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Cadver exquisito: Premio Clarn Novela 2017 | Agustina Bazterrica
A causa de un virus mortal que afecta a los animales y contagia a los seres humanos, el mundo se ha convertido en un lugar gris, escptico e inhspito, y la sociedad se divide entre aquellos que comen y aquellos que son comidos. El Premio Clarn 2017 fue otorgado a esta novela mayor, una slida y escalofriante pesadilla futurista en la que el canibalismo es legitimado en gran parte del mundo a causa de un virus que afecta a los animales y resulta mortal para los seres humanos. Qu resto de humanismo puede caber cuando los cuerpos de los muertos son cremados para evitar su consumo? En qu lugar queda el vnculo con el otro si, de verdad, somos lo que comemos? En esta despiadada distopa -tan brutal como sutil, tan alegrica como realista-, Agustina Bazterrica inspira, con el poder explosivo de la ficcin, sensaciones y debates de suma actualidad.
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Book scavenger hunt - horns #hauntedshelf @PuddleJumper #flerken

PuddleJumper 🖤🧡🖤 2d
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Book scavenger hunt - horns
#hauntedshelf #teamflerken @PuddleJumper

16 pts

PuddleJumper 🖤🧡🖤 2w
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Here‘s a couple from my TBR for #hauntedshelf this year! I have a pretty hefty TBR list as I‘ll be revelling in the spookiest time of year at the same time as working on my PhD applications- so a lot of reading to do! But here‘s four that I‘m most excited for. #skeletoncrew

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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This one was a slow burn that just never ignited for me. And idk if it's a language difference or what but the last line? Over my head. This story dragged me in like watching a train wreck. But no resolution left me wanting. But that being said that's a pretty common thing in dystopia and horror stories. So I guess overall 3.5/5 stars
I did very much enjoy the bite-sized chapters and overall short length though.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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Where to start ! - this book is grotesque, brutal , hideous but utterly compelling - I could not put it down ! A virus wipes out the animal population leading to an industry of cannibalism - and just when you think there is a flicker of goodness emerging ….
It‘s an Argentinian translation - short and very disturbing - not for the faint hearted - I think it will stay with me for a long time .

Cathythoughts Great review. I still remember it and that ending. Great book. As you say , not for the faint hearted 👍🏻❤️ 5mo
emmasm08 @Cathythoughts so glad you‘ve read it Cathy if I need some post read counselling I‘ll come to you 😂- the end 🙈I don‘t think I‘ll ever forget it ! Xxx 5mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Well, the cozy Christmas book wasn't working for me, so I went in a...different direction. It's definitely weird. But at 200 pages, I think I can get through this one and hopefully get my mojo back.

Ruthiella This book is about as far from a cozy Christmas book as you can get! 🤢 5mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Intense read for an intense boat ride! Creepy dystopian about a world without non-human animals… not a world I‘d like to live in. #cannibalism #dystopia #thoroughlydisturbed

LeahBergen Was it rough sailing? That added to this book = 🤢 7mo
shantireads11 Rough sailing, rough book 😂 hahah both made me nauseous at points! 7mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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"I'll take the lot!" Said Dexter ?

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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Holy forkballs this book was so disturbing and so good! If you are squeamish, you may find it difficult to get past the idea of cannibalism, but if you can, the message of this book comes through loud and clear. The dehumanization of certain individuals, the blight of factory farming, capitalism coming above everything else, and the fragile state of the world due to our own gross abuse of our environment.

all_4_kb I remember this book…. 8mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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A very clever and unique dystopian novel where cannibalism is legalised.
I described the plot to my colleagues today, and they were hooked 🤣
This is certainly not for those of a squeamish nature, and it is deeply unnerving.
Also, the last sentence made me throw my book at the wall.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Much needed downtime after a day of decorating 🫠

currentlyreadinginCO one of my all-time favorites 🔥🔥 9mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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This book dives right into a dystopian world where people are farming people and killing them for meat. It is worth the read, especially for some of the statements it makes, but be aware this isn‘t for the faint of heart.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Well, Covid finally got me. 😭
This book was…not my cup of tea. It‘s gruesome, icky, political, and definitely makes me want to give up meat.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh! I‘m sorry you‘re sick ❤️‍🩹 12mo
BarbaraBB Covid… so sorry! And a pick nevertheless?! 12mo
TheLudicReader Haha, @BarbaraBB yes, a pick anyway because it‘s objectively a good book, just not for me. 12mo
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BarbaraBB 👍🏽 wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 12mo
rwmg Get well soon. Hope it's not too bad a bout. 12mo
Deblovestoread Hope your symptoms are light and you recover quickly! 12mo
marleed Get well soon! 12mo
TheLudicReader Thank you for the well wishes @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BarbaraBB @rwmg @Deblovestoread @marleed …I am okay, just hard to know how to behave without restrictions. 😂 12mo
dabbe So sorry to read this! I hope your drinking lots of KC tea and taking extra good care of yourself. 💜🧡💜 12mo
LeahBergen Oh, too bad! I hope you‘re on the mend soon. 12mo
ShelleyBooksie Thumbs down for covid! Sending tonnes of well wishes. Hope you feel better soon. ♡ 12mo
TheLudicReader @dabbe @LeahBergen and @ShelleyBooksie , I am hanging in there. I still don‘t have any energy…for example, I just changed Lily‘s water filter and now I have to sit down. (edited) 12mo
Reggie I hope you feel better. Also, after I read this like 3 Decembers ago. I went vegan for 6 months. I couldn‘t look at meat the same way for awhile. I kept thinking of those people. Oof. 12mo
TheLudicReader Thanks, @Reggie I feel okay, but I am still home. That book was so freakin‘ bleak…and gross. And I hear you about the meat…and since I can taste anything anyway…🤷‍♀️ 12mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Due to a highly contagious (and questionable) disease all animals are killed. In order to keep up with the demand for meat we turn to eating humans...

I'm not sure I'd recommend this to anyone, though it is a pick. If the above quote doesn't tell you what to expect, I don't know what would. This was a rough one, especially because it doesn't feel that far-fetched...

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Pippin would like me to hurry up and decide what we're reading next. (We chose the tagged book.)


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww Pippin!! 😽🫶🏻🖤 12mo
dabbe Hello there, Precious Pippin! I have a GSD, and her name is Pippa, though we call her Pip for short. 🖤🐾🖤 12mo
GondorGirl @dabbe We call him Pip as well! Or Pipsqueek. 💜💜 12mo
dabbe @GondorGirl 🤩🤩🤩 12mo
Balibee146 Hello gorgeous kitty.... I too have a mini panther.... Love them 😻 12mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Well that was brutal. This weekend has been filled with HEAVY reads!

#scarathlon #scarathlonsprint #birthdaybashreadathon #mischiefandmayhem

PuddleJumper 🎃🧡🎃 Light reads next? 12mo
bekakins @PuddleJumper I think so! I‘m weighing up some trashy fantasy options 🤣 12mo
PuddleJumper @bekakins 😂😂 Those can be very entertaining 12mo
NikkiM5 Yeah this book was tough 😫 12mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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This was BRUTAL! But I loved it! It will definitely not be for everyone! The depravity is endless. All animals must be eliminated due to a toxic virus that has swept the globe. As a result humans are manufactured for food, called special meat. The ending blew my head off!

Reggie Ooof that ending. I kept wondering how he was gonna keep her a secret. I went vegan for 6 months after reading this. And my dad who I gave a copy to for a long time said he couldn‘t not think about where the meat he ate came from. 12mo
Rissreads @reggie it was so clever in how it made you think about things. How we all cope with the truth by using different language. Out of sight out of mind! Yes the ending. I must admit I was shocked how brutal they became with her. She was just an object to get what they needed. 12mo
GondorGirl Oh, I impulse bought the ebook of this one. It's getting moved to the top of the list! 12mo
CarolynM Oh dear! Think I‘ll skip this one🥴☹️ 12mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica

3⭐️. A little disappointed, could have been a lot better. I don‘t know if it‘s because it was translated to English instead of written in English but I felt the same way about another Spanish to English translated book I tried to read. I wonder if things tend to get lost in translation? I loved the whole premise though! The ending had me sad, stunned, and saying “wtf?!”

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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Finally! I got locked out and due to some dramatic adult stuff didn‘t get my life together to get back my account until recently. Just in time to finish Tender is the Flesh and have a real nice, cozy existential crisis, because seriously. I was trying to explain this to my sister and said it‘s so horrific but so clinical. I think that‘s what made it so horrific for me. Future world where we breed humans for meat. NO THANK YOU

Excellent book

Hooked_on_books Loved this book and love your pic! 😂 14mo
Reagan @Hooked_on_books artist is Kate Dehler, on a NYT article about the book. So good! 14mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Un libro ingenioso e increíblemente atrapante, que hace que te cuestiones TODO en la vida. Desde el canibalismo hasta la belleza y corazón humanos, este libro me provocó muchas sensaciones y pensamientos. Tiene un final… intrigante.
Increíble, lo recomiendo mucho

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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I‘m starting to regret my decision on reading this book 😅

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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Didactic. Predictable. Terrible.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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5/5 🌟

WoW!!!!!! This book blew my mind!! It's incredible from start to finish!! The ending stunned me!! Wow!!! It's disturbing so not for the faint-hearted but totally worth the exhilarating and thought-provoking experience! ❤️

BarbaraBB I thought so too! 1y
Night_Reader @BarbaraBB Great minds! 🤗 1y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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This was an,,,interesting book. It wasn‘t bad and was certainly good. A nice quick read at 209 pages. The ending was a shock of character change.

SandySaga Definitely agree about the shocking twist at the end. It was interesting that I found myself almost relieved and happy for him but then I was like NOOOO! 😅 1y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Not quite what I was expecting, but not necessarily in a bad way. If anything, this book gave me an appreciation for a subtle technique and a third-person limited narrative.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I willingly just read a novel about sanctioned cannibalism. Why?? For the literary merit, I guess. Ugh. Simultaneously an allegory on factory farming and a commentary on how a deadly virus can fully conform a society into committing absolute atrocities. Often shocking for shock‘s sake. There are some truly provocative moments, but too many plot holes. Mostly I just felt queasy and wanted it to end.

CBee I have no desire to read this whatsoever 😳🫢 1y
britt_brooke @CBee Smart to skip! 🤢 1y
vivastory This one didn't really work for me either except as a straight up horror story. If you want a more subtle look at cannibalism I recommend Faber's Under the Skin. That one has really stuck with me for years. 1y
britt_brooke @vivastory I‘ll look into that one - thanks! 1y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica

This was a pretty impulsive add to my reading schedule for this month. As a horror buff, I thoroughly enjoy it when a book can surprise me and genuinely make my skin crawl. That‘s honestly what I look for in any horror novel I read, though very few actually deliver in that regard. Here‘s hoping I found a good one!

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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If this doesn't basically put you off food in general and meat particularly, you have a stronger will than I do. So this is about cannibalism. But it's not really.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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I don‘t know about this one, y‘all.

BarbaraBB The premise is super scary but I loved it 1y
britt_brooke @BarbaraBB I know @Cinfhen did, too. I‘ll definitely stick it out! 1y
Ruthiella If you can stomach it, it‘s worth it…🤢 1y
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azulaco This one actually gave me nightmares, so I stopped reading it. I do want to finish it at some point. I was just too weirded out at the time, but I liked the writing, and the premise is compelling. 1y
Cinfhen Keep going!!!!! 1y
Hooked_on_books I loved it, but it‘s wild for sure! 1y
britt_brooke @Ruthiella @azulaco @Cinfhen @Hooked_on_books I‘m not enjoying it, but I‘ll finish. 🤢 1y
Cinfhen I think audio really sealed the deal for me!! I see you on Insta but miss you on Litsy!!! I know soccer keeps you BUSY!!!! What else have u been reading???? 1y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Been reading all kinds of stuff, but tend to get behind on reviews. Soccer has been nuts, especially since I manage my older son‘s team. It‘s so fun, but we all need a break. One more week! 😂 1y
Cinfhen It‘s great to be involved with the kids sports but I know what burnout looks like. I‘ll be happy to see you back on Litsy 1y
Reggie Lol, I hope you make it through. I went vegan for 6 months because of this book. 1y
britt_brooke @Reggie Ha! I am not surprised. I finished it but did not enjoy. 🤢 1y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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I got to go splurge at Barnes and Noble!! I was able to check off quite a bit from my list 😁 I can‘t wait to dive in!

E.Bolhafner If We Were Villains is on my TBR. I hope I catch it when you are reading it so I can compare thoughts. Sometimes I feel like I am reading in a vacuum since I try not to read reviews on any of the major sites {Goodreads or my personal catalog home Librarything} although Instagram certainly alerts me to plenty of books.
PunkedRocker56 @E.Bolhafner I‘m super excited to read that one! I‘m totally down to coordinate to read it at the same time if you want!☺️ I‘m always looking for book buddies to share thoughts with 😄 1y
E.Bolhafner @punkedrocker56 most definitely. Currently I am between novels and reading short stories. Unless I pick up something particularly weighty I can probably jump in within a day or two. LMK :-) 1y
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PunkedRocker56 @E.Bolhafner I‘m currently in the middle of a book, but I should be done with it within two or three days. I can pick it up right after if that works for you ?😄 1y
E.Bolhafner @PunkedRocker56 yes! Most definitely. I will pull it from the stacks today and plan on mid next week to start :-). Ooh my last read along was Babel with the child and husband, where we read a 'book' per week, and before that I had monthly meet-ups with my feminist lit group. I am excited although I have never done an online read along before.
(edited) 1y
PunkedRocker56 Neither have I, this will be my first read along ever! I‘m so excited!😁 1y
E.Bolhafner @PunkedRocker56 are you about ready for Villains? I am looking forward to a good long weekend of reading :-) 1y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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What the hell did I just read? What a disturbing story! It kept my interest, and was a quick read. Like a train wreck, you can‘t look away. I pray that our world never becomes the one depicted in this story. This book isn‘t for the faint of heart. There were parts where i could hardly believe my eyes. You‘d have to read it to understand.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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This book blew my mind but it is not for the faint of heart. Very good but very disturbing.... Like really disturbing. If you have a strong stomach would recommend!

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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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A post pandemic future where animals spread a deadly virus so our new meat is humans. Humans bred for that purpose. The book follows a slaughterhouse manager through the new meat reality. This horror novella is definitely horrifying. It is also incredibly boring and tedious. I don‘t quite get the hype. 1.5⭐️
Last February #Roll100 reads done!
#MarvelousMarch #Readathon
#NoShameReadathon2023 - translated thriller

JenniferP Agreed - except for the gross-out factor, I didn‘t think there was anything memorable about this book. 2y
Nessavamusic @JenniferP Yes! it was so tedious 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Love Monday Bookmail📚❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Well dang, that was a wild read. I was not expecting it to go the way it did. I don't even know what to think. This one will stick with me.

Ladygodiva7 Agreed, one of the good dystopian I‘ve read! 2y
Ruthiella Yes! I didn‘t “enjoy” reading it, but it certainly has stayed with me, 2y
Rissreads I‘m looking forward to this one! 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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In a world where a virus infects and kills animals rendering the meat poisonous, humans are now being raised/farmed as the new supply. Trigger warnings for rape and animal abuse. I know I will be thinking about this one for a while.

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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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2. Very unsettling, about a world where animals can't be eaten so humans are bred for meat. Kept me thinking and will stay with me. 4/5

Victoriahoperose Agree!!! This one gave me nightmares lol. But definitely a pick because I still think about it. 2y
Shonab @Victoriahoperose completely!! I didn't enjoy a meal for a few days!! 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica

If this review comes up twice, I apologize. But this was an okay book. I thought it would be perfect for me after hearing people discussing it. It‘s the first book I almost bailed on, but only because of the small fact that the book does something repetitive very often. Other than that. It‘s a ride of a book that I can say at least read it once just to see the hype. I kinda did enjoy the book but it was a strong half and half.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Really loved this book. It‘s gross, bleak, detached, and surprising. If you can handle some gore, animal abuse, and child death, give it a go. I really liked the tired and detached tone the narrator had for a lot of the story.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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I reached my goal of 40 books for the year with this wild read! Not for everyone, but if you can stomach the graphic and disturbing details of a dystopian world where cannibalism is legal, and you like dark, disgusting books that make you think, then I would recommend. Some scenes were a bit unnecessary (TW for rape, animal abuse, etc) but it's a pick and I loved it because it was hard to put down, compelling beginning to end 😬

CaliforniaCay Thanks again @Sleepswithbooks for sending this one! Books I get as gifts usually sit around for a while collecting dust because I'm a mood reader. But after reading The Dangers of Smoking in Bed, I guess I was in the mood for a creepy book written by an Argentine author, so perfect timing 😅 2y
Reggie I went vegan for 6 months after this book. Glad you liked it. 2y
Sleepswithbooks @CaliforniaCay You‘re so welcome 😀 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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A short book, but still too much to consume in one sitting (pun intended). The premise, though over the top and unrealistic, stirs a lot of internal thoughts on how society is so willing to dehumanize others. It‘s gory, graphic, and as I finished I threw it down in disgust, but it‘s a pick because it says more about the human condition than most books.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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I think this is my best book of the year. It‘s one of the best books I have read in a long time. It‘s deeply disturbing. With many layers. Humans are always the scariest monsters. It‘s going to be simmering in my head for awhile.
@DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

Cinfhen I LOVED this one🧡 2y
Andrew65 That‘s a glowing recommendation. (edited) 2y
Cathythoughts I loved this one too 👍🏻👍🏻 2y
Patchshank I really liked this one. Sometimes it made it feel so sick though. Such a weird story. 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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Happy Holidays, Littens!! This is my Christmas #bookhaul I have been a little MIA this past week. Lots of traveling and family stuff, without a lot of wifi and cell service. I have still been reading. I‘m back now. And hopefully back to the #WinterReadathon
@DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Still plenty of time to go, another 11 1/2 days of the Readathon left. 2y
DieAReader ♥️🎅🏻🎅🏻♥️ 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Thanks so much @Sleepswithbooks for the lovely surprise in the mail!! This made my day 🤗 I am so grateful to be a part of such a lovely group #LitsyLovers #justbecausemail 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Sleepswithbooks Thank YOU for being such a fun pen pal and book lover!! 😀 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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When a virus makes all animal flesh worldwide inedible, human cannibalism becomes legal and normalized over time. Marcos helps run a human slaughterhouse, carrying out the required daily tasks that enable the smooth production of human meat.

With its casual, everyday depiction of a cannibalism-fueled society, full of characters living in an inherently apathetic world, this book is a truly terrifying—and realistic—dystopian nightmare.🏭💀🥩

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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The setting is a dystopian near-future where animals have been eradicated because of a virus, so the populace has begun to raise humans as a source of meat. The protagonist works at a processing plant, and is having some problems with his work and family. This novel has some truly horrific scenes that demonstrate man‘s capabilities for compartmentalization and violence toward people and animals. This is not a book for the sensitive reader.

Reggie Oh man, I let 2 coworkers borrow this and one of them this week said he hasn‘t eaten meat yet. Lol I loved this book. 2y
BkClubCare Yes, one of the books I am glad to have read only because I now know what happens in it! But I didn‘t quite “enjoy” it. 😳 2y
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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A very thin, simplistic narrative about loss & grief. The setting is a world devoid of animals so humans are processed & killed for meat. The book gets its hype through a vivid description of a person getting killed and butchered. It won‘t make you become a vegan (if that‘s the intention) because the plot contrivance is too unbelievable. Seek out the film El Patrón: That‘ll do a good job of putting you off meat & I suspect it influenced this book

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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This is an incredibly distressing book, but it absolutely drew me in!