Probably only reading this because I read the first one, but maybe I feel like I need to organize my stuff better too.
Probably only reading this because I read the first one, but maybe I feel like I need to organize my stuff better too.
After a crazy summer semester of reading for class (about 25 books!), I‘m happy to be working on my TBR list again.
“It was too bad, but sometimes a little knowledge could ruin your whole day, or at least take off some of the shine.”
How can I explain to anyone that stories are like air to me, I breathe them in and let them out over and over again.
Such a cute book! A graphic novel dealing with evolving friendships, growing up, finding your passion, overcoming obstacles, and (of course) roller derby!
So I gotta admit, I‘ve never been a fan of basketball, so this book was not at the top of my TBR list even though I hear nothing but great things about it. The reviews are true, though, this story and the poems it‘s told in are awesome.
This book made me mad. It was hard to find a character I actually liked. Nick was cheating, Andy was annoying, and Amy was... well Amy. Seriously, I think I only liked Margot. And don‘t even get me started on the ending. But, I was definitely invested in the story, and I was on the edge of my seat until the very end!
Need a bit of a break from my non-fiction, zero waste, environmentalist book binge...
Took me awhile to get through this one. Informative and does well at giving different levels of practical alternatives to plastic.
You guys. This is the most terrifying book I have ever read. Did I predict a lot of the end? Yeah. Did that make it less disturbing? No.
Really enjoyed this one. My one critique is that I listened to the audiobook, and it was a little hard to tell what was dialogue and what was the characters internal thoughts. Also, since there were four different voice actors doing each characters chapters, I would have liked to seen each narrator doing their character‘s dialogue in every chapter regardless of the narrator.
Omg. This book is already super intense, but I have some predictions; only time will tell if I‘m right!
So, I watched the movie first, which I thought was adorable. That being said, the differences between the book and the movie did not bother me as much as others. Both versions are good stories. I think the book did a better job of handling the Tristran/ Victoria plot line, but I was disappointed that Captain Shakespeare was not in the book at all.
“I think it‘s about time we reclaimed our adulthood: we‘re grown-ups, we can handle breakables.”
If the movie did this book ANY justice, I am sure I am going to like reading it.
This book. Read this book. Reread this book. There were sooooo many things I missed on the first reading (shoutout to Watchmen Club for really enlightening me on all the intricate details that were included in this novel). Seriously, read this book.
When the book you are reading references another book in your TBR pile....
Oh man, this book was awesome! So many references and a neat storyline.
There‘s a bit of a theme here...
Got grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry all done. Time for some reading 📖
Well, school is closed today, but I‘m still up. So, reading for my book club it is.
Wow. Just... wow. Definitely my favorite King novel so far. I really liked how all the backstory on everything all came together in this novel and added to the creepiness of the plot.
Well the boyfriend has the flu, which means I get to hang out on the couch. But maybe I will get this finished before it‘s due back at the library on 2 days? Btw, this is the scariest one of the three King novels I‘ve read so far...
Okay so I was reading The Shining before bed, but that got too dark, so I‘m switching to Batman instead? We‘ll see how that goes...
Starting this one now! After the 800+ page Outlander novels, I feel like these 300 pages will go by super quick!
Done! I can‘t believe I‘m actually caught up on this series. Now, onto the Lord John books!
A marriage is made not in ritual or in words but in the living of it.
You guys... I have just under 600 pages left of the Outlander series (minus the shorts stories and Lord John books). Think I can make this my last book of 2017?
So I have to say, I thought this book was creepier than It. Maybe that's because I knew a little bit more about the events of It before reading than this one, but I also think just the intensity and swiftness that events happened in really sticks with me. Looking forward to my next read by Stephen King!
The kid in you just leaked out, like the air out of a tire. And one day you looked in the mirror and there was a grownup looking back at you.
Y'all. I have some serious reading to get done. I have It for less than 3 weeks...
Some reading before bed.
What a cool quiz! Glad to have spotted it here on Litsy! https://bookriot.com/2017/11/09/quiz-literary-dog?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium...
I have very mixed feelings about being all caught up with this series... I'm not sure I'm ready to not have another book to dive into.
So excited for the TV show to be released this week too!
Though that some things could be explained a bit better, but overall a good #spookyread for October!
I heard a lot of critiques of this book because of the constant changing between Tobias and Tris. In book form, people who read it said it was difficult to determine who the narrator was. The audiobook has two different narrators, but the constant back and forth I feel is kind of annoying, even with knowing who the narrator is. But, we'll see how it goes!
Starting this one now! 20 pages in and I'm loving it so far!
"Her words used to have power. If she said it was fine, it was fine. But after you've held two people as they took their last breaths, words like that don't mean shit anymore."