One huge perk of my job is getting to listen to audiobooks!! I‘ve recently found kindle unlimited and it‘s been life changing for me!
One huge perk of my job is getting to listen to audiobooks!! I‘ve recently found kindle unlimited and it‘s been life changing for me!
A little work reading and tea this afternoon.
Today is full of preparation for activities and finishing up mugs the teens I work with made last week, which means it‘s an audiobook/podcast day for me!!
Cozy blankets, cozy socks and a cozy read. The perfect end to my night 🥰
The last couple months have been busy; I finished my college education with an internship this summer to finally earn my diploma, I accepted my first full time salaried job, and I have moved back home (and have finally got settled in!!). I also have been in a HUGE reading slump, I‘m listening to many audiobooks, but it‘s just not the same as reading an actual book. Hoping to find my way out soon 😊
I have graduated and I‘m all educated, now time to read for fun 😊
Last college reading is finished! 9 more days of classes and 11 days until graduation, not that I‘m counting.
Wow, just wow. This book is very eye opening, and amazingly written. Might just be my next pick for book club.
I was early to volunteer at the Children‘s Museum for their St. Patrick‘s Day celebration, so I got some coffee and am listening to an audiobook waiting in the parking ramp. This book is getting good!!
I‘ve started to read a passage or two from the Bible before I go to bed. So far I‘m enjoying it, and it‘s been a good habit to get into.
For one of my classes this semester our semester long project is to (attempt to) take 20% of our time (not when sleeping) and do something we enjoy, I obviously chose reading. I will say being a busy college student with a job and volunteering on the side, it is quite hard to read the 2.5 hours a day, but I‘m trying and that‘s all that matters 😊
This bachelor Monday consisted of being in the car for over 5 hours, an interview and obviously all things bachelor. I (more or less) grew up watching the bachelor and bachelorette with my mom, and now I use it as an excuse to hang out with my friends and drink wine on a Monday night. While I thought I knew everything about the bachelor franchise, this book has proved me wrong. If you have ever watched the show, I‘d highly recommend!
After an extreme cold spell here in Wisconsin, it‘s finally time to start my last semester. I may, or may not be, counting down the days until I graduate in May.
I am finding this read to be very interesting. It is making me question a lot of history that I thought was true that is for sure!!
Spending the day filling out internship applications and listening to my newest audiobook. I‘m finding myself getting very distracted by the book!! While I‘m not fully finished with the audiobook I would recommend it, unless you are already terrified of droughts/natural disasters that is.
I‘ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks over my college break, so this is my first actual book I‘m reading in 2019, so far it is very easy, fun read.
First audiobook of the year in the books. Like most other Nicholas Sparks books there was romance, and drama, which is exactly what I was hoping for. On to the next book on my list!
Listening to quick, fun audiobooks and while finishing up projects is keeping me going. One more week until break!!
My semester is winding down, I can count the number of projects, quizzes and exam on my two hands!! With the winter break coming up I‘m finding myself to be very much in the holiday spirit. Listening to winter/Christmas themed audiobooks seem to be making me even more in that spirit!!
Nature has a special place in my heart. So much so that I am planning on making a career of teaching people how to treat it right. #nature #gratitue30 P.S. these are a few of my favorite places, (top left to right) RMNP, CO..Whitefish, MT..The Subway, Zion..(large left) Wildcat Mountain State Park, WI..(middle right) Grand Canyon..(bottom right) Custer State Park, SD
These books bring back so many memories for me. My second grade teacher had a box full of Boxcar Children books under her desk, but only students at a certain reading level could read them, and I was one of those students. Looking back, the box of books is probably what got me into reading. #memories #gratitude30
Tonight I‘m listening to words rather than my usual nights of writing and reading words. Patiently waiting for the updates while attempting to do a little homework. Whatever the outcome, I am thankful I am given the chance to vote for what I stand for. #words #gratitude30
I‘ve been “bunny”sitting my sisters rabbit for the last couple weeks, it‘s amazing how such a small animal can bring me so much happiness. #happiness #gratitude30
While I‘m sure the colors this challenges creator has in mind were the colors of fall. Unfortunately for us Wisconsinites, those colors are almost all gone, and snow is even beginning to fall for some! No snow yet for me, but it‘s a cold gloomy day, so some bright colors and tea were much needed. #color #gratitude30
I started listening to this last night. So far I love it, actually I love it so much I‘m thinking about buying a paper copy to keep.
Three things I love the most. My family, the outdoors, and good books #gratitude30 #love
There are so many things that inspire me. My parents never fail to inspire me to live my best life. I also find so much inspiration out in nature. These two things help me inspire me everyday, especially as I am working through my classes 💕 #inspiration #gratitude30
I‘ve never done a photo challenge before, but when I saw the prompts for #gratitude30 I decided to go for it. I‘ve been stressed out and overwhelmed with school and work lately, and have been forgetting all the good that I have in my world, and this challenge will help remind me a little😊
The first prompt is #Home. I‘m pretty grateful that I have two places to call home - both surrounded by beautiful nature, and amazing libraries.
My reading (for fun) has been pretty much non-existent these last few weeks. My college courses are kicking my butt, so I haven‘t had much time to myself. Luckily the semester is halfway through!!
Long breaks in between classes are meant for reading and pedicures right?!
Getting a little reading in between classes in before the semester gets too crazy for me to read.
Read the book, now to compare the movie that just came out on Netflix.
Book club reads 💕
Long drives aren‘t that bad when you have audiobooks. They are even better when you don‘t want to stop listening.
Spent the day listening to a new audiobook and getting things done around the house, my days off before school starts back up are becoming limited.
This summer I‘ve been the queen of starting books before finishing my other books. Right now I have 7 books started! My goal right now is to finish up all my started books before getting into a new one. Wish me luck.
Quick, fun read while camping in Colorado this past week. I‘ll have to download the rest of the Not Quite series when I get the chance!
Holiday pedicure with a little reading 🎉🎊🎇 Happy Independence Day!
I‘m starting a book club between my high school friend group. This is our first choice for July. I‘m pretty excited to see what it‘s all about.
Packing up for next weeks hiking & camping trip to Wyoming gives me a perfect opportunity to listen to an audiobook. Attempting to finish my (5) started books before I leave Sunday. Wish me luck!
Book haul from the dollar store today, can‘t be too disappointed!!
Thankful for my aunt @BeckyRoy, she gave me her kindle because she didn‘t use it much, if you need me I‘ll be reading my summer away on this thing!