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Ms. Marvel Vol. 6: Civil War II
Ms. Marvel Vol. 6: Civil War II | G Willow Wilson
76 posts | 72 read | 17 to read
The Next Generation! As civil war brews, Ms. Marvel teams up with Spider-Man and Nova in their biggest challenge yet: a tri-state academic competition. But math isn't the only problem as tremors of war begin to surface. The best, brightest (and most adorable) heroes face off in the road to Marvel's biggest battle. Move over Iron Man, the kids got this. COLLECTING: MS. MARVEL 7-12
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Who doesn't like a happy shark in a bubble? I mean c'mon!

Another excellent story! Captain Marvel wants Kamala to help with a team that can stop criminals before they commit the crime. She is excited for this except when it gets personal. Wonderful graphics and a good read.

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Looking for the helpers.🦸‍♀️

#quarantinereads #stayhome #shelterinplace

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Such great backstory pieces into Kamala‘s family and childhood in this one, I loved it and the lessons about kindness.

readordierachel Such a great comic 5y
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Another interesting volume, although not my favorite, mostly because there is A LOT of upheaval in Kamala‘s personal family and avenger life, this one also discusses some great real world issues. Definitely still a great series to read.

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#movember #rescueme

I never officially signed up for the graphic novel reading challenge but I did challenge myself to read at least 2 a month and I have been successful thus far. Ms.Marvel is more comic than novel but I enjoy this series and in these 2 books Ms. Marvel needs some rescuing of her own.

cleoh Ooh I love these! Did you see that there‘s a rumour that it‘s been optioned for tv?? 5y
Cinfhen I read the first comic ~ better than I anticipated but GN/ comics really aren‘t my thing 5y
mrp27 @Cleo I didn't! Thanks for the heads up, such a fun series. 5y
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This might be the best storyline yet! Captain Marvel approaches Kamala and asks her to lead a group of vigilantes. They are using intel from someone who can predict the future to arrest people before they come crimes. The moral discussions about profiling and guilt v innocence in our society were SO GOOD. I also really liked learning about her family and seeing her make some very tough decisions

rjsthumbelina Read for my E for Transfigurations for the #NEWTs #magicalreadathon 5y
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Kamala is drifting further and further away from her friends while trying to impress Captain Marvel.


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I tagged the wrong volume earlier sorry. This was “Civil War Il” another great volume, with a sad twist. On to volume 7!! ✌🏽❤️😉😻📚⚡️⚡️

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I keep trying to read other stuff, but Ms Marvel always pulls me back in.

Also, I thrifted a great new case for my hand-me-down iPad! It's older, so I had trouble finding one with the right dimensions. This one fits AND it's red. Red things are the best.

readordierachel She's the best! 6y
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Book #2: ✅ Ms. Marvel Civil War II was great! We got more of Kamala's family's story and really got inside her conflicted feelings re: Captain Marvel. Now time for some coffee so I can be alert enough to read through midnight and accomplish my goal of at least 10 hours today. I started at 5 a.m. and squeezed in as much as I could (at about 6.5 hours now) between stuff with family, doing yard work, and hanging out with the husband. #24in48 @24in48

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I don't read Spider-Man so this was my intro to Miles and I really liked him (even if all those New York kids are kind of jerks to our Jersey City crew, but I love Wilson's point about how unfair it is that these kids have to be so competitive). Lots of great stuff here. Kamala's friends are being further developed and I LOVE it! Also, getting Kamala's family history and a trip to Pakistan is awesome.

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Everybody is watching the Vikings in South Dakota, except for me.

Sarahandhella And now my Facebook feed is all purple. 7y
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I really enjoyed this. I put off reading this for months because I was afraid I wouldn‘t be able to understand this without having read the rest of Civil War II, but it was pretty easy to follow. I was most interested in the flashbacks of Kamalha before she was Ms. Marvel. I am definitely ready for Volume 7!

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So I‘m catching up on Ms. Marvel and... this just happened. Moments like this make me proud to be Canadian.

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Things aren‘t going well in Kamal‘s life.

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at Casa de Me 😁🏡🤓💜📚
Got a scrumptious green apple and peanut butter snack, more coffee because... coffee..., and my bullet journal to record today's stats.
Hoping to share some overdue reviews here in a bit.
#LitsyPartyofOne @Ambrosnazzy
#bujo #bulletjournal

Chelleo I have that same book stand! Love it! 7y
Librariana @Chelleo - Awesome!! 😄 You have fabulous taste in bookish stands, if I do say so myself 😂😁😊 7y
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I'm FINALLY done with my evening engagements (no reading from 7-10pm!!) and am settling down to read some more before bed, whenever I decide that is (this #readathon lasts till 5am for me!). I really want to finish White is for Witching which I'm halfway done with, plus I saved the comics and things for now, when I'm more tired. #oncemoreintothebreach #deweysreadathon

LauraJ 5am for me too. 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @LauraJ How late do you think you're going to stay up? I'm playing it by ear. 😄 7y
LauraJ @Natasha.C.Barnes For the last two, I‘ve made it all 24 hours. Since my foster kitten is getting a home tomorrow morning, I‘ll probably go to bed around 3am. 7y
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Very somber volume. 😭😭😭

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Oh my God!! How could they do that to Bruno! I cried and am still upset.

DaviBooktrovert I just finished it! So sad! 7y
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Gotta love Kamala. One of my fav female superheroes.... eat your heart out Peter Parker.

LA_Mead Yeah! I love Ms. Marvel 7y
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Ms. Marvel - Fantastic, as ever. This volume started a bit slow, but it ender being one of the most moving and best of all the volumes. I really hope Marvel continued to support the character. I'm hearing that these 'alternative' superheroes aren't doing do well saleswise = female characters, and in this instance = a female character from Pakistan. Recommended! #msmarvel #marvel

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#24in48 Final Survey
1) I read two books, 7 graphic novels, half of Priestdaddy, listened to one whole audiobook (The Magnolia Story), and started another audio (Still Life with Tornado).
2) I stopped my clock a little over 24h, but ended up reading for another 1.5h before midnight and succumbing to sleep!
3) I loved how easy it was to post!
4) No changes ☺️
5) Will definitely do again!
Thank you for organizing such a wonderful event! 💜

MrBook You did it! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!!! 👍🏻👏🏻📚 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You're welcome 😊 7y
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Fifth read of my #24in48 - wow, this was intense and dark. I need Volume 7 stat! Obviously I've been catching up on all my comic reading.

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Annnnnd now I'm going to have to start reading the new Spider-Man because I like this Miles Morales.

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Aw! Little Kamala and Bruno! ❤ so.. predictive justice can go wrong quick. I figured as much!

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Profiling by airport security: even superheroes can be targets.

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#KamalaKhan does it again! This volume is packed with important questions about justice, identity, consequences, loyalty, friendship. #diversereads

MyNamesParadise This was my favorite Volume of Kamala as Ms Marvel!! 7y
StormyReads I just finished this and it is so good! 7y
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I love when comic books include important issues and necessary conversations. This volume deals not just with profiling, but also with refugees and immigration. #KamalaKhan

alisiakae That's one reason why I love the Ms Marvel series so much, and so does my daughter! 7y
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Why indeed. I love #KamalaKhan 🤓


A bit slow to start, but once it did, this volume delivers so much story: action, nuance, history and humanity. I can't wait for the next installment.

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Holiday treat

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Kamala's Naani (maternal grandmother) with some wisdom applicable to all people & at every age. 👌🏻


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Did....did she just compare invoking the name & science of Nikolai Tesla to Nazis & Hitler analogies? I....what? Why is this a thing? #currentlyreading

[For anyone not familiar with Godwin's Law --> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law]

EDIT: this is actually super clever & totally connected to the greater storyline. I wholeheartedly approve.

bookloo Haha!! Thank you for introducing me to Godwin's Law. I love learning things like this! 7y
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I love Kamala Khan so much, & I am so glad I finally borrowed these #graphicnovels from the library. I can't believe I have to wait until August to read the next volume once I finish this one - this is why I like to wait until a series is completed before starting it, so I don't have to wait! #impatientreader #currentlyreading

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Another amazing volume of Ms. Marvel! I really enjoyed the conflict in this volume. The idea of predictive justice/profiling is an interesting concept to explore, especially in a super hero title featuring a Muslim hero. While I wish the resolution had gone a bit differently, I can't deny that this was a great and dramatic storyline. #comics

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Real question for comic fans on Litsy: should I even bother reading all of my fav Marvel series that have gotten involved with Civil War 2? I'm so upset that so many of my favs have been dragged into this take two petty shit. Should I bother reading Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Spider Woman's titles that focus on CW2? I'm like so tired of seeing all of this #comics #marvel

queerbookreader @moranadatter Do you have any thoughts? 7y
gossamerchild @lemonlime799 I've been feeling the same. I have no interest in the Marvel universe, I just liked this version of Ms. Marvel 😣 7y
queerbookreader @gossamerchild I like the marvel universe but I do not understand why they did another civil war. The first one was petty enough and this second one is even worse and it just ruins all their titles. They need different universe-wide events or something idfk 7y
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moranadatter @lemonlime799 I haven't read it yet, but it's in my stack to read today so I'll let you know. I've been putting it off because I'm not a fan of crossover events and the last one they did was a bit meh and derailed the story. 7y
queerbookreader @moranadatter Have you read any other CW2 comics? I know Carol Danvers is the center of it so I've been avoiding the second trade volume in her latest series like the plague 7y
moranadatter No, I don't read a lot of Marvel though - just Ms. Marvel, Black Panther & Ironman/Ironheart. Maybe @steverogers has some thoughts on CW2. (edited) 7y
moranadatter I enjoyed it. It didn't derail Ms. Marvel's story at all, but if you like Captain Marvel, it might be a tough read. 7y
queerbookreader @moranadatter Yeesh. Do you think Spider Woman's story will be heavily influenced by it? She and Captain Marvel are tight 7y
BestOfFates I hate both civil wars (& I've actually read both main storylines bc I don't prioritize my time enough) but this time round especially I felt like my favorite runs managed to not get too caught up in it. And I always find Wilson really great at incorporating larger events while still staying true to the heart of Kamala. (Though I've never managed to love Captain Marvel, so also not emotionally rough on me that they've made her awful.) 7y
queerbookreader @BestOfFates Aww, Carol has grown on me so much tho I love her. Did they really make her shitty for CW2? I know the main beef is between her and Tony Stark, but idk what it's about. Did you read Spider Woman: Shifting Gears vol. 2? I'm wondering how her storyline is affected by CW2 7y
moranadatter @lemonlime799 It's hard to say based on what I saw in this one, but maybe @BestOfFates knows? 7y
BestOfFates @lemonlime799 @moranadatter Haha, as soon as I wrote it I knew someone would challenge me on her being awful! They don't mean to paint her as the definitive evil side, as with all events they need you to end up rooting for everyone again when the summer's over! But, personally, I thought the way they assigned heroes to sides seemed random & not in keeping w/current personalities and I also really disagreed with Captain Marvel's stance. 7y
BestOfFates @lemonlime799 @moranadatter And Jessica does have some separate storylines through the event, but she definitely becomes involved and fights for one side. 7y
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Last night, in the car, waiting to pick up my dinner

MyNamesParadise This is my favorite Volume of Ms Marvel! Its so good!! Enjoy! 7y
RealLifeReading @MyNamesParadise I really like these civil war ones. Very interesting! 7y
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I didn't love the latest volume in Ms Marvel... something has felt a bit off - this skipping around the timeline has messed with my head a bit.

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Ms Marvel and Rellenong Bangus (or stuffed milkfish) because Good Friday. :)

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You and me both, Ms. Marvel....

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My April TBR #aprilbookshowers

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Anyone else taking part in the #borrowathon on twitter? I can't wait to read all my graphic novels from the library!

Astridstars I'm doing the #borrowathon and have some graphic novels to get through too 8y
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#BasicBecky has no chill. #msmarvel

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This cover really stresses me out. #msmarvel #marvel #comics #graphicnovels

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This is by far my favorite Volume of Ms. Marvel starring Kamala Khan! Her physical growth was obvious bc of the illustrations, but it was also to help show her emotional & character growth. The themes similar to our world are: the impacts of allowing technology to run our world, is arresting someone 4 a crime they're planning 2 do go too far, the immigration crisis, & young ppl reacting violently to rejection. Loved the flashbacks in this Volume!

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This took me a while to figure out- going to a new place won't magically fix the problems you have inside yourself. I love Kamala's growth in this Volume!!

mcipher Ugh just like real life - you can never get away from yourself! 8y
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Awwww poor Kamala- feels like she doesn't belong anywhere :( I suppose many immigrants and their children would feel this way.

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As Dumbledore said: it can be harder to stand up to your friends or people you admire more than your enemies... Ms Marvel valiantly standing up to Captain Marvel was a huge turning point for Kamala!