Top of my reading stack
All the volumes have been great - until this. This volume drags and drags. It's too focused on going into back stories on every characters - even minor characters. The writing is also not as sharp and witty as previous. Hope they have fixed all this for the final volume.
30% in. It starts to drag a bit. Still interesting enough to keep going. But there is still a long way to the finish line #ilikebigbooks
Finally getting started on this massive book, and It's a hell of a start! This is going to be good. Walking in central Copenhagen while listening to the audiobook. The view here is the Royal Library (called The Black Diamond)
Philip Pullmans first graphic novel is all over the place. This reads like a summary of many John Blake adventures. So I didn't really care for any of the characters in the book. Illustrations are quite good though.
Ms. Marvel - Fantastic, as ever. This volume started a bit slow, but it ender being one of the most moving and best of all the volumes. I really hope Marvel continued to support the character. I'm hearing that these 'alternative' superheroes aren't doing do well saleswise = female characters, and in this instance = a female character from Pakistan. Recommended! #msmarvel #marvel
This book has the longest foreplay ever! 200 pages in, and It's a slow, tense burn. Loving every page.
My view while listening to Shoe Dog. Phil Knight can write! Very, very good, so far. Only 10% in. Now I feel like running.
"Life is a game" ??♂️????♀️?♀️⚽️??
If not for the audiobook I probably wouldn't have enjoyed this as much as I did. The full cast production is great. Top shelf audiobook - the novel itself is entertaining. A fun popcorn book. Nothing more, nothing less.
Rain on my tent in The Alps - and nothing else to do but listen to this audiobook.
I can see this is getting a lot of buzz here on litsy - and especially the audiobook edition. So, here we go. Wouldn't have known about this if it weren't for litsy
The Danish edition of Congo Requiem by the french master. If you like your thrillers brutal, dark and political. This is for you. One of my favorite crime- and thriller-writers.
Someone please put this series on TV! Could be a new 'Walking Dead".
Did I say how much I like this series? Well, I do. A lot!
I see this is getting mixed reviews. I quite enjoyed this - and I will surely pick up volume 2. This has echoes of LOST. So if you enjoyed that you might enjoy this too. The artwork is a mixed bag, and the font used is not that great. But the plotline is interesting. Recommended!
Great - but not as great as the previous volumes. Ms. Marvel has a hard time being super famous, being a friend, a daughter and going to school. All at the same time.
This good has grit and style. I just love Don Winslow. This book takes place in NY. If you like The Wire this should be on your reading list. Perfect narrator for the audiobook edition: Dion Graham. He just nails it!
Aften reading this book I can't understand how this book has become such a massive succes. It's at best a really dull and boring told story.
Seems like an important book...
Mr. Mercedes was okay - but this, the second volume in Stephen Kings crime-trilogy, is really great! I love this, and Will Pattons narration is perfect.
This turned out to be sort of not-that-interesting. I would recommend The Circle by Dave Eggers or Silicon Valley before this if you want a satirical look at Startup culture.
I love tech- and startup-stories. Whether It's satirical, like this, or business books like Brad Stones book on Startups.
Just finished the audiobook version with full cast - and It's the Best audiobook production I have ever listened to. Fantastic. And the book: weird - in the most beautiful way. You don't have to understand everything that going on in the novel. Just go alone for the tide. It's worth it.
Only 12 percent in, but this has to be one of the best audiobook-narrations I have ever listened to
Audiobook edition with full cast. This has been on my to-read list for way to long.
Started good, but then turned into a story with cliched and dumbed down characters.
Coming straight of the Shittown-podcast I dived into this book. Time-travels, pop-culture references is all over this book. Good, so far.
Weakest entry in the series so far...but the ending has a hook that makes me curious on the next volume.
What if all men on Earth were gone (even the Rolling Stones!) - except one? Fantastic story, beautiful artwork. This is highly recommended.
This book is compared to Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: both are set in the 80ties computer, nerd and pop culture. But other than that It's two very different stories. Rekulaks book is really a very traditionel boy-meets-girl-story. It's sweet, funny at times - but also not that original. I love the audiobook narrator who sets the tone of the book perfectly. Audiobook recommended. The story itself is okay but not great.
Debut novel by Jason Rekulak - which I hope hits some of the same videogame-geek-nerve that Ready Player One did.
This book covers the 'war' between Nintendo and Sega in the early days of video games. It takes the underdogs view and focus primarily on Sega and the head of Sega of America - which is an approach I really like. It gives the story a dramatic twist. It's a very good and interesting story if you are into pop culture, video games or technology. The book as a little on the long side though. Overall a great read!
My favorite superhero at the moment - enjoyed with a very pink Friday Night rasberry-coffee beer.
EMO all over this. 👨🎤Not digging it
I'm on a comics roll at the moment!
Warming up for the launch of the New NINTENDO SWITCH with Console Wars. I am listening to the audiobook edition on Mofibo. So far: Very good listen and fascination story which covers the console 'war' between Sega and Nintendo back in the day.
Ms. Marvel not going on a Valentines Day date. She's a nerd, a muslim and a total bad ass in this edition. I love the drawings! This collection also includes another storyarc: S.H.I.E.L.D #2 - which I don't care much for. The drawings and storytelling is totally different here - and not in a good way.
New comics for the weekend! Looking forward to The Last Man and The Wicked + The Divine