relax. Sitting outside on this warm and sunny afternoon, with my book and an iced coffee. Ahh! ❤️📖

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I haven‘t read in so long! This is the least amount of time I have had to read in a long time. Work...work...work... I finally had some time tonight and got in almost an hour of reading.

I am really enjoying the brother-sister relationship in this book. My brothers are two of my closest friends, and I can see the three of us being there for each other in much the same way as Russ & Marge are. ❤️

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I haven‘t read since Mother‘s Day! Crazy busy week, covering for 2/3 of our 3 person real estate team because the other two are gallivanting across France on a well deserved 15 day vacation. Prom for one kid & Confirmation for another this weekend, with mere hours between (only 3.5 hours of sleep last night). Finally sitting down to read for the first time in a week... 🙄❤️ Someone wants his ball. A mother‘s work is never done...

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Is anyone else bothered by these types of inconsistencies? The main character tells us that “In February 2004 - I‘d been out of college for almost 2 years...” On the next page, the main character‘s father says that the character and his *older* sister “weren‘t around when Hugo hit in 1989.” If they weren‘t born yet in 1989, then he couldn‘t have been an adult, helping his dad prep for a snowstorm, in 2004. What am I missing?🤷‍♀️

Elizabeth2 If he meant they weren‘t “there” in 1989, where were they? If he graduated college in 2002, he would have been around 8 years old in 1989. Why wouldn‘t he have been home with his parents? 5y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Work is crazy, kids‘ activities are crazy...May is a very busy month. Trying to grab a few pages before I crash for the night. Drink of choice tonight is water, because I realized a bit ago that I haven‘t had enough today. 📚💧

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Reading this one next. 📚

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Not my kind of book. I was very disappointed. There was too much arguing. Too much drama. Too much happy ending. Divorce is not an easy subject to write about, but I would say Sparks got some of it right. Sadly my favorite character Marge gets sick and dies. Tragedy. Maybe I‘d give it 2 🌟🌟.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Audiobooks and building models. Even though I‘m not enjoying the audiobook (tagged library bookclub pick), it‘s fun to craft and listen to books. I finished this build today. It‘s called Eddie (Weird Oh).

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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April wrap up: overall I did better than I thought I would. I‘m working on my last audiobook of the month. It‘ll count toward April too so that‘ll bring my total to 13 books. I‘ve also made some good progress on Moby Dick. I‘m over 75% on that book. #ATB #aprilwrapup #reading

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Book #23

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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks

Got half-way into the book and realized my dislike for one of the main characters made me feel annoyed every time I picked up the book. Spent way too much on explaining the marriage than the “good stuff” that Nicholas Spark‘s is generally known for.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Thursday night reading. Have some episodes of friends playing in the background. Two of my favorite things, books & friends!
How was your day today? How is your night going? ☺️

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks

“That‘s what parenting is all about. Doing the best you can while being terrified of screwing up.”

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks

Not everyone who shows up will like my work. Art is subjective.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks

Guess I'm like an old shoe, huh? ...A favorite shoe...maybe. One that always fit just right and you were never able to replace.

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks

Hugs as rare as solar eclipses.

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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I love Nicholas Sparks! Anyone read this one?

Lovesbooks87 It was so good! This book's topic hit close to home! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Jennick2004 Is this new?!! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Jennick2004 it was released last year!! 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Lovesbooks87 I‘ve got to read it!! 6y
Lovesbooks87 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it was really good. But all of his books are can't wait until his new book comes out this fall! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Lovesbooks87 it‘s the only one I haven‘t read!! I love him!! 6y
Lovesbooks87 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love his books too! I have read all of his books. Hope you enjoy it! 6y
Lovesbooks87 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I know I am so excited. Can't wait! 6y
corycatelyn So good 🤗 6y
RadicalReader @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks just started this novel myself good writing format and plot so far. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @RadicalReader I need to get to it!! 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I‘m 100 pages into this book and going away for the night and will have a lot of reading/listening time. Bail and start something new or keep going???

Samplergal Nicholas sparks and I don‘t mix. But by page 100, if you haven‘t clicked, bag it. 6y
heidisreads @Samplergal Good point! Bailing and taking something else with me! 6y
ambam1987 It wasn‘t a favorite. It also took me a long time to get through. 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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1. Judgemental People😡
2. Cake🍰🍰
3. Fonia 🐶🐾
4. Horror👻 Suspense👀
5. Here you go 😘😘💕


BarbaraTheBibliophage With you on #1! 6y
tammysue Yes on #1!! 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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1. New books 📖✨
2. Both ❤
3. Couch Potato 💦
4. Read a play 📖
5. Both 🙋


BiblioLitten Thank you for playing 😊 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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My mother-in-law‘s birthday isn‘t until mid-April, but for once I won‘t be rushing 😋 Got her a book from one of her favorite authors (and I know she doesn‘t have it LOL) and one of the loveliest bookmarks from @Babiesandbooks to boot! She‘s going to love them!! Thanks Margaux!!

Bookartbookmarks Thank you so much for sharing! 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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So I just challenged myself to binge read on Nicholas Spark's books and will start it by this book 📖 I heard all of his books make girls cry... So let's see how this challenge goes 😂
#NicholasSparks #TwoByTwo #BingeReadChallenge #ChallengeToMyself

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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I felt I had to read this out of my love for cheesy Nicholas Sparks novels, as bad as they can be sometimes. But this was just okay. Spent way too much time on the demise of a marriage and not enough on the good stuff. Oh well.

#twobytwo #auidobook #notmyfavorite #cantwinthemall #reading

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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A yucky head cold has hit me. So I'm relaxing and taking it easy, listening to an audiobook, curled up on the couch.

#lazySundayafternoon #audiobook #sick #reading

cobwebmoth Feel better soon! 6y
Ingerella Hope you feel better! 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf Feel better 💕 6y
Redwritinghood Hope you feel better soon! 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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January Reading Challenge progress! (No Repeats!)

RadicalReader @Courtneymal17 absolutely stunningly beautiful gorgeous chart 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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This book was so much different than I thought it was going to be and so much better. I can‘t honestly say that I enjoyed it. It made me sad, it made me hurt, it made me dread the events coming. But it made me feel so much more than most of his books. This really blew me away. 5*

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Next up!

Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Been slacking on reading, so I figured I would read a few chapters before bed 💕

RadicalReader @Halechr nothing more perfect than a beverage and a book 6y
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Two by Two | Nicholas Sparks
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Late night reads

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