The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Rated 7,6/10. I mean, it was good, but I wouldn't read the next one
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Rated 7,6/10. I mean, it was good, but I wouldn't read the next one
The Housemaid is Watching by Freida McFadden. 9/10 rating. I had low expectations for this book since many people said it was the worst of the saga but honestly it surprised me with how good it was!
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass. 7,3/10 rating. This was not what I expected. While it was good, it was not enough for me to get invested in it. Will not continue the saga.
Kill Joy by Holly Jackson. 7,5/10 rating
The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. 9,6/10 rating. This was so so good!
Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Wrath of the Triple Goddess: 6/10 rating
The Housemaid's Secret by Freida McFadden. 8/10 rating
The Poppy War by R.F Kuang. 8,5/10 rating
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. 9/10 rating
The Housemaid by Freida McFadden. Reread. 9,2/10 rating
The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson. 8,7/10 rating.
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. 5,8/10 rating. First half of the book was 3 stars. I just couldn't really connect with the characters or the plot. This just wasn't for me
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. 5,6/10 rating. This book promised a story full of twists and riddles. However it was mostly the story of a millionaire. Not really good for me
Babel by R.F Kuang. 9,6/10 rating.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. 9,3/10 rating.
"Boulevard" by Flor M. Salvador. 5.5/10 rating.
This kind of books are not my type, but I was reconmended this so much I had to give it a try. Results: Meh. There were really good quotes, the end got me kind of emotional, and it was addictive. However, love books are not my type and I found Luke Howland pretty toxic, and Hasley, annoying. Also, it was pretty cliché.
"A Tale Of Magic" by Chris Colfer. 8,8/10 rating.
This book is so beautiful, sweet and easy to read. Although it is for younger people, I liked so much "The Land of Stories" that I couldn't miss it. The only thing i didn't enjoy was the whole "judges thing" at the beginning, i found it dull and uninteresting.
"Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir. 7,9/10 rating.
For me, this book was pretty controversial. The first half of the book i felt distracted, but after it began picking up pace it was quite fun and interesting.
Still, these are not my kind of books, but I must say I liked it a lot more than other books of this type. Thanks, dad for recommending it to me!
Ps: I shipped Ryland with Stratt, am I the only one??
"A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" by Holly Jackson. 9,8/10 rating. I found this book fascinating and really gripping. I almost literally couldn't put it down. The story seems to go one way... then another... and then abruptely changes again with one hell of a plot-twist. Amazing. Recommended for 15 year-olds and older
"Percy Jackson and The Challice of The Gods" by Rick Riordan. 9/10 rating. Great book, so funny and adictive. And the original format from the first saga along with Percy, Annabeth and Grover being together again made it even better.
"Heartstopper Volume Five" by Alice Oseman. 9,8/10 rating. I absolutely adored this book, it was so sweet and suprisingly educational. I learned a lot about about healthy relationships, and these two were so cute discovering themselves once more! It made me want a girlfriend really bad, but i'll have to deal with it.
"The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Arthur Conan Doyle. 7/10 rating. Pretty good book, but the ending was quite predictive. Not bad though! Fun to read, though sometimes it was hard to concentrate. Overall, enjoyable but I liked "A Study in Scarlet" best.
"Pride And Prejudice And Pittsburgh" by Rachael Lippincott. 9,8/10 rating.
It was quite a simple storyline, but so lovely, and full of beauty that I could not put it down. It was the only teen-romantic novel that I enjoyed, partly because it involves travelling to the past. If you are a queer teen who finds traditional romance books cringe, this one is for you, believe me. I strongly recommend it.
"The Sun and The Star" by Rick Riordan and Mark Oshiro. 9,3/10 rating. Beautifuk tender book about relationships, love and acceptance. Everything entangled with a super awesome quest of course, as Rick never fails to create.
Un libro ingenioso e increíblemente atrapante, que hace que te cuestiones TODO en la vida. Desde el canibalismo hasta la belleza y corazón humanos, este libro me provocó muchas sensaciones y pensamientos. Tiene un final… intrigante.
Increíble, lo recomiendo mucho
Me pareció el mejor libro de animé que leí hasta ahora. Está todo bien: los dibujos, el guión, los personajes. Incluso las cosas voladas y extrañas que ocurrían tienen sentido si uno tiene una mirada más abierta y profunda. Me pareció muy interesante y flashero. Recomiendo un montón
Me pareció hermoso un hermoso futuro “utópico” si así se le puede llamar. Me resulta increíble lo preciso que es este autor al narrar una “realidad” que parece que podría estar presente en un futuro nuestro.
En resumen, el libro me pareció muy triste y desgarrador. Muy poético.
Producción en masa, falsa felicidad, arte y belleza se unen en este hermoso libro. Muy recomendable de 13 o 14 años para arriba.
Es realmente chocante escuchar la historia de un judío que realmente estuvo en los momentos del Holocausto. Lo que más llama la atención es que el autor lo haya podido contar en forma de historieta y con animales en vez de personas. Una pensaría que eso hace más amena la lectura, pero es al revés. La cantidad de emociones que me transmitió este libro fueron increíbles. Uno se pone realmente triste al ver a estos “ratones” enamorados, o sufriendo
Me pareció una trama súper original, además siempre me encantaron los libros de acción. Si te gusta la saga Percy Jackson y el futuro distópico seguramente te va a fascinar este libro. La historia trata sobre Thomas, un pibe que no recuerda quien es y llega a un lugar muy extraño al que llaman el Área, la cual está rodeada por un laberinto… Aunque el final me resultó muy raro, medio que te caga la historia es realmente un libro súper recomendable
Este es oficialmente mi libro favorito. La belleza con la que está escrito es impresionante, y la trama es muy original. ¿Un futuro en el que no existe la muerte
natural? Nunca había escuchado nada parecido.
Es increíble cuan cautivante es. Cuantos “plot twist” tiene. Cuando ocurren, realmente te sorprenden.
Si, es tematizado para adolescentes, con temas amorosos y eso, pero no quita la originalidad de la escritura.
No se pierdan este libro.
Es realmente uno de los mejores libros para adolescentes que leí.
Este libro trata del amor, de la amistad y las adicciones, la familia, la felicidad.
Stephen es capaz de hablar de drogas, adicciones y sexo con tanta naturalidad que te sorprende y después hablar de abusos, muerte, depresión y traumas tocándolo de maneras que te ponen genuinamente triste y te parten el alma.
Recomiendo mucho este libro para adolescentes de 15 años para arriba.