How to find resources about Tough Topics in the Library...
Brilliant!!! 📚❤️
How to find resources about Tough Topics in the Library...
Brilliant!!! 📚❤️
Just organized my nonfiction by Dewey. #stayathome #marchunshelfing
Any suggestions to help fill my categories will be appreciated ~ I'm trying to branch out by reading other genres.
So that's what he looks like...
I am loving my new job! My only real complaint is that the last librarian let the kids shelve the books. Because of this, most of the sections are all out of order & I haven‘t had time to put them into proper order. So each time I shelve books in these sections, I can‘t put them back in their proper place, since there is no proper order! #LookWhatYouMadeMeDo #UncannyOctober
I have decided it's time to catalog my library. This is going to take awhile....
The lines were too long for @Timg138 and I to play Connect Four so I had to settle for looking over a card catalog in the periodicals reading room! *drool* #NYPLAfterHours #NYCLITTENS #booklife #NYCLife
They have the Dewey numbers on the floor at the Seattle Public Library. This place is amazing! And the nonfiction collection is arranged in a giant spiral, so you can wander through the entire thing.
When I started reading this I wasn't sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. It is dystopian meets gumshoe meets Jason Borne. It was a quick fun read IMO. Lots of action, and plenty of turns ⭐⭐⭐⭐
2/3 done, and really enjoying this lil gem 💎
Saw this on a dystopian list, and thought I will give it a go. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼🤘🏽
Found this at a library book sale this morning. It's set in New York after a series of terrorist attacks has brought down Wall Street. Sounds pretty interesting. Anyone read this?
Goodreads thinks I should read this. My TBR is never going to get smaller! Ahhhhhhhh
A silly photo for a grey afternoon - my collection of Dewey Ducks. Each one represents a different section of the system. Can you identify the dewey numbers represented here?