Took in a Wordfest Imaginairium event today with Anthony De Sa and Sean Michaels
Took in a Wordfest Imaginairium event today with Anthony De Sa and Sean Michaels
I picked this book for its cover. My mom got this from goodreads giveaway and I immediately fell in love with its elegant and simple cover. As for the book, it was good. Dont read it if you want a strict biography on Leon Theremin but choose it for its beautiful words. There was almost a poetical quality to the book. It was a very romanticized version of the life of the inventor but then again I was never big into biographies (contd in comments)
Currently reading this book and I came across the quote.
Evening multitasking. Or, as my oh-so-literal husband calls it, “multi half tasking.”
I am enjoying this book from the perspective of Leon Thermen, the scientist/musician who invented the theremin. It‘s dragging a bit, but I‘m sticking with it for the sake of the reading challenges!
Side note: transliteration of theremin sounds is hilarious—“DZEEEEOOOoo.”
When I saw this hardcover remaindered at Indigo for $5 I couldn't resist. Check out the Goodreads review by @ReadingEnvy - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1223234733 - that's what first piqued my interest. This might be my 'U' book for #LitsyAtoZ.
A glimpse at some of my books set in #Russia #backintheUSSR #rockinMay
The life of Lev Termin, inventor of the theremin (that creepy sounding sci-fi instrument) and reluctant Russian spy is retold in one of my favourite novels to come out in the past five years. Gulags, spies, jazz music, gin, engineering, and partying in New York City. It's even better the second time around.
So glad this won the Giller Prize or I would never have found it. The plot is a little weak but it doesn't matter because the writing pulls you in. It's one if those books that as soon as you're finished you are looking for the next one by the author.
A nasty little cold has me in its clutches today but no fear! My shipment from Amazon had perfect timing. Just looking at these makes me feel a bit better. Happy Thursday, Littens!! 🤒 😷 😌
If you want to read a book about a young man who creates music, is adored by all and lives happily, then do not read this book. If you want to read a book about a Russian scientist (who loved music/sound/electricity) that also includes elements of New York in the 1920-1930's, survival, wild ingenuity, kung fu, love and betrayal, then read this book. *Postscript* Also, double bonus points for a cover that is shiny.
My favorite book/music combo! Fascinating novel about Leon Theremin and his true love Clara Rockmore (greatest player of the theremin). Perfect book for those who love Russian lit, science, or a heartbreaking tale. (I'm attempting to learn to play this instrument. It's killing my brain.) #augustphotochallenge #booksandmusic
Books and music for #augustofpages - these are my top three novels about music. Us Conductors tells the story of the inventor of the theremin (and romance!), Orfeo is about a composer who accidentally becomes a terrorist, and Cloud Atlas has a composer in one of the stories.
"The sound of the theremin is simply pure electric current. It is the chanting of lightning as it hides in the cloud. The song never strains or falters; it persists, stays, keeps, lasts, lingers.
In that regard, it is better than any of us."
There is a reason this book won the Giller Prize in 2014. I probably wouldn't have chosen to read this book if it hadn't won because a story about the inventor of the theremin doesn't scream 'must read,' but boy oh boy. This is one of the best books I've ever read. The writing is out of this world.
Inspired me to try the theremin again. Great story, interesting style. Russian espionage and lost love. Perfect dreariness in the best way.