Decent-ish continuation to the series, if the mystery was a bit odd.
Decent-ish continuation to the series, if the mystery was a bit odd.
These stories are such great company while I‘m doing yard work. I‘ve really started to enjoy the characters in this series and I adore the precociously feminist sensibilities of Phryne Fisher. I also love that stories do not shy away from uncomfortable topics and realistic human behavior. I imagine I‘ll continue on with these as my gardening picks up this fall.
This time Phyrne is mixed up with anarchists and a missing girl who has run away from a dysfunctional home life. Love the books and the TV series. Modern day Victoria Dock looks beautiful at sunset not sinister. :)
Great story - I didn‘t enjoy it as much as the last Phryne Fisher I read but she is still fabulous. I can completely relate to her coffee addiction! I‘d love to spend a day with her wardrobe too...
Another fabulous Phryne Fisher novel done. I much prefer book Phryne, even though I love the tv series, there‘s just so much more in the books. Like an extra adopted daughter, a Mrs Butler & a totally different Jack. If you‘ve seen the show, try the books, if you‘ve only read the books, try the tv show. You won‘t regret it. #phryneappreciationclub
I can‘t sleep! Instead of tossing & turning, I‘ve gotten out of bed & am rereading as many Phryne novels as I can until my eyes get heavy. I love these books so much, plus the covers are so beautiful. Miss Fisher is driving home one night when her windscreen is shot out. She finds a man with an anarchists tattoo bleeding to death outside the dock gates. Angered by the waste of life, she vows to find the people responsible. #phryneappreciationclub
No. 4 in the Phryne Fisher series, and this time the unflappable flapper is hired to find a missing 14-year-old girl while being caught up in a Latvian revolution. This series looks quite frothy on top, but some of the storylines get quite dark.
Phryne is a woman after my own heart! Definitely no point wasting the good stuff!😂😂
I loved this, and read it super quick, in about an hour and a half! While this wasn‘t my favourite of the series so far it did contain my favourite quote:
“Phryne nodded. His arm was strong and he smelt delightfully of oranges. She was beginning to have designs upon him.” 🍊
#MountTBR2019 11/36
Goodreads 13/52
#popsugarreadingchallenge A book featuring an amateur detective
#BOOKED2019 Female detective
#BookMail Pt1 After putting away $2 for every book I read last year, I had $200 to spend.They‘re slowly starting to arrive,a book at a time mostly,which is driving the hubby mad! I‘m almost done replacing my Phryne Fisher omnibuses with individual books,just waiting on one more from book depository. I adore the Art Deco covers on the series, when I finally have them all I‘ll be giving away the two bindups of Bks1-3 & Bks4-6 #phryneappreciationclub
1. My Aussie flag is stuck in the shelf right next to me
2. About 5hrs give or take a few minutes.
3. Josophans Honey Lavender chocolate truffles. Soooo good. It‘s a Gourmet chocolate store in Leura in the Blue Mountains, NSW plus they now have a store in the city in the Strand Arcade. Well worth a visit for any tourists or locals.
4. Hardly ever.
5. Death At Victoria Dock on audio. Highly recommend #phryneappreciationclub
I love Phryne and this series. Charming and witty. This one also had a lot to say about communism in the 1930s?
The adventures of the fabulous Miss Fisher, lady detective, continue. In this volume, Hugh and Dot finally meet (and meet-cute) and there are some dangerous Latvians. Delightful as always.
This is my favorite book series and Phryne Fisher is my role model lol. I‘m currently rereading the series via audiobook and I just finished book 4. I would highly recommend this series in general, but the audiobooks are pretty great because the narrator, Stephanie Daniel, does a phenomenal job with the voices, especially Phryne. She really captures her essence. 5⭐️
These books are fun and quick reads! I love Phryne and her cast of sidekicks.
#ReadingResolutions #StateInTitle
Although I'm not really a fan of these books this is one of the better ones and I do like the TV series. And since I live in Victoria it seems appropriate. (I had to steal this photo from google images because I can't find my copy - must have leant it to somebody...)
Phryne appreciates Laphroaig! Another reason I love her. Unlike tv show, there is no Jack & Phryne relationship. Jack is barely mentioned in this one, but thats okay. Phryne has such a big heart & has made her own family. It doesn't stop her from having love affair while still be a role model for her adopted daughters. Play Matchmaker for Dot & Hugh, solve two mysteries & save the day. All while fashionably dressed. 💋💄👠
‘That lemon drink is a little insipid, isn‘t it?‘ she asked, reaching into her desk drawer. ‘A nip of gin may improve it. After all, it is not every day that the prodigal returns.‘ Phryne held out her glass. ‘Bottoms up,‘ she said, and Reverend Mother laughed. 🍋🍸😉
"He gulped down the drink and held out his glass for another. Phryne gave him unlabelled. There was no point in wasting Laphroaig on a distracted man." #damnstraight #peatygoodness #whiskydrinkingwoman
‘You‘ve got a drink, haven‘t you? Always a bottle of something confiscated at a dock gate. Give it to me.‘ He reached into his cubicle and handed her a bottle of Napoleon brandy, part of a recently exposed smuggling attempt. He boggled as she tore out the cork and took a deep swig."
#phryne #whatawoman #attitude
I've had enough of reading women characters who are at the mercy of men. I need Phryne!
I laughed out loud at this exchange. I love that everyone knows Phryne well enough to know that she's not the one they needed to worry about in that scenario. Her evasion tactic was swift and effective. I'm also excited that Dot's evolving into a much more interesting character.
Another Phryne Fisher mystery finished. I love the cast of characters in these books. Hugh Collins made his first appearance in this one. I think it's interesting that one of the ways in which Phryne is portrayed as such a strong woman is to have her share these stories with other characters who are strong, formidable individuals in their own ways. Always fun. #Phryneappreciationclub
After 6 hours of classes yesterday and spending the morning on assignments for my master gardener course, I need a break. Take me away, Phryne 😄
Hubby discovered a rash on his arm that looks suspiciously like a Lyme disease lesion. So I'm sitting in the walk-in clinic waiting room with Miss Fisher while he gets it checked. #Phryneappreciationclub
#bookhaul Still in England, and visited Cambridge yesterday. Of course, we spent some time in a bookshop. I figure book buying is my stress relief, since we are sitting here worrying about the hurricane and knowing there's nothing we can do. Besides, I needed something to read on the plane home. #phryneappreciationclub
"...Comfort me against age and the prospect of all I have fought for being wasted by fools..."
This is the first Phryne Fisher mystery I've read - I have seen the TV series. The TV show follows the book closely. I like this series and need to find stories I haven't seen.
My train is running about an hour late because of an accident. Unfortunately someone went around the gates to cross in front of a previous train and didn't make it. I see people do this often. Please don't ever take the chance. There's always another train. At least I had my Kindle and have been reading
I forgot to take a picture of this book before returning it to the library, oops! Book #4 is just as entertaining as the first. I get the impression that Phryne doesn't change much throughout this series, but that's ok because she is awesome. Also, recommendations needed: should I watch the show, or will it spoil the books? #girlpower #internationalwomensday
Love love love these books. The lack of sentimentality in a female lead is a refreshing change. I will admit the anarchist plot didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but it didn't matter much to me. The characters! It's all about the characters! #phrynefisher
Also, Phryne is totally my #literarycrush right now. #fiestyfeb @RealLifeReading
Okay, so the #characterwhosharesmyname is a secondary character (at best), but I am not reading anything else by or about someone named Theresa. The character in this book is a nun. Which does not surprise me. #riotgrams
And on to #4! These books are like candy to me 💖. And the covers! Love me some #phrynefisher ! #currentlyreading
One of Phryne's more exciting adventures, I think. Revolutionaries! A Lewis gun! The kidnapping of Dot!
Very fun both to read and reread. The descriptions of food make me hungry.
Rereading this series, because Phryne is awesome, and why the heck not?
Just finished the first book in this anthology, Death at Victoria Dock. I love Phryne Fisher,she's feisty,brave, smart,adventurous and very very Australian. Love Bert and Cec her taxi drivers,Mr & Mrs Butler and I love that Constable Collins has finally become a permanent addition. Phryne is driving past Victoria Dock when a bullet shatters her windscreen. She finds a dying Latvian boy on the road & promises to find his killers. Very entertaining.