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The Dewey Decimal System
The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
17 posts | 3 read | 32 to read
A nameless investigator dogs New York streets made even meaner by a series of near-future calamities. [Larson's] dystopia is bound to win fans . . .--Kirkus Reviews. "Like Motherless Brooklyn dosed with Charlie Huston, Nathan Larson's delirious and haunting The Dewey Decimal System tips its hat, smartly, to everything from Philip K. Dick's dystopias to Chester Himes's grand guignol Harlem novels, while also managing to be utterly fresh, inventive, and affecting all on its own."--Megan Abbott, Edgar-winning author of The End of Everything. After a flu pandemic, a large-scale terrorist attack, and the total collapse of Wall Street, New York City is reduced to a shadow of its former self. As the city struggles to dig itself out of the wreckage, a nameless, obsessive-compulsive veteran with a spotty memory, a love for literature, and a strong if complex moral code (that doesn't preclude acts of extreme violence) has taken up residence at the main branch of the New York Public Library on 42nd Street. Dubbed "Dewey Decimal" for his desire to reorganize the library's stock, our protagonist (who will reappear in the next novel in this series) gets by as bagman and muscle for the New York City's unscrupulous district attorney. Decimal takes no pleasure in this kind of civic dirty work. He'd be perfectly content alone amongst his books. But this is not in the cards, as the DA calls on Dewey for a seemingly straightforward union-busting job. What unfolds throws Dewey into a bloody tangle of violence, shifting allegiances, and old vendettas, forcing him to face the darkness of his own past, and the question of his buried identity.
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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How to find resources about Tough Topics in the Library...
Brilliant!!! 📚❤️

MicheleinPhilly I ❤️ this!!! 3y
Chrissyreadit Brilliant ❤️ 3y
BiblioLitten 👏🏼👏🏼 3y
Bookzombie This is brilliant! 3y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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Just organized my nonfiction by Dewey. #stayathome #marchunshelfing

KathyWheeler I‘m considering organizing mine by LC. I‘ve already assigned most of them call numbers in LibraryThing. 4y
Librarybelle Maybe I‘ll do that some day. Right now, fiction and nonfiction are hanging out together alphabetically by author‘s last name on my shelves. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I did this a couple years ago & it still makes me happy! 4y
ferskner @KathyWheeler @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks I love that other people think this is totally reasonable. 🤣 I have most of my nonfiction stored at my mom's house, so it seemed like a manageable thing to start now that I can add to later. I love seeing it this way on my shelf! 4y
TheAromaofBooks I even defaced by books by writing their number in sharpie on the spine 😬 I only do it by main number (like 643), not the subcategories after that (643.07) because while I have a decent number of nonfiction books, I don't have THAT many lol Also I use this website a lot if I'm having trouble finding out what a book's DD number should be - http://classify.oclc.org/classify2 - it shows which DD was most commonly assigned to a title. 4y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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Any suggestions to help fill my categories will be appreciated ~ I'm trying to branch out by reading other genres.

The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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Christmas gifts! My loved ones know me so well.

SassyBookworm Cute 😍 7y
Gina @Chrysta23 Thanks :) 7y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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Rocking my “Talk Dewey to Me” socks tonight

The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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So that's what he looks like...

JoeStalksBeck Looks just like my 🐈 Cat lol who is named after him 😜 7y
Gina @JoeStalksBeck hehe that's too funny 7y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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I am loving my new job! My only real complaint is that the last librarian let the kids shelve the books. Because of this, most of the sections are all out of order & I haven‘t had time to put them into proper order. So each time I shelve books in these sections, I can‘t put them back in their proper place, since there is no proper order! #LookWhatYouMadeMeDo #UncannyOctober

Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😱that‘s terrifying, how did you find anything 😂 7y
pocketmermaid Omg nooooo! 7y
Chelsibno @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I realized early that I needed to find the most popular series first, so I scraped together all of them I could find and arranged them where I could easily find them on the shelves. Other than that, I just do the best I can. 7y
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WarpedSweetness That's how the children's section at my local library is. It is so frustrating when I'm trying to look for books for my son. 7y
Chelsibno @WarpedSweetness I know that feeling! It‘s super frustrating for me when a student wants a particular book and I can‘t find it. Even though that‘s just the way it was when I started working & I‘m slowly trying to get these sections organized, I still feel a little bit like a failure when I can‘t help a child find what they want. 7y
WarpedSweetness @Chelsibno Ugh, that must be quite a task. How big is your children's section? 7y
Chelsibno @WarpedSweetness Well, it‘s an elementary school library, so the whole thing is technically a children‘s section. It‘s mainly the picture books, nonfiction, and Spanish language sections that are all out of sorts. So roughly 3/4 of the entire collection is disorganized. 7y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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I have decided it's time to catalog my library. This is going to take awhile....

BookishMarginalia Good luck! 7y
CocoReads I need to do that. Good luck! What system are you using? 7y
JacqMac I'm trying out the Libib app. I like that I can just scan everything. 7y
JacqMac @BookishMarginalia Thanks you. Someone might have to come find me. 😂 (edited) 7y
Emily92Bibliophile I have been needing to do this also. I think I'll try out the Libb app! 7y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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The lines were too long for @Timg138 and I to play Connect Four so I had to settle for looking over a card catalog in the periodicals reading room! *drool* #NYPLAfterHours #NYCLITTENS #booklife #NYCLife

The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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They have the Dewey numbers on the floor at the Seattle Public Library. This place is amazing! And the nonfiction collection is arranged in a giant spiral, so you can wander through the entire thing.

The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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When I started reading this I wasn't sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. It is dystopian meets gumshoe meets Jason Borne. It was a quick fun read IMO. Lots of action, and plenty of turns ⭐⭐⭐⭐

jpmcwisemorgan Excellent. I want to read this one too! 7y
whatsjennareading This is a great review! 7y
minkyb Intriguing description. 7y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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2/3 done, and really enjoying this lil gem 💎

RealLifeReading Don't like the cover but the synopsis sounds interesting! 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I have DDC23 on my work desk... this looks like it'd be much more fun to read cover to cover! 7y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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Saw this on a dystopian list, and thought I will give it a go. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼🤘🏽

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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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Found this at a library book sale this morning. It's set in New York after a series of terrorist attacks has brought down Wall Street. Sounds pretty interesting. Anyone read this?

ReadingEnvy I bought this full price because I'm a librarian but didn't like it as much as I hoped. I hope you like it more! 8y
Prairiegirl_reading I pretty much buy everything at full price so hopefully this will at least be worth $2.95. 8y
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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson

Goodreads thinks I should read this. My TBR is never going to get smaller! Ahhhhhhhh

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The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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A silly photo for a grey afternoon - my collection of Dewey Ducks. Each one represents a different section of the system. Can you identify the dewey numbers represented here?

Ole Got no clue what you're talking about 😜 8y
AWahle That's tough! The aviator duck could be 600s for technology or 900s for history. The 2nd one looks like a ghost, so I'm guessing 200s for religion... Probably way off! 8y
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Zelma Very cool! Is that a superhero for myths in 300s? Ghost duck would be 000s for ghost and paranormal. Or is that 100s? 8y
drokka Does @DuckOfDoom know about these? 8y
DuckOfDoom @drokka yes! I love them, they are so cute! Ghost duck 👻🐣😍 8y
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