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Furious | T R Ragan
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Faith McMann comes home to a nightmare: her husband is killed and her son and daughter are taken. Although the intruders leave her for dead, she survives. Crippling grief and fear for her children make life unbearable. Until her anguish turns to anger and she trades victimhood for vengeance.Frustrated with the law s efforts, she takes action to rescue her children and wreaks havoc on the brutal criminals who tore them from her. With her family and newfound allies at her side, Faith descends into the hellish underworld of human trafficking, determined to make those who prey on the innocent pray for mercy.The forces she s up against have already proven that their ruthlessness knows no bounds. And there s nothing they won t do to turn Faith s crusade into a suicide mission. But they re about to learn that nothing is more dangerous than a mother fighting for her children especially one who s earned the nickname Furious."
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Furious | T R Ragan
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Major cute aggression for the toe beans! Listening to the first in the Faith McMann trilogy with this little beast while crafting. So glad it‘s Friday! #catsoflitsy #kitsy

Catsandbooks I love little toe beans!!! ❤️ 4y
Connster @Catsandbooks Me too! 😻 4y
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Furious | T R Ragan
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Was about to reveal the last & best book from my recent haul when I noticed this! 😡😡😡

It looks like it's been dropped on the spine and the binding has split 😱😱😱

I'm slightly devastated 😢😢😢

Serves me right, I guess, for buying from Amazon. They just don't care what state their stock leaves the warehouse in.


ofbooksandme 😢 6y
Avanders Agreed re Amazon's care these days.... that being said, contact their customer service and they'll definitely replace it! 6y
melsimpson Send it back. They'll replace it. 6y
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RebL Glug. 6y
SageLaruta That is horrible 😭 6y
Tamra Oh no! 6y
rubyslippersreads When this has happened to me in the past, they‘ve given me the option of exchanging the book or paying a lower price. 6y
Velvetfur Nooooo! Was it new as well? I'd expect something like that from a used book, which are the only ones I buy really, but a new one damaged like that....there are no words 👹 6y
BethM They left one of mine out in the rain but were good about exchanging it. 6y
tracey38 This happen to me and I got a replacement book from Amazon. 6y
Redwritinghood I‘d definitely send that back and get it replaced with a new copy. 6y
WolfGirl16 A great book series 6y
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Furious | T R Ragan
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So it's now less than a week till Christmas and it's the time of year I just love to pick up ANOTHER heavy head cold and feel like I've been wrung out like a dishcloth!

I'm furious actually. I take my vitamins, eat an apple a day, am scrupulous about hand washing. Why do I pick up every last grotty bug going?!

So much to do! So little energy! Gah!

DarcysMom Yuck! I hope you feel better soon. 🤗 6y
Tamra Do you have kids or around kids? That‘s my source! 6y
Aleida I‘ve been trying to kick a head cold on its third week now. Touched out the first week, went on amoxicillin for the second, and steroids which helped for a couple of days, but now I‘m back to the constant runny nose and exhaustion. I hope you feel better and can rest during the holidays. That‘s what I‘ll be doing. 6y
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readingjedi @Tamra Yes, I have a Germ Machine. I mean, a 4 year old!!! 6y
dariazeoli Feel better! 6y
readingjedi @Aleida The runny nose is the worst! I'm currently giving Rudolph a run for his money! 6y
Tamra @readingjedi yes! We were sick a lot more when the kids were younger. They are 8 & 11 now and they still bring bugs home we catch but it‘s better now than it was. Hang in there! (edited) 6y
readingjedi @DarcysMom Thanks 🙂 6y
readingjedi @dariazeoli Thank you 🙂 6y
Burghbookaddict My husband is sick again, too. He's had more colds this year than he ever has in his life! 6y
Aleida @readingjedi yes! My daughter is nine and if feeling fine now. (While I drag behind her.) 6y
Reviewsbylola I hope you feel better soon. We‘ve been fighting off a stomach bug in my house for over a week so I can commiserate. Today is the first day everyone seems back to normal. 6y
Marilyncjackson Feel better soon 6y
ilyssa.g Hope you feel better soon! 6y
Bklover No! Hope you feel better quickly!! 6y
LiteraryinPA I‘m so sorry!!! 6y
readordierachel Bummer! Hope you're feeling better soon! 6y
GypsyKat Feel better soon! 6y
robinb So sorry 😐 Feel better soon! 6y
Branwen So sorry to hear this! Hope you feel better soon! 💕 6y
Q84 Forget the apple and go for oranges instead! They are loaded with vitamin C. Avoid eating out because people who work there can afford to take off when they're sick so they pass it on. And washing hands too much can actually cause your body to have less immunity. Try to make sure to wash after money, stores, bathrooms, ect. The rest isn't worth it. (Not a no it all just trying to help) Hope you feel better soon! 6y
Q84 *can't afford to 6y
wordslinger42 I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! I'll be praying you feel better soon and are able to get some rest in the midst of the holidays 💜 6y
readingjedi @Q84 I did actually buy a bag of oranges today which I shall be tucking into soon. I eat all sorts of fruit but I always believed in the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' - well, it doesn't work 😂 6y
BookwormM Get well soon make sure you include Vitamin D in your Vitamin intake as this is the best one for immunity 6y
alvingregorio Rest up with a good book 6y
tracey38 I hope you feel better soon. I am right there with you. Have a gisnt head cold that is kicking my butt this week! 6y
TheBookStacker I have the worst head cold too. Mouth breathing and blowing my nose all day every day. 6y
readingjedi @TheBookStacker Ugh, the mouth breathing is terrible - my poor lips are cracked & bleeding & even coconut oil can't fix them 😪 6y
readingjedi @alvingregorio Excellent advice! 6y
readingjedi @BookwormM I normally take a vit C & D supplement but ran out recently & couldn't find the brand again so have been taking my husband's b vits one. Which probably explains why my immune system has gone kaput. 6y
sprainedbrain Ugh. So sorry!! 😢 6y
dragondrool Hope you're better soon! 6y
Q84 They are good for you but sadly they don't! :( Try the coconut on your nose to help prevent chap there from blowing it. It saves me when I actually remember. :) Hope you feel better soon! 6y
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Furious | T R Ragan
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I ordered some gifts, including the paper mill classics collection along with some stuff for myself from bookoutlet on Nov 16. It never arrived and when I called they had me wait 3 more days before calling back to get a replacement shipment by which time several of the items I had ordered were no longer available. Original shipment arrived today and it consisted of this sliver of cardboard covered with tape and this invoice. 👇

amb They usually ship UPS and require a signature but this time they used a combo UPS and USPS. The letter from the postal service says the enclosed has been damaged during shipping. Damaged?! Someone slices out the section of cardboard with the mailing address and took the entire shipment, this is not damage. 🤯😡🤬 6y
Cinfhen Oh wow!!!! That‘s terrible. I‘m soooo sorry 😫😢I hope you get a full credit at the very least. So frustrating 6y
amb @Cinfhen I have difficulty believing it was an accident. If the box was destroyed and everything went everywhere how did the invoice survive? 6y
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Cinfhen I agree.....not an accident but that can be the postal system at fault 😬😫😡 Either way, somebody owes you 😪😪😪 6y
Soubhiville Oh no that‘s awful! I‘m so sorry! 6y
Jas16 That is awful 6y
GripLitGrl That's awful😕 6y
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Furious | T R Ragan
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Day2 #SeasonsReadings2016 #kickassheroines Author T.R. Ragan created two of my favorite kickass heroines. From Furious (soon to be a trilogy) Faith McMann was left for the dead, her husband murdered in front of her & her young children taken & she leads her family/friends in getting justice & finding her kids. From Abducted & the 6-book Lizzy Gardner series: abducted as a teen, Lizzy is a PI helping others w/her just-as-kickass female team. 📚👍

Suzze Those sound really good! 8y
DebinHawaii @Suzze They are a bit dark in theme but really good & if you do Kindle Unlimited, you can read the e-books for free--which is always nice. 👍 8y
Suzze @DebinHawaii I don't, but I asked for Echo for Christmas. If I get it, I'll get Prime and Unlimited. 8y
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Furious | T R Ragan
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Absolutely loved this. Action packed. Multiple points of view. Strong characters. Second book coming this fall.