“Lucifer Morningstar?” Billy asks. “What is that, your World of Warcraft name?”
“Lucifer Morningstar?” Billy asks. “What is that, your World of Warcraft name?”
What would you do if the Devil paid you a visit, and he promised to give you something you‘ve long wanted in exchange for your help in acquiring his stolen Neko cat? And that action would save the world? The Weirdness is a charming, supernatural romp which twists and turns to a satisfying conclusion.
New book mail! I recently read “The Insides” by Jeremy Bushnell and thought it was awesome. So, I figured with a title and book cover like this one, I couldn‘t be disappointed. And I was right! This book is really good so far. Read some Bushnell if you haven‘t 😼
This is a very weird book (as you might have guessed from the title) I read for one of my IRL book clubs. With the Devil as one of the main characters, there are lots of #darknecessities, #lookwhatyoumademedo, and #superstitious stuff. The only thing I liked was the lucky cat on the cover. #luckbealady #rocktober #melodiousmusicals #uncannyoctober #spookyoctober #multitasking
This book definitely lives up to its title. Weird it is! Personally I did not find the main character very likable and the end was a little too "all tied up in a nice little bow". Having said that it was enjoyable and I finished it one day. I liked the first half very much and the wry dark sense of humor was really enjoyable as well.
I quite enjoyed this one. It was an easy fun read.
I did it. And with 2 months to spare! 😊
50% in, and loving it ❤️
Trying to read on my bed, but this guy decided sleeping on me was a better idea 😼
I found this book the @Liberty list of strange and unusual novels. Im 25% in, and it is great 👍🏽 http://bookriot.com/2016/04/11/i-got-your-weird-right-here-100-wonderful-strange...
Excited to be starting this.
This was a fun little book, with a wry sense of humor and a lot of twists and turns. It probably doesn't want to be described as "cute", but I'm going to go ahead and say it : it's cute. As cute as a book about selling your soul to the devil is apt to be. Some of the references will not age well.
#somethingforsept #weirdbooks
The title of one is a given - Weirdness is just plain bonkers. Monster is equal as weird, but a fun, fast read.
Ps. If was only 48 hours, but I'm back from my trip without the internet! Which the only thing I missed was checking in on here with all your lovely post. 😉
This book was a wild ride. It was fun and funny, and, as the title suggests, totally weird.
What? I'm an equal opportunity Neko lover. Day24. Books+Stationary #Augustofpages #bookphotochallenge
Well, I can't say I was too thrilled with this. Mildly amusing, but I didn't really care much for the characters or the eventual outcome of the story. I nearly bailed with 30 pages to go...
What a crazy trip this book is! I can barely describe the plot because it is so darn strange, but it involves the Devil, a lucky cat statue, a warlock with a Starbucks in his castle foyer, and sex werewolves. Really. And I loved it!