Loved the series so much, I had to name my girl Woola. 💜 Anyone else out there name their animals from books?
Loved the series so much, I had to name my girl Woola. 💜 Anyone else out there name their animals from books?
We follow John Carter, a soldier, when he suddenly finds himself on the Red Planet. I loved the symbolism, where the Tharks are like the Native Americans and their enemies are described as "the big white apes". I didn't really like the way Dejah Thoris, the female main character, is described purely as a physical object to admire. We get it, she is attractive, move on already. If you're into sci-fi, this is a must-read.
It's for sale on Chirp! The pulp classic is for sale on Chirp!
“I understand that you belittle all sentiments of generosity and kindliness, but I do not, and I can convince your most doughty warrior that these characteristics are not incompatible with an ability to fight.”
A good mix of action, science fiction, and romance. Normally I am not the type to say this, but when the book refocused on the romance, thats when I enjoyed it the most. The only real complaint I have is that some of the descriptions were a little vague at times. 8/10
Perhaps I am overthinking this, but it‘s funny to me that a Confederate solider has so much compassion for someone who is not only the same race as him, but also isn‘t the same species.
It‘s a hot day. May as well read about a hotter planet #imfunnydangit
First of a series published over a century ago, this was the start of ERB's literary career, his wonderful imagination and sources of inspiration made him virtually an overnight success. I had a lot of fun reading and publishing this as an audio book.
I found this book to be surprisingly good. My dad and brothers have always been huge ERB fans and encouraged me to read it but I never listened until now. I absolutely loved this book. Chock full of action and adventure, at no point was I bored reading it. Definitely recommend.
I nixed all the others and got these instead. I‘ve been reading this graphic novel on and off since I received it as a Christmas present (I really wanted to read this new52 reboot because part of this story is being used on Legends of Tomorrow). The other two would be rereads (and both came from the library book sale). #americangods #neilgaiman #johncarter
@Bookwomble Just hours after starting John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood, I visited this delightful used book store in Leesburg, VA and found a copy of Burroughs' first installment in the John Carter series! Also, sooooooo much beer... 🍻
Discussed with my son yesterday about the difference between John Carter and Tarzan. He considered both to be adventure fantasy, and yet still distinctly different genres. We decided that the true difference was in the scope, John Carter is an important man on Mars — he marries a Princess, he leads armies, and the fate of entire countries is occasionally at stake — Tarzan‘s adventures tend to have a smaller, more personal scale.
ERB gets some props for pioneering the interplanetary romance and writing a pulp ‘classic.‘ But this has not worn well. Plot summary: DON‘T WORRY ALL Y‘ALL MARTIANS, THE WHITE EARTH MAN IS HERE TO SHOW YOU THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS. Oh, and of course get the hottest girl on Mars in the process. 😫 If I rolled my eyes any harder, I‘d snap my optic nerves. ⭐️
Now bear with me on this: I chose this because Mars is Earth‘s #neighbor...get it? 😂😂😂 #150PnPCoverParty
P.S. is this not the best cheaply-produced book cover!? 😂❤️
Oh, my @Jaberwocky! You stalked me well. My love for older sff and general weird is fulfilled. And the reading socks! Thank you so much.
That's on top of all the things not pictured, two lego-type brik sets for my son 😘, treats and a toy for Igrec 🐕, kinder eggs for me and the boy, that I couldn't put on the floor, because Igrec would try to get at them.
I'm amazed! Floored! Verklempt!
@Avanders @MrBook @BookBabe #ssgp #secretsantagoespostal
This wasn't as great as I was hoping it would be. The beginning and end were really exciting but I found the middle a bit draggy. I need to find the next book in the series soon!
#scifi #mars #spacereadathon #classic
I've been slacking on the Author Spotlight, so the first of today's author spotlights: Edgar Rice Burroughs! Born in Chicago in 1875, the youngest of 6 boys. To avoid an influenza epidemic, he was shipped off to family in Idaho on a cattle range. While a pencil sharpener salesman, he read pulp fiction magazines and began writing fantasy stories, including John Carter and Tarzan. He died in Los Angeles in 1950. #AuthorPotpourri #TheMoreYouKnow
Straight #scifi isn't really my jam, but this was a fun book. In an interesting bit of serendipity, parts of the movie were filmed in or near Glen Canyon, which is also the setting for my #whodunitbymail selection. #aplanetinthetitle #junebookbugs
I love love love A Princess of Mars! I even loved the John Carter movie. #aplanetinthetitle #junebookbugs
Despite the very cheesy cover, I liked this book with #aplanetinthetitle. I've actually read this one twice. Maybe one day I'll finally read the series.
All books I own but haven't read with a planet in the title (or subtitle).
#junebookbugs #aplanetinthetitle #tbr
Attempting to tackle the series in smaller installments after watching the Taylor Kitsch movie on TV
Another post for this #FunFridayPhoto, because although I'm sure Star Wars & Star Trek, and current hits like The Martian will get a bunch of posts today, I have to give props to this much earlier series that was written long before any 5 yr missions or galaxies far, far away. I'm still working my way through this series (book 6) but it's full of great stories that are considered common space storylines now, but this is where many of them started.
Hmm #classicbooks! How about this one? The book itself is the inspiration behind films like Star Wars and Avatar. Disney made a movie called John Carter a few years ago, also based on this book.
I haven't finished reading it, but bought it immediately after seeing John Carter.
My bookshelf currently has muchhhh stuff in front of it - so here is an unrelated photo of one of my favourite mugs! Points if you get the reference 😉 #somethingforsept