My #staycationswap is in the mail! @DinoMom @Chrissyreadit
My #staycationswap is in the mail! @DinoMom @Chrissyreadit
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs
1. My automatic read authors are: Sarah Stonich, Elizabeth Strout, Curtiss Sittenfeld, John Boyne, Ken Follett, Barbara Kingsolver, Louise Erdrich, Ruth Ware, Alice Feeney, Amor Towles. This are just a few….🤣
2. Anywhere outside in spring, summer and fall. In winter in my comfy chair covered up with a blanket.
3. Yes I have in the past. I still read at my own pace hence I usually join challenges with @Andrew65
This is so me! I never think what clothes am I gonna pack, but rather which books am I gonna take. Plus, I always leave room in my bag to bring home any books I‘m sure to purchase on the trip. #bookpeopleproblems #booksareheavy
Officially on vacation for 10 days. Will be heading up to Canada in the wee hours. As always posting and checking will depend on internet service. But- which do you chose? For me it‘s a toss up between free books and being paid to read 🤔
@mabell Thank you so much for the wonderful vacation! The itinerary was absolutely brilliant!! (I wish I would have thought of it) (also too bad about the Hermès bag?) I had my opening party at 1:30 a.m. I had a cup of wonderful tea and read The Penelopiad. My vacation is off to a wonderful start! ?
My time in vacationland is almost over. Only three more days before we have to go home. 😢 So this might or might not be my last read of vacay.
Tomorrow I unfortunately have to go back to work. I know when everyone asks me what I did over my vacation and I tell them I read and relaxed they just aren't going to understand. So I thought I would share my vacation stats with my fellow book lovers because I knew you all would understand! 📚💜📚💜📚💜
Been MIA for our summer vacation! Back home and I have the next days off work so I can lay around and just read!! 😍📚😍📚 hope you all had a fun & safe 4th of July!
I am officially on vacation!!! Sorry in advance for all the book posts that will be made over the next week and a half!! 📚🏝📚
I‘ve returned from my cruise! I only read through two books but that‘s ok bc I was havin a great time.
#4NewFavesin4Days (Day 3)
This is such a good book. Unfortunately, she didn't have the right publisher because if she had this book would have won several awards! It came out in 2013, but I recently re-read it for a reading retreat and was stunned at how good was again. Stonich has just completed the sequel and a third is planned. I couldn't be more thrilled for readers! All I can say is....Read This!
Fussy sentences, small print, and grammatical errors within the first 2 pages make this my fastest bail ever.
I feel like you guys are the perfect people to appreciate the true glory of my vacation haul. (Most I've read and just need physical copies of, the rest I'm dying to devour)