Really good!
Book 3 in the #MaisieDobbs series had SO much going on! There were many many storylines and maybe things line up really conveniently for Maisie‘s solves, but I am still digging the between wars vibe and mix of Maisie‘s personal history and professional adventures. The stakes are high in this one.
And you can tell by the pic I raided my library and am diving straight into the next one…
Reread this for book club. Winspear writes about the effects of war on the protagonist, Maisie Dobbs, with an eye to the tragic. She can write a lovely sentence laced with deep sentiment. The mystery was interesting. There was a bit too much going on but overall, it was quite good.
"It's one thing protecting oneself from the dead, but only too easy to forget the damage that the living can do."
I like this series more and more the further I get into it. This one involves multiple cases, multiple locales and some truths and lies that Maisie struggles with, both professionally and personally. Each case had something to say and add to the whole, and I found it interesting to watch Maisie as she intuitively navigated some hard/complicated storylines. Wonderful addition to the series. 4.5/5⭐️
This feels like the summer of Maisie to me. In book 3 we go deeper into Maisie‘s relationship with her mentor, which is more complicated than she thought. She searches in France to discover what happened to two men killed during WWI. There‘s a third plot with a young girl accused of murder and a fourth with a devious medium, both of which could probably have been cut. Still, I loved continuing the series.
#BookMoods #Lies
Playing Catch-Up. For #Lies it is the third book in the excellent Maisie Dobbs Series. Always love the covers too.
@eggs @AlwaysBeenALoverofBooks
Evening reading. (I love June bugs).
I‘ve been on a Masie Dobbs binge. I didn‘t love the very first book, but they‘ve gotten so good. And strangely topical with the focus on “outsiders” and immigrants. I love Masie‘s thoughtful problem solving and her compassionate style.
I am a little late in discovering this series. Thoroughly enjoying this book. Already have the next book in the series from my library.
Another melancholy mystery surrounding the tragedies and losses of WWI. Her writing reminds me so much of Louise Penny‘s Three Pines...
Another satisfying mystery in the Maisie Dobbs series. I like how thoughtfully Maisie treats her fellow WWI vets.
#TeamSlaughter #ScaryScavengerHunt Is part of a series
I planted these orange and black pansies yesterday while listening to the tagged audiobook.
#TeamSlaughter I was outside doing my audio gardening when something strange and wet started falling from the sky. I tried to stick it out, but the mysterious wet stuff kept falling, so my only choice was to come inside and read in bed with tea and chocolate. 🤷♀️
Just got back from my audiowalk, and even though our leaves aren‘t changing yet it‘s starting to finally look and feel like fall.
#ScreamathonPhotoChallenge Autumn Leaves
#FallIsBooked Leaves
#ChillingPhotoChallenge #TeamSlaughter October
After two books with unreliable narrators I‘m ready for straight forward Miss Maisie Dobbs #scarathlon #teamslaughter
Another 4 star book! I continue to love the Maisie Dobbs series! I like how the character continues to grow and deal with issues from her time in the war. She becomes more confident and independent with each book. I also like the foreshadowing of WWII and can‘t wait to pick up book 4.
Another 4 star book! I continue to love the Maisie Dobbs series! I like how the character continues to grow and deal with issues from her time in the war. She becomes more confident and independent with each book. I also like the foreshadowing of WWII and can‘t wait to pick up book 4.
I‘m visiting my dad and spent a good part of the day hiking around the Presidio in San Francisco, some of it inadvertently 😆. The third Maisie Dobbs book is my vacation read on this trip.
Still catching up here on the books I read in the US. This is Maisie 3 and I liked it a lot: she faces some of her personal demons- or tries to - and helps a friend with hers during the course of an investigation.
Another excellent installment in the Maisie Dobbs series. These novels are a great way to learn about history. #audiobooks #WWI
The first two Maisie Dobbs books left me a little underwhelmed as I found Maisie a bit cold and distant. In this book, though, she opens up more and I was finally able to relate to her. Her cases were also interesting.
#AudioColoring while listening to the 3rd in the #MaisieDobbs series.
How much fun is it to be really enjoying a series knowing that there are several more books left to read? I love historical mysteries with strong, smart, feisty female characters. Maisie does not disappoint! I‘m loving following her adventures as a private investigator in post World War I in London after she returns from her service as a nurse in the war.
Uncharacteristically, I‘ve started this series in the middle. Book One is apparently not really a mystery? and the narrator for Book Two was terrible (It‘s for my #audiowalk see pic 😉). All of which is to say: I have a question. Is Maisie Dobbs herself psychic?
As always, completely wonderful. I‘m a Maisie Dobbs fan for life. ❤️🤓📖
@Andrew65 I'm so incredibly excited!!! Hoopla has all but the last Maisie Dobbs novels on audio!!! It makes me happy to have a commute 😅
May you have a warm and snuggly weekend filled with lots of reading time. 🐶❤️🤓
Another snowy morning. What does that mean? More reading! ❄️🤓📖
We are in the midst of a blizzard so we are snowed in. Which means...? READING DAY!!! 😁📖🤓 #happyme #amreading #snowday
A sleeping puppy means I get to read. 🤓🐶♥️
1) Head to Tahoe with The Hubby ♥️
2) 5‘7
3) 17 years
4) Pardonable Lies by Jacqueline Winspear and Soulful Simplicity by Courtney Carver
5) This selfie is with my daughter 💙 I joke that she is my selfie stick because her arms are so long 😂
This was one of my favourite books so far in the excellent Maisie Dobbs Series by Jacqueline Winspear. If you like historical mysteries, books where there is a strong female lead or books set between the first and Second World War this series is for you. #Lies certainly come home to roost in this one and Maisie life is changed in this book.
Just need to do a little catching up. 😳
Finished this one outside today. Loved it!!! Much darker and more involved than the first two and some physical and emotional danger surrounding Maisie. She has several cases going on at once and they eventually all intertwine!!! Now on to the fourth book of this series🌼😊💐
Loved this book, plenty to get stuck into. The plot within this book led to a very close examination of the First World War years and also took Maisie back to where she served in the war. Hopefully she laid a few demons to rest and some positive signs that she is coming out of the funk she has been in for the last 12 years. Will be interested to see how this theme develops. Would certainly recommend the series, and look forward to the next one.
'No jumping to conclusions. Leave the path open for the truth to make itself known; do not hamper the way with speculation. Questions, Billy, are at the heart of our success – the more questions you ask, the better equipped we will be to help ...'