Another book that I‘d like to reread. I feel like I remember the movie more vividly than the book and yet I can‘t entirely recall the ending. Now that Apple has released a new version, I want to reread before watching.
#CoverLove #black
Another book that I‘d like to reread. I feel like I remember the movie more vividly than the book and yet I can‘t entirely recall the ending. Now that Apple has released a new version, I want to reread before watching.
#CoverLove #black
Another one that's a good book and movie.
Loved this book and movie!
There‘s so much to take in. A good piece of fictional legal literature. The anguish of a man who‘s life is turned upside down at revelations about infidelity and murder. 4 ⭐️
The first book I read by Scott Turow and really interested in reading about a title that I‘ve heard about a lot also because of the movie. Very very well written and I think is going to become one of my favourite authors of genere. #2020
As a former prosecutor and lover of mystery and suspense, I cannot believe I waited so long to read this classic thriller. It was intense and intricate and a great audiobook. Turow writes court scenes very well and the book had great pacing. Sabich, a prosecutor in chicago da office, begins an investigation into a murdered colleague and all kinds of twists and turns follow. #40thbdaychallenge #1987. Will read the rest of this series.
#bookhaul 📚 14 books for $5. Can‘t beat that. So many they don‘t even fit in the photo. A very happy day. Thanks for the fun book club day Steph!!
PS I also bought 3 more at b&n today 😬 too much?!? Nah!
Guilty? Who, me?
1. Can the Poldark books and TV series count? The books are wonderful and Aidan Turner is SO dishy.
2. The Wedding Singer. I can quote it.
3. Nutella. Vast quantities of it, straight from the jar with a spoon. I can‘t even keep it in my house because this will happen. 🤢
4. I tag You! And You! I tag ALL of You!
This just makes commuting a breeze! Listening to it, I dont care that my way home is 30 minutes longer than usual.
Life is simply experience; for reasons not readily discerned, we attempt to go on.
Today's author spotlight: Scott (Frederick) Turow! The 68-year-old Chicago-born lawyer and author was married to painter Annette Weisberg for 35 years, and is now married to Adrian Glazier, their ceremony officiated by Dave Barry ?! In 1990, TIME described him as "Bard of the Litigious Age". 4 of his books have been adapted for the screen. He received Illinois's highest award, the Order of Lincoln. #AuthorPotpourri #TheMoreYouKnow
4.5 stars ... A little too long.
If I wasn't doing so many challenges this year, I wouldn't have read this book. And that would be a shame.
This book is as much a character study as a procedural crime story, as much about a messy relationship as about a trial, as introspective as it is cinematic.
Also, somehow I guessed the culprit early on. But the book was so well-written that I gave up my guess & went for the ride. You should, too.
I've read 4 books so far this month, & only truly liked 1 of them. Here's hoping this gets me out of that rut...📚
#17BookLove #MysteriousLove This is a tough one! So many titles ...so I choose the first 5 that came to mind, well Girl on the Train and Gone Girl definitely came to mind but I'm sure those titles will be seeing lots of attention today(not that the rest of my choices are very original 😬) @jess.how I'm loving your prompts❤️❤️❤️
Yesterday I watched "A Time To Kill", excellent movie adaption of one of my favourite #legalthrillers. I think I might be sticking with this genre for a while. "Presumed Innocent" was very good. Great writing, great plot and all the characters are firmly in the grey. Nothing's black and white :)
Some days I don't have the luxury of reading books. Today it's a 900-page trial transcript.
How "appealing", right?